Thursday, October 1, 2020

Five Stories You Don't Want To Miss!

“Supreme Court nominee Judge Amy Coney Barrett, who had her first sit-downs with senators Tuesday, has impressed congressional Republicans by redefining feminism,” Alex Swoyer and Gabriella Muñoz write in The Washington Times.
“A working mother of seven school-age children who rose to the top of the legal ladder, Judge Barrett balanced life as a classroom mother while handing down rulings as a federal circuit court judge . . . A devout Catholic, Judge Barrett also provides Christian conservative women one of their own as a new feminist leader for young women.”
Click here to read more.
“More than 80 percent of the world’s population lives in countries with high or severe restrictions on religious freedom,” U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican Callista Gingrich writes. “As America has shown time and time again, we will not sit back as individuals are killed, jailed, harassed, or tortured for their faith.” Read more in Fox News. 
“What’s happening in America today reminds me of life under Communism,” Rod Dreher writes. “Who needs the gulag when you can compel obedience by threatening someone’s job or destroy her reputation on social media? Why bother with the secret police when the masses already hand over detailed personal information to Google” and other massive technology corporations? Read more in the New York Post. 
“President Donald Trump signed an executive order and declared a national emergency Wednesday to expand the domestic mining industry. The executive order is also meant to support mining jobs, alleviate unnecessary permitting delays and reduce the nation’s dependence on China for critical minerals,” Adelle Whitefoot reports in the Duluth News Tribune.
READ: Executive Order on Addressing the Threat to the Domestic Supply Chain

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