Wednesday, February 22, 2023

THIS Is The Day For George Washington!

According to calendars used since the mid 18th century, today is George Washington's birthday. Yes, Washington was born on February 22, 1732 -- not on the meaningless "Presidents Day." And today remains the appropriate day for observances of Washington’s birth.

Public celebrations for George Washington's birthday actually predate his term as president, and were originally intended to honor his service in the War for Independence. By the early 19th century, Washington's Birthday had taken hold in the American experience as a full-fledged national holiday. Its traditions included Birthnight Balls in various parts of the country, speeches and receptions and revelry in taverns throughout the land.

The story of Washington’s life was widely taught and legends about Washington began to grow. 
At a dinner honoring the centennial of Washington’s birth in 1832 Daniel Webster said that Washington’s legacy was nothing less than “the edifice of constitutional American liberty.”
It’s time to resurrect that legacy, acknowledge that edifice and restore George Washington’s rightful place in our national life.

George Washington -- still considered the father of our country and the greatest president ever!

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