Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Are YOU Feelin' The 'Joy' That Kamala Brings?

The Democrats have been touting the "joy" that Kamala Harris brings to the presidential campaign.

Joy? Did they say joy? Are you feelin' the joy? Really?

How much joy do you feel when you fill up your gas tank?

How much joy do you feel when you check out at the supermarket?

How much joy do you feel when you get your monthly utility bill?

How much joy do you feel when you find out that another innocent person has been murdered by an illegal?

How much joy do you feel when you've faithfully (and finally!) paid off your student loan only to find out that now others are having theirs fully forgiven -- and at your expense?

How much joy do you feel when you have to abbreviate or eliminate a vacation this year?

How much joy do you feel when you want to dine out with your family but you know you can't afford it?

How much joy do you feel when you see a biological male beat the sh-t out of an accomplished female athlete at the Olympics?

How much joy do you feel when you've been priced out of the home mortgage market because of high interest rates?

How much joy do you feel when you find out that sexually explicit books are featured at your kids' school library and there's nothing you can do about it?

How much joy do you feel when your local CVS or Walgreens has merchandise under lock and key because they have been routinely looted and are powerless to apprehend and charge the offenders?

How much joy do you feel when illegals are given free housing and gift cards while record numbers of our own veterans remain homeless?

How much joy do you feel when your local public library sponsors a drag queen story hour for kids?

Do any of these things bring you joy? We didn't think so.

No, Kamala and Tim -- America ain't feelin' the joy. And you two are a couple of frauds!

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