Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Five Things You Need To Remember About Biden

Most of what's written about Biden right now is sheer propaganda fed by slick handlers and deep state aparatchicks to an adoring legacy media who lap it up like kittens to sweet cream. Pay no attention to any of it. Here's all you need to know about Biden:

1) Biden checked his principles at the door ages ago when he entered politics and, in a ruthless, despicable campaign, defeated an influential, longstanding incumbent to become the youngest US Senator ever. He's never looked back.

2) Biden is a Big Government, Big Labor guy and always has been. He cares not one wit about runaway spending and burgeoning deficits. His formula is simple: buy voters with freebies and handouts and make them dependent on you forever. 

3) For Biden, taxes have nothing to do with "fairness" and everything to do with redistributing the wealth. To Biden, wealth is largely unearned. For him "rich" people are the enemy and need to be punished -- and that includes hard-working people who have only recently achieved some semblance of reasonable financial security. In fact, Biden likely harbors a deep-seated resentment toward those he's long viewed as "privileged." 

4) Biden knows he has a small window of opportunity and must act quickly. He understands the ways of Congress; knows the rules and knows how to get around them. He will do whatever he has to do to ram his program through swiftly and mercilessly. He means to leave a Big Mark on history -- to have a significant legacy in the manner of FDR and LBJ.

2) Yes. Biden is most likely cognitively impaired, but it doesn't matter. Emotionally he completely understands what he has to do and how he has to do it and he has no intention of backing down. He's waited his whole life for this. Until recently, he had all but given up hope that the supreme opportunity of the presidency would come his way. Now that he's got the Big Prize and the power that goes with it, he may stumble and bungle along the way but it won't matter much because his handlers and Big Media will cover for him so he can get it done.

And one more thing: Biden doesn't care what you think. He doesn't care if you agree with him or not or if you like him or not. He doesn't care because he doesn't have to -- not now, not anymore. He's got what he always wanted and he's not probably not going to seek a second term.  

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