Sadly, many people don't follow the rule. And far too many hang around long after they should have taken their bows.
In no particular order, here are 15 people who should pack it in:
Robert De Niro
His performance the other night was a disgrace. And this kind of behavior is not new for him. In fact, it's become the norm. Plus, he hasn't made a decent movie in a ages. Foul, flabby and full of himself!
Joy Behar
She's loud, she's rude, she's insulting, she's a veritable nightmare. And to top it all off, she just ain't funny. Why is she still on TV? Why?
Jeff Sessions
OK, so maybe he has the best of intentions. But just maybe. He comes across as stilted, rehearsed and sometimes just plain clueless. He probably should have stayed in the Senate. But right now, this is a sad sight.

Chris Matthews
Both the man and the show are dog-eared. The whole thing has become tiresome. He hasn't been relevant in ages. You want to say "Hey, when is enough, enough?"
Andrea Mitchell
Andrea, you're not an enterprising young reporter anymore. The glory days were over decades ago. Perhaps you'd be better off teaching and mentoring and nurturing a new crop of reporters -- all behind-the scenes. No more face time, please!
Arnold Schwarzenegger
You've lived the American Dream. You've won all the body-building contests, conquered Hollywood, became an international superstar, married into a political dynasty, served two terms as governor of a state that's bigger than most countries and whispered into the ear of presidents. But, along the way, you thought with the wrong head and made a fool of yourself. Now, chill.
Patrick Buchanan
Like him or not, this dogged journalist/author, White House advisor and former presidential candidate molded himself into a conservative icon. He was ahead of the curve in branding a new form of right-sided populism. What else is there to do? May we suggest ceding the stage to new generations?
Mick Jagger
This guy gives baby boomers a bad name -- and image! Have you looked at him lately? Talk about fifty miles of bad road . . . ugh! We have no problem with him continuing to sing -- just so log as it's in the shower.
Jane Fonda
Jane took offense when she was asked about facelifts. Why? It's obvious she's been reconstructed more than once. Unlike Mick Jagger, however, she actually looks great. But she outlived her welcome a long, long time ago. Honest contrition might have made a difference decades ago. Too late now.
Alec Baldwin
Do you believe Baldwin actually thinks he can be elected president. Really! Well, it wouldn't be the first time an actor took himself far too seriously. But Baldwin's been in need of advanced anger management as long as anyone can remember. So long, Alec!
John Kasich
Speaking of presidential candidates, here's the biggest crybaby of them all. This man still thinks he can be elected by giving people hugs. He never got the memo. The more he runs, the more of an anachronism he becomes.
Wolf Blitzer
Once upon a time he used to be TV's stud muffin -- the original stud muffin. Now, he a whiney grey beard on a network that spews hate, spite and vitriol. What a pathetic way to bring a professional life to a close.
Bill Clinton and James Patterson
This traveling show (the snake oil salesman and the over-the-hill fiction writer) was nothing but a laughable charade almost as soon as it began. And then it all went downhill from there. Call them the predator and the pen -- and write them off without further ado.
Joe Biden
And we'll just leave this here. OK?
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