Saturday, June 9, 2018

Take A Look At These Seven 'Must Reads' . . .

The Washington Post
“President Trump travels to Canada to attend his second Group of Seven summit as the leader not just of the largest and fastest-growing G-7 economy in the world but also as the most important pro-growth reformer of our times,” writes Larry Kudlow, Director of the National Economic Council. “There’s a simple lesson in President Trump’s record of achievement: Believe him. Nowhere is this lesson clearer than when it comes to President Trump’s passion as a trade reformer.”
The New York Times
“President Trump welcomes continuing dialogue and cooperation with Group of 7 members and our other allies and trading partners. But the days of accepting unfair trade practices are over,” writes Peter Navarro, Assistant to the President for Trade and Manufacturing Policy. “Trade must be not only free but also fair and reciprocal.”
USA Today
The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy has partnered with the Ad Council and the Truth Initiative to release an ad campaign targeting young adults to raise awareness of opioid abuse. The four ads “bring into sharp relief two major facts: How quickly some people can become hooked and addicted and the lengths to which they will go,” Counselor to the President Kellyanne Conway said.
-  The Washington Free Beacon
“Alice Marie Johnson gave a message to President Donald Trump on Thursday after he commuted her sentence this week, expressing gratitude for what he did for her and her family,” Andrew Kugle writes. “It's an amazing feeling. Especially just being with my family again,” Johnson said after President Trump commuted her life sentence for a nonviolent drug offense.
Washington Examiner
“The total number of workers receiving unemployment benefits is running at the lowest levels in 44 years, the Department of Labor reported Thursday in more encouraging news about the economy,” Joseph Lawler writes. “In recent months, [unemployment benefits] claims have been the brightest among a number of labor statistics that suggest that the jobs market is red hot.”
USA Today
By signing the VA MISSION Act, President Trump paved the way “for a major overhaul of the Department of Veterans Affairs and expanded access for veterans to VA-funded care in the private sector,” Donovan Slack reports. “The measure, which passed both chambers of Congress last month with overwhelming bipartisan support, delivers on a key campaign promise for Trump, who pledged to provide veterans with more non-VA health care choices.”
“It’s a new day under President Trump. We are free to make money again. We are free to practice capitalism without guilt. The sun is out. The skies are blue. There’s a job in every pot. The Trump Miracle lives,” Wayne Allyn Root writes.

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