Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Eight Month Erection Gives Rise To Law Suit

An eight month erection?
Eight months?
You got that right -- eight months and big law suit. This is a true story folks, and it has resulted in a trial that's underway.
It started when a 44-year-old Delaware man went to a urologist for a penile implant. But the procedure was botched.
And what should have been a happy ending turned all too stiff.
In his lawsuit the truck driver patient says everywhere he went something got in the way and simple everyday matters became a chore. Just bending down to pick up the morning newspaper was a problem. So was riding his motorcycle.
All this after a procedure to insert a three-piece inflatable implant and a pump inside the scrotum as well as a fluid reservoir. But apparently it hasn't worked as promised.
Attorneys for the urologist reportedly say that sometimes, well -- these things happen. Apparently, they argue that the patient waited too long to report the problem.
Testimony has already begun in the trial in Wilmington. Of his ongoing problem the patient/plantiff said this: “It’s not something you want to bring out at parties and show to friends."
Click here for more.

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