Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Happy 89th To Number 41 Today, Cent Anni!

Happy 89th Birthday to the 41st President of the United States, George H. W. Bush -- the last president to serve in World War II and one of the kindest. most thoughtful, most decent men ever to serve as President.
The son of a dedicated, unselfish public servant (Senator Prescott Bush) and a feisty, no-nonsense competitor on and off the tennis court (Dorothy Bush) George H. W. Bush was raised to not just believe in but to live the values that made this country great.
In Italian we have a birthday toast that proclaims "Cent Anni!"
It means "may you live 100 years."
We wish President Bush 100 happy, healthy birthdays, and more.
You've earned it Mr. President and you have our love and gratitude, always!

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