Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Live Blog: Vice Presidential Debate, Part 3

 Now, incredibly, Harris finds herself defending the horrid Iran nuclear deal. 

On foreign policy, Pence is now running through a list of diplomatic and military triumphs: the US embassy in Jerusalem, obliterating terrorists, etc. and contrasting that with the actions of Obama-Biden. 

Harris just blew it -- trying to apologize (or something) to the parents of a woman who died at the hands of terrorists. And then she tries to save themselves by bringing up totally unsubstantiated charges against President Trump -- all lodged by anonymous sources who still refuse to come forward many weeks after those charges were lodged.

Pence: "History records that Biden actually opposed taking out bin Laden."

Pence is masterful tonight. He turns a question about abortion into the issue of religious freedom and the right to worship. Pence: "I'm pro life; I don't apologize for it." 

Pence: "Are you and Joe Biden going to pack the Supreme Court if Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed?" Pence has hit hard on "packing the court." And Harris absolutely refuses to answer! 

Harris hits back about a lack of Black appointees to the federal courts. But, no answer to the question.

Pence is amazing tonight - clear, steady and devastating. He's hitting Harris at every turn.

Harris: "I will not sit here and be lectured by the Vice President on what it means to enforce the laws of our country!"

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