We read him and watched him and listened to him intently.
He was unquestionably compelling.
But why was this so? What made Charles Krauthammer the media's ultimate Wise Man?
Here are five big reasons:
1) He was open minded.
Unlike most liberals, Charles Krauthammer changed his mind and his view of the world. Yes, he was a liberal. He worked for Walter Mondale and then President Carter. But he wasn't closed-minded and he never became a knee-jerk pundit. He was genuinely open-minded and willing to entertain other points of view. So, he moved from the liberal side to the conservative side, but he never blindly support either side.

Charles brought significance into the room with him. He was serious as he addressed issues and examined the day's news and controversies. He had a profound sense of professional responsibility. This proved to be all-too-rare in a media environment that became increasingly frivolous and insubstantial.
3) He was witty.
He used humor in a relevant and sophisticated manner to poke fun and himself and to deflate the arguments of those who sparred with him rhetorically. His wit was quick, clever and memorable without ever being mean-spirited or hurtful.
4) He did his homework.
He came to the table armed with facts but he never overwhelmed you with them. That's because he saw facts in context and he possessed a keen knowledge of history and unique set of personal experiences. Always, he was prepared.
5) He was authentic.
What you saw was what you got. There was no pretense about the man. He wound up on TV even though he had a face for radio -- and he'd be the first to admit that. He was wasn't cosmeticized or blow-dried. He was the real deal.
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