Tuesday, May 12, 2009

If Limbaugh Had Joked

From Mike Lupica at the New York Daily News:
Here are a couple of jokes Wanda Sykes wrote and then delivered to that crowd: "You know, you might want to look into this, [President Obama], because I think maybe Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker, but he was just so strung out on OxyContin he missed his flight. ... "Rush Limbaugh hopes the country fails? I hope his kidneys fail, how 'bout that?" Somehow Ms. Sykes got laughs with this material, and draws no fire. It is all supposed to be about the setting, or so we are told. President Obama was there, the dinner is always the Washington version of a Friars Club Roast, just without the Sopranos language. . . . But what if Limbaugh, white talk show host, goes on the air and says that Sykes, black comedian, is about half-a-terrorist and that, oh by the way, he hopes she dies? Is he allowed to say he's just an entertainer, and tell everybody to lighten up?
The Annual White House Correspondents Dinner has itself become a joke -- a tasteless orgy of self-promotion; a disgusting egofest devoid of genuine humor (not to mention wit) and bereft of any sense of decency or self-respect.
It's no place for the President of the United States.
The dinner should be put out of its misery and all of its smug, stuffed-shirted guests should be sent home.. Enough already!

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