Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Question MUST Be Asked: Is Joe Biden OK?

A excerpt from an excellent column by Miranda Devine in the NY Post:
The truth is that anyone who has seen Biden up close knows he has some sort of cognitive impairment. He often seems bewildered, can’t remember what state he is in, if he’s running for the Senate or the presidency or even whether it’s Super Tuesday or “Super Thursday.”
On Monday, in Texas, he forgot the words of the Declaration of Independence mid-sentence, substituting “the thing” for God.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident,” he began. “All men and women created by the [pause, consternation, hands waving] go, you know, you know, the thing. It’s sad to see the fear in his face when he suffers these “senior moments.” . . . the kindness that has suppressed any honest discussion about Biden’s mental acuity will be swept away if he wins the nomination. The campaign can’t keep him in witness protection forever. At some point, he’ll be caught without the teleprompter, and an off-the-cuff Joe is a ticking time bomb.
Click here to read the whole column.

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