Tuesday, August 13, 2024

This SO Needs To Be Said, Right Now!

This, so beautifully expressed, from our dear friend columnist, attorney and radio host, the incomparable Christine Flowers:

A lot of cruel things are being said about JD Vance. A lot of angry single or married cat ladies are up in arms. A lot of folks who hate a lot of things they can’t explain are trashing his reputation. I’m reading his book. And I’m thinking of Ted Flowers, whose own grandmother, his beloved Nana, immigrant from Sweden, tough Lutheran-turned-Catholic was the buffer between a young boy and some major sorrows. Philadelphia is not Appalachia, but boys and sorrows are very much the same. I am saddened that some of my smarter female friends don’t understand that Vance has already won the greatest race of all. Like my daddy, he came from almost nothing to reach the pinnacle of social and professional success. And neither man ever blamed or complained. One more thing: they understood just how powerful women were. And they didn’t need to use the right words to prove it.

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