Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Right Now, We Want You To Think About THIS!

Think about this for a moment.

On Memorial Day, 2020 gas was $1.87 a gallon which meant that you paid about $28 to fill up your tank.

TODAY, the national gas price average is $4.95 per gallon which means it costs about $74 to fill up your tank.

OMG! That's a difference of $46 every time you fill up. FORTY SIX DOLLARS!  Multiply that over and over again and think about the cost of this. And just imagine the toll it takes if you have two cars.

Now, go ahead and add in the increased cost of everything else. 

Just in the past year, bread is up 14%. Milk is up 15%. Bacon is up 18%. Oranges are up 17%. Cereal is up 12%. Baby food (excusing formula which you can't find) is up 15%. Soup is up 13%. Coffee is up 14%.

Airline tickets are up 33%. Hotels are up 22% and don't expect your room to be cleaned everyday. Furniture is up 15%.  Tires for your car? They're up 16%. Wanna buy a used car? Expect to pay 23% more.

Remember: These increase are just for the past year!

Now, take a deep breath.

Sit back and think about what all this is costing you -- the burden of it all every single day.

By now, we shouldn't have to tell you what to do in November and how to vote. If you have any sense at all, you know what to do!

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