Saturday, September 5, 2020

The GOOD News They're Hiding From You!

There's lots of good news for President Trump and his supporters in the latest round of polls.
But the media aren't reporting it because they don't want you to know about it. Instead, they'd rather report scurrilous lies and rumors from cowardly "sources" who hide behind their anonymity.
But we will report it here:
  • The latest Rasumussen national poll has President Trump's approval rating at 52% -- near an all-time high for the president! It's important to note that Barack Obama had an only a 47% approval rating at the same point in his presidency and he went on to an easy re-election victory. 
  • Trump now leads Biden by two points in North Carolina, a key battleground state. The numbers are 49% to 47%. This poll is from East Carolina University. 
  • In Ohio Trump leads Biden in a tracking poll of Ohio likely voters. This is a Morning Consult poll where Trump continues to lead Biden in Ohio by five points.
  • According to Rasmussen, Trump and Biden are tied at 46% in Pennsylvania. That's a big jump for Trump in a state where he now appears to have the momentum.
  • In Georgia a local ABC News Landmark poll says that Trump has widened his lead over Biden and now has a 48%-40% advantage -- an eight point lead!
  • The latest Trafalgar poll has Trump up by three in Florida (49%-46%) and with a two-point lead in Michigan (47%-45%).
  • Nationally, Rasmussen's weekly polls have been showing Biden with only a one, two or three percent lead -- all within the margin of error.    
It's important to note that these battleground state polls are critical as they will determine the all-important electoral college result. And, most of the polls we're reporting now are among likely votes (as opposed to all registered voters) giving us a far more credible view of things. Finally, remember that Rasmussen and Trafalgar were two of the only polls to get things right in 2016.

Note: These polls are probably one of the big reasons that the Biden campaign and the national media fought back in the past couple of days with the "Trump hates the military" hoax (all unattributed concoctions) and the Biden TV ads (probably ready to go in advance) that followed. They feel the heat. They're getting desperate!

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