Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Moscatelli Seeks Haddonfield Commissioner Post

John A. Moscatelli, 45 has announced that he is running for Borough Commissioner. Moscatelli is a six-year resident of Haddonfield, residing on Spruce Street with his wife, Dr. Beth Zigmund, and their two young daughters, Tess and Logan, a first grader at Central School and preschooler at First Presbyterian Church, respectively.

Moscatelli, a chemical engineer with a degree from Drexel University, has been a stay-at-home dad for four years. Previously he was a partner in a successful engineering consulting firm and served in key technical and management positions for major oil companies, including Shell and Sunoco, for almost two decades. Moscatelli’s leadership experience during his career includes managing multi-million dollar budgets and contracts with vendors, supervising teams of up to 70 technicians, and participating in union negotiations.

Moscatelli played a key role in the efforts of Haddonfield United to defeat the Bancroft referendum. “The Haddonfield United experience showed me that we need full transparency and fiscal responsibility in our local government,” Moscatelli said. “We need a government that works in the interests of all of the citizens, rather than for special interests.”

“Everybody in Haddonfield knows that the roads are in disrepair. Everybody knows our shade trees are dying and not being replaced. Everybody knows our water and sewer infrastructure needs attention. Everybody knows taxes are high and wants to see them spent responsibly. Everybody knows it’s time to do something about these problems and that’s why I am running for commissioner,” said Moscatelli.

Moscatelli is a registered independent, not affiliated with any political party or group.  “My only interest in being Commissioner is to serve all the residents of Haddonfield.  I want to ensure the borough government is open, accessible, and responsive to all residents.”

Moscatelli’s campaign is managed by Chris Schultz, and can be reached by email at

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