Friday, September 1, 2023

Migrants Housed In Atlantic City? NO WAY!

New Jersey's 10th Legislative District lawmakers—Senator Jim Holzapfel, Assemblyman Greg McGuckin, and Assemblyman John Catalano—released a statement today blasting the Biden Administration for offering Atlantic City Airport as a possible place to house migrants:

Sen. Jim Holzapfel, Asm. Greg McGuckin, and Asm. John Catalano blasted the Biden Administration for offering Atlantic City Airport as a possible place to house migrants. (

“The Biden Administration’s disastrous immigration policies have led to an influx of illegal immigrants that have overrun New York and many other sanctuary cities. And now, the Biden Administration and NYC Mayor Eric Adams are attempting to force New Jersey to clean up their humanitarian crisis. As far as we are concerned, this is not New Jersey’s problem. These are the consequences of failed border policies enacted by the Biden Administration and the people of New Jersey should not have to clean up their mess.

“For years we have warned about the disastrous consequences of open borders and sanctuary cities. Such policies not only jeopardize the safety of millions of our residents, but they exacerbate existing hardships for legal citizens who will see their hard-earned taxpayer dollars siphoned off to pay for government entitlements that people in this country illegally should not be receiving in the first place.

“In fact, it’s not just the policies of the Biden Administration that are to blame—New Jersey has enough of its own problems to deal with. Since Governor Murphy first took office in 2018, he’s funded expensive cash payments and free health care for illegals while cutting state aid to schools, jacking up health care costs for teachers and first responders, and driving up property taxes. Unfortunately, there’s no sanctuary for New Jersey taxpayers in Governor Murphy’s sanctuary state.

“New Jersey cannot afford any more failed Democrat policies. We call on Governor Murphy to reject President Biden’s proposal and prevent New York’s problem from being left at our doorstep.”

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