Monday, June 4, 2018

Overburdened, They're Creating 'A Recipe For Disaster!'

New Jersey State Senator Sam Thompson (R-12) issued the following statement in response to a multi-day computer system outage that has prevented the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (NJMVC) from processing transactions, including driver’s license and vehicle registration renewals:
Sen. Sam Thompson (R-12) issued the following statement in response to a multi-day computer system outage that has prevented the New Jersey MVC from processing transactions, including driver’s license and vehicle registration renewals. (Wikimedia Commons)
“Last month, Governor Murphy opened the floodgates for voter fraud when he allowed illegal immigrants access to driver’s licenses while simultaneously mandating automatic voter registration at state agencies. That makes today’s news of a multi-day computer failure at the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission especially disheartening.

“It’s clear that we shouldn’t push the NJMVC into New Jersey’s election process when they can’t even complete their core mission of issuing licenses and registering vehicles without repeated crashes of their computer systems.

“Given the limitations of their aging IT infrastructure, I have little confidence in the NJMVC’s technical capability to automatically register voters while filtering out the thousands of ineligible illegals the Democrats are now sending through their doors for driver’s licenses. It’s a recipe for disaster."

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