Monday, December 4, 2023

At Year's End, 23 Of The Most Authentic People!

When we heard that Merriam Webster (the dictionary folks) declared "authentic" the word of the year we wren't the least bit surprised. Not. One. Bit. 

Because it's been clear to us for quite some time that in a world of hucksters, poseurs and notorious hypocrites, Americans are craving authenticity. Can you blame them? But, here's the thing: you don't have to be likable, amiable or even pleasant to be authentic. You simply have to be genuine; you have to be true to yourself; you have to be the Real Deal.

So, who's authentic? 

We've given that question a lot of thought. And, in the process we've come up with a list of the 23 most authentic people (far as wel can tell). In no particular order, here they are: 

Morgan Freeman - A sort of Dean of Authenticity, Freeman has never hesitated to speak his mind, often against the conventional wisdom. This is refreshing. Of course, he's a great actor as well and note that the characters he portrays are eminently believable. 

Elon Musk - Love him or hate him, he's almost always surprising and never programmed. He's telling you exactly what he feels and his mind is right out there, working at top speed for everyone to experience. Vrooom, vrooom!

Riley Gaines - This young woman and accomplished athlete is a modern day profile in courage. What's more, she's honestly and admirably fighting a battle that goes to the core of our cherished values. Bravo!

Laura Ingraham - A woman of great faith and deep conviction, she examines the right issues and asks the right questions. In the process she has helped define the modern conservative movement in America. You can't fake a national TV presence such as hers.

Keanu Reeves - He relentlessly rejects celebrity and all the perks that go with it, going about his everyday business just as everyone else. This is genuine and it's also daring. He has no entourage, no affectations. This is simply the way he lives his life!

Judi Dench - One of the most talented and honored actresses of all time, she pursues her craft simply, deliberately, honestly. And just by being herself, she shows that yes, women can continue to garner choice roles well into their 80s.

Senator John Kennedy - This folksy Louisiana Republican isn't just entertaining; he also clever and enlightening. The memorable phrasing grabs your attention but beneath that is a public servant who probes honorably and with a worthy purpose. In a city full of phonies, he rings true.

Shohei Ohtani - This highest paid major league baseball player has been breaking boundaries on the field since he arrived from Japan in 2018. But he remains a very private figure. Focused on the game, he lets his play do the talking. He actually does leave it all on the field, so what you see is what you get.

Dana Perino - Does anyone doubt that she is showing you exactly who she is? She's a big reason why The Five is the most watched non-primetime show in cable news history. And she's eminently watchable!

Michael J. Fox - Even before his decades long struggle with a heinous disease, this endearing star was winning hearts with his bona fides. His courageous battle, his work on behalf of a great cause, his good humor in the face of adversity -- it's all uniquely him and it's vividly inspiring!

Julia Roberts - One of the most beautiful women in the world, she was at the top of her game when she walked away from it all, presumably to be a wife and mother. Married to the same man for more than 20 years and with three children, she lives her own life her way, choosing when (and even if) she ventures into the spotlight.

Paul McCartney - Yes, he's an icon. But he impresses us as an accessible icon. He never seems prone to displays of importance and never seems to take himself too seriously. Far as we can tell, he handles fame with aplomb.

Marco Rubio - He didn't make it last time around but he's still got plenty of time and he's settled into his role as a senator with distinction. He's handled it all gracefully and appears to be a vital, serious team player while remaining incisive.

Bill Murray - He can be cranky, inscrutable and maddening, we suppose. But this talented curmudgeon knows how to choose his roles and his place in or out of the spotlight. He's been known to turn up in the most unlikely places, too. 

Lisa ScottolineBorn and raised in South Philly and Delco this best-selling author of page-turning thrillers is also a lawyer, a great animal lover and an equestrian. But, above all, she knows who she is and where she's from. She's a scrappy Philly gal, hard working and alert to anyone and anything that seems artificial. Formidablé!

King Charles - Yeah, we think he's authentic. Even for monarchs, there are precious few places to hide anymore. And, with the immense scrutiny he's under, how could he not be legit? We've seen and heard him in moments ranging from awkward and embarrassing to earnest and poignant. It's all him and it's all valid.

Ron Howard - My goodness, how many people have handled childhood fame as well as he has and how many have made their way so honestly through various stages of life and two sterling careers? And he's done it all with hard work and humility. Remember the American Dream, huh?

Michelle Yeoh - At 60, this Malaysian born actress won her first  Oscar after a string of roles in action films without any former training in martial arts. As a child she studied to be a ballet dancer and upon winning the award she elegantly displayed a generosity of spirit that conveyed credibility.

Geddy Lee - This eccentric musician, best known as the lead vocalist, bassist, and keyboardist for the rock group Rush, tells his story in My Effin Life which has topped the bestseller list. His parents were Jewish Holocaust survivors from Poland. He's a baseball fanatic and an avid collector of ephemera, wines, baseball cards, guitars, stamps, bottles and vinyl records. 

Denzel Washington - Named one of the most influential people in the world, Denzel Washington is a down to earth devoted family man, married to his wife, Pauletta Pearson, since 1983, and they have four children together. Compassionate and philanthropic, his work with groups such as the Boys and Girls Clubs testify to his sincerity and commitment to giving back.

Robert Downey Jr. - No question about it, he has overcome a lot, steadfastly moving beyond his unusual upbringing and checkered past. While he is likely no longer haunted by all that, his struggles are nonetheless real. And it's the realness, scars and all, that proves compelling.

Kid Rock - Brash, wildly uninhibited, outrageous, profane and iconoclastic at times, Robert James Ritchie of Detroit has never let go of his Motor City roots. He seems to be a magnet for sensationalistic episodes but to some, he's now emerged as a sort of gritty, bombastic patriot. Unique, that's for sure!

Bryce Harper - He's a certified baseball super star but here in South Jersey you might find him shopping right alongside you at Sprouts or Wawa or enjoying himself at a local bar. He's believably in love with all things Philly and wonderfully approachable!

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