Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Special Message For America's Nurses

On this National Nurses Day, we should all take a moment to reflect on the dedication of America’s incredible healthcare workers. While their selflessness is evident each day, the risks and challenges of the job are on full display during this pandemic.

First Lady Melania Trump shared a video message today to thank nurses for slowing the spread of Coronavirus and saving many American lives.

“In addition to the work you do each day, you have gone above and beyond your call of duty in responding to our nation’s invisible enemy, COVID-19,” she said.

“You are an inspiration to us all, and your actions show us the true power of the American spirit. Thank you for your care and compassion. Our nation will continue to pray for your safety and strength.”

In the Oval Office today, President Trump recognized a group of exemplary nurses and signed a Presidential Proclamation in honor of National Nurses Day.

🇺🇸 President Trump: America’s nurses are heroes!

“You are warriors,” he told them.

Our healthcare workers should have every resource at their disposal during this pandemic. Tapping into the full potential of both our public and private sectors, President Trump has overseen a massive delivery campaign, shipping over 70 million N95 respirators, 112 million surgical masks, and nearly 1 billion gloves nationwide.

Those numbers will continue to grow in the days and weeks ahead.

Read President Trump’s Proclamation honoring America’s nurses.

🎬 MORE: The President’s message yesterday to those who have lost loved ones

All of America can learn from our heartland

Corporate media has a knack for lecturing Middle America about how to govern itself—and the Coronavirus response is no exception.

But while pundits with secure paychecks bash states that are working hard to safely reopen, local leaders are the ones who know their people’s hardships firsthand.

Today, President Trump hosted one governor who’s done an exceptional job leading her state through the crisis: Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds. The two discussed Iowa’s Coronavirus response and President Trump’s phased Guidelines for Opening Up America Again.

🎬 Iowa Gov: Partnership through pandemic “has been incredible”

Iowa has a reliable partner in President Trump. In the past two months alone, over 100 million gloves and 4.4 million masks have been sent to the state. In terms of economic relief, as of mid-April, over $1.7 billion in direct payments had been issued to Iowans.

“Five Republican Governors: Here’s Why Our Approach Worked”

Photo of the Day

On behalf of First Lady Melania Trump, White House Residence staff deliver over 150 boxed lunches to the patients and staff at the Children’s Inn at the National Institute of Health | May 5, 2020

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