Saturday, January 13, 2024

Cardinal Dolan On Migrant 'Mess': 'We're Squashed'

Here are excerpts from a story in the National Catholic Register quoting New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan on the flood of illegals into his city and the growing crisis nationally:
“Every day hundreds come in,” Cardinal Dolan said . . . But there’s only so much that Catholic Charities and other groups can do in the face of an unrelenting wave of desperate men, women and children.

“Like everybody else, we’re squashed,” Cardinal Dolan said.

The cardinal said he’d like to share his insights with Biden, but the president apparently isn’t interested.

“He doesn’t take my calls or answer my letters,” the cardinal told the New York Post in September. . . . it’s painfully obvious that, as Cardinal Dolan recently expressed it, “We’ve got a big mess here.”
Imagine the President of the United States (a man who claims to be a Catholic) refusing to take calls from from the nation's foremost Catholic prelate -- a man who leads one of the largest Catholic communities in the world! Biden oughta be ashamed of himself. But from someone who flaunts fake faith and brazenly defies the Church's most hallowed teachings, what do you expect? Biden has no shame!

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