Friday, November 8, 2013

The Road To GOP Unity: Here's Step One

As the GOP continues to ponder the meaning of Tuesday's election, John Podhoretz has a cogent analysis in the New York Post. Here's an excerpt:
"Many Tea Partiers are still mad at Christie for standing with President Obama during Hurricane Sandy, and so they’ve decided against all evidence that this pro-life, low-tax, anti-teachers-union tough guy is a “Republican In Name Only,” no better than a liberal.
"Viewing reality through such a distorted prism will make it difficult, if not impossible, for Tea Partiers to derive the right lessons from Christie’s staggering 22-point victory in an Obama-loving state on Tuesday night.
"Which is to say: It’s not enough for a politician to hold views you like. The pol has to be able to talk to people other than you and make them feel good, too."
Click here to read more.

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