Monday, May 18, 2009

Site For Drunk Texting

From Flash News:
Thanks to one website, drunk texting is now a guilt-free pastime. is a site where drunken texters can send whatever messages they want while partying.

Founders Ben Bator and Lauren Leto say their site receives more than 15,000 texts a day from anonymous posters and they’re constantly amused by the crazy messages.

They include such gems as: “I’m half single! Please tell me it’s the bottom half,” “Thanks again for letting me crash last nite. Sorry I banged your little brother,” and “M and I are hungry and we’re making your pizza in the fridge. But you’re having sex and we’re not, so we don’t feel bad.”

Bator and Leto claim they can tell what type of alcohol the texter has downed that night just by the tone of their text.

Says Leto: “A lot depends on the mood of the person before they’ve had their first drink. Worst equals tequila, drunkest equals vodka, and friendliest equals wine.”

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