Thursday, March 5, 2020

Oh, My! Is it True? Has THIS Deal Been Cut?

Is this the ticket?
Is the fix already in?
If elected, will Biden simply serve a respectable amount of time and then resign? Is this finally the road to a Hillary presidency?
It all sounds quite plausible. But how would the Obamas feel about all this?
Biden's been billing his candidacy as a sort of third Obama turn and Obama reportedly made key calls in recent days to get the other presidential candidates to drop out and support Biden. So, Biden still owes Obama & Co. and relations between the Obamas and the Clintons have never been cozy.
On the other hand, Hillary did help to put the dagger into Biden's only real opponent, Sanders -- a person she says "nobody likes." And she still blames Sanders (and zillions of others) for her defeat.
But then again, isn't Hillary a sort of bad penny in Lib/Dem circles these days? We guess it depends on how she polls.
When all is said and done we could make a stronger argument for a younger women on the ticket -- and one of color.
But wait, wait . . . the Deep State LOVES Hillary. She's an establishment darling.
Oh, the speculation goes on and on. And this is exactly what the Biden people want. Because right now, the Veepstakes is the only thing this crusty old codger has going for him.
What a sorry, sorry excuse for a choice he is!

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