Friday, May 3, 2024

Rasmussen: Trump Pulling Away In Latest Poll

Despite being on trial in New York City, former President Donald Trump has widened his lead over President Joe Biden during the past month.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that, in a three-way contest between Biden, Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., 46% of likely U.S. voters would choose Trump, 36% would vote for Biden and nine percent (9%) would vote for Kennedy. 

In April, Trump led by 6 points, 44% to 38% for Biden, with RFK Jr. at 10%. Four percent (4%) said they’d vote for some other candidate, and another four percent (4%) were undecided.

In a five-way match including Green Party candidate Jill Stein and former Harvard professor Cornel West in the latest poll, Trump does even better with 48% saying they would vote for Trump, 36% for Biden, 8% for RFK Jr., and 1% each for West and Stein.

Among unaffiliated voters, Trump is backed by 44%, Biden by 26%, and 15% would choose RFK Jr.

In a five-way matchup, Trump wins 52% of white voters, 21% of black voters, 45% of Hispanics, and 63% of other minorities. In a five-way matchup, Biden gets 34% of whites, 61% of black voters, 30% of Hispanics and 14% of other minorities.

The poll's margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points.

And, it's worth noting first that this is a poll of all-important likely voters and second, that Rasmussen has an excellent record for accuracy having predicted the final percentage spread in recent presidential races within a fraction of a percent.

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