Friday, February 4, 2022

'Crash And Snatch' Looters Hit Rittenhouse Row

Watch Jim Kenney in the clip above.
Philly's mayor is a real piece of work.
Kenney suggests that the problem is not crime but the absence of people in center city Philadelphia -- the lack of foot traffic.
What a joke! Philly's had more than 130 car jackings already this year and is on pace to meet or exceed the record number of murders it tallied last year.
Mr. Mayor, don't you see that the reason people are not out and about in center city is because they simply feel it's too damned dangerous to venture out? This isn't rocket science.
People are not strolling about -- they're not leaving their offices or their places of business and visitors and tourists are not even coming into the city -- precisely because of stories like this.
Thanks to Kenney and DA Krasner and a weak, seemingly clueless police chief, Philadelphia is becoming a haven for looters, vagrants druggies, thieves and murderers. 
THIS is Jim Kenney's Philadelphia!

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