Wednesday, June 12, 2013

With Justice O'Connor In Philadelphia

We're here at the Philadelphia Bar Association's Quarterly Meeting and luncheon with Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.
We first met Justice O'Connor many years ago when she came to Philadelphia to present the Philadelphia Bar Associations's first Sandra Day O'Connor award to Judge Norma Shapiro. Justice O'Connor has been back several times since then as she has always been a good friend of the Philadelphia Bar Association.
Justice O'Connor looks great today and she seems very pleased to be here.
Do we have to remind you that she is a living legend?
As the first woman ever appointed to the United States Supreme Court she is part of American history and an important role model.
And then there's this: This trailblazing woman is a Republican and she was appointed by a very conservative Republican president, Ronald Reagan.
One wonders if today's liberal Democrat Senate would confirm an appointment like Justice O'Connor today. One can't help but wonder . . .

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