Tuesday, September 5, 2023

And Now, The Inevitable Dread Of DALD!

DALD is now upon us. And DALD carries its own sort of dread with it. C'mon, now -- you knew this day would arrive. But doubtless you're almost always surprised it arrives so soon, like something that's sprung on you.

And suddenly, there's so much to do -- so much to deal with. You just know that you'll be paying catch up before the day even begins. But that must be because you simply pretended this moment wouldn't some as you entertained yourself with a series of distractions. But it's here and though this is a Tuesday it actually feels like a ton of Mondays combined with all the built in anxiety of a Sunday night.

It's DALD, my friends -- the dreaded Day After Labor Day. Now, you've really got to get down to business. No more child's play; no more whimsy; no more messin' around; no more flights of fancy or frivolous escapes. Oh you may be able to cheat your way through an hour or two but, be forewarned, it'll cost you. We're headed back into realtime now! So, chop chop. Let's get on with it. There's work to be done -- and lots of it!

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