Monday, June 10, 2024

Kim Seems 'Afraid To Offend' Pro-Hamas Groups

Curtis Bashaw, New Jersey candidate for United States Senate, released the following statement regarding Andy Kim’s public silence on the Israeli hostages rescued by IDF this weekend:  

“I commend the Republicans and Democrats who've praised the heroic rescue of hostages held in captivity by the terrorist organization Hamas for 8 horrific months. This was a momentous day for Israel, Jews around the world, and every person who cares about humanity. However, Hamas is still holding 120 hostages, including Bergen County resident Eden Alexander, and we cannot rest until every single hostage is returned safely to their families.

“I find it curious and troubling that Andy Kim’s only public post on X (Twitter) yesterday was about Pokemon cards, instead of standing with Israel in the heroic rescuing of these men and women. It seems Congressman Kim is afraid to offend the pro-Hamas far-left wing of his party, as witnessed by his silence on this issue and his unfortunate votes in Congress.  Our ally Israel deserves better, as do the innocent men and women who were murdered, raped, and kidnapped by this brutal terrorist regime.” 

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