Thursday, June 13, 2013

Here is a special message from Virginia gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli:


Liberal, Washington, DC Democrats think they have conservatives on the run.

I think it’s time to prove them wrong, and Virginia is the place to do it.

I’m Ken Cuccinelli, Republican nominee for Governor of Virginia. I want to tell you why Virginia matters,
and why you should click here to chip in to help today.

Just last week, Michelle Obama came here to raise money for my opponent Terry McAuliffe – the former DNC chairman who helped put so many of the pro-Obamacare, big-government Democrats in office.

In a couple of weeks, Joe Biden is coming here to raise money for Terry, too.

Are we going to let Democratic “star power” overcome hardworking, conservative grassroots activists across Virginia and the nation?

If you are ready to tell the liberal DC establishment “no” click below to chip in today!

Virginia is unique because it’s the only competitive governor’s race in the nation this year. And we’re on the front line of the fight against the ever-increasing footprint of the federal directives coming out of DC.

If you believe we need to stand up and say “no” to liberal, DC insiders like former DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe, please chip in today!

We know that the DC approach is the WRONG approach. Rather than big government and one-size-fits-all policies, we need lower taxes, less debt, and more freedom for job creators to do what they do best – create jobs!

Virginia is the battleground. The question is…will you join the fight? I hope the answer is yes!


Ken Cuccinelli II

P.S. – Even if you don’t live in Virginia, the principles we’re fighting for, the principles of our Founding Fathers, have never been more important.
Please, click this link to chip in today!

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