Monday, March 2, 2020

CCGOP And Trumpsters Hound Pelosi: GO HOME!

On Saturday, something truly inspiring happened.
The Camden County Democrats thought they'd flex their muscles -- nah, that wasn't inspiring.
And so they had a fund raiser -- nah, that wasn't inspiring.
And they also rallied with Phil Murphy and Donald Norcross and even Nancy Pelosi -- nah, none of that was inspiring either. Between the three of them they couldn't muster an ounce of charisma, let alone inspiration.
Which means it was all banal business as usually at Camden County College for the Dem machine's rally in this normally blue county.
Except that it wasn't
Because the Camden County GOP was on the march with more than 100 Donald Trump supporters protesting Pelosi's visit outside the event in the bitter cold. Now, if that wasn't inspiring, we don't know what is. In fact, the protesters generated more heat on a frigid field adjacent to the event than all the hot air inside the rally.
And we were there and took the photos that you see below. We had a fantastic time!

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