Friday, January 17, 2020

10 Most Checked Out Books Of All Time; NYPL!

The famed New York Public Library has released a list of the top 10 checkouts since the library first opened in 1895.
Here are some factors that traditionally determine a book's popularity:
  • Length: The shorter the book, the more turnover or circulation. This is why children’s books are often among the most circulated.
  • Length of time in print: Clearly, the longer a story is in print, the longer the public has to check it out.
  • Languages available: In a city like New York, the more languages a title is available in means more checkouts.
  • Universal appeal: The more a story appeals to different tastes, the more checkouts it will receive
  • Current events: Particularly with adult books, what is happening in the world greatly impacts checkouts.
  • School: If a book has been on school lists for many decades, it is more likely to be a top checkout.
  • Awards and acknowledgment: Awards generate awareness and excitement that then generate checkouts.
Now that we've explained all that to you, here  are the top ten from number 10 to number one:

10) The Very Hungry Caterpillar
9) Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
8) How To Win friends and Influence People
7) Farenheit 451
6) Charlotte's Web
5) To Kill A Mockingbird
4) Where The Wild Things Are
3) 1984
2) The Cat In The Hat
1) The Snowy Day

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