Sunday, March 1, 2020

Five Reasons Why Biden Should Be Easy To Beat

Joe Biden should be the easiest candidate in the world to beat.
And here are five big reasons why:

1) The Obama connection.
Far from being an advantage, Biden's connection to Obama ties the guy to a failed past. Obamaland is history -- and not a history most people want to relive. Biden was Obama's lackey. That should tell you all you need to know.

2) Swamp creature.
Biden is the ultimate swamp creature, schemer, pocket-stuffer and dirty dealer. He's not just a top swamp inhabitant and enabler; he's one of the inventors of the swamp.

3) Too long at the fair.
Biden's been running for president for more than three decades and he just [finally!] won his first primary. He's well past his "sell by" date. He simply never took the cue to get the hell off the stage. No wonder he can't draw a decent crowd.

4) What's my name?
To a shocking degree, Biden doesn't seem to know where he is, who he's talking to, what day it is or even what his name is and what he's running for. And it's not getting any better.

5) Mendacity on steroids.
Lying. Plagiarizing. Appropriating. Fictionalizing. Biden has not only stolen words, concepts and ideas from others  throughout his political career but he's also simply made things up. In the realm of breathtaking falsehoods, he runs a close race with the likes of Brian Williams .

It's sad to watch someone who will suck up to power; demean himself; broker away his personal dignity (or what's left of it); waddle in the swamp; lie, deceive and stumble along at an embarrassing level of incompetence just to hang onto a chance at a brass ring that has eluded him forever.
If this guy can't be vanquished, all hope for America may be lost.

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