Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Christie Gaining Historic Bipartisan Support

What They’re Saying …

In An Historic Display Of Cross-Party Support, Governor Christie Was Endorsed This Week By Twenty-Six Democrats And Community Leaders Including Two Of The Most “Powerful” And “Influential” Democratic Leaders In The State

The Associated Press: “Republican Gov. Chris Christie, who received just a quarter of the Essex County vote when he ran for office in 2009, collected endorsements from the county's top elected Democrat, a dozen black clergy and five mayors Tuesday.”(Angela DelliSanti, “NJ Democrat Jumps Parties To Endorse Christie,” The Associated Press, 6/11/13)
  • “The county executive, who backed Democrat Jon Corzine against Christie four years ago, said he forged a friendship and partnership with the governor beginning the day after Christie won office.”

  • “Christie also collected endorsements from black pastors who praised the governor for reaching across party lines, and from Democratic mayors in Essex County who credited him with stabilizing property tax growth.”
The Star-Ledger: “Accompanied by the county sheriff, a dozen black ministers and five Democratic mayors, powerful Essex County Executive Joseph DiVincenzo spurned his party’s candidate for governor today and threw his support behind his friend, the incumbent Republican, Chris Christie.”(Matt Friedman, “Essex County Executive Joseph DiVincenzo endorses Christie,” The Star-Ledger, 6/21/13)
  • “The endorsements were the latest in a banner week for Christie — coming less than 24 hours after state Sen. Brian Stack (D-Hudson), the influential Union City mayor, gave his support to the governor rather than to the Democratic nominee, state Sen. Barbara Buono (D-Middlesex).”(Matt Friedman, “Essex County Executive Joseph DiVincenzo endorses Christie,” The Star-Ledger, 6/21/13)

  • “State Sen. Brian Stack, the mayor of Union City and a Democratic powerbroker in Hudson County, said … the Republican governor has been one the most responsive and impressive state leaders he’s ever worked with.”(Ryan Hutchins, “Democratic State Sen. Brian Stack Endorses Christie, Says Buono Doesn't Compare,” The Star-Ledger, 6/10/13)

  • “Stack joins a growing list of Democrats who have endorsed Christie over state Sen. Barbara Buono ...”

  • “Stack wields enormous influence here in Hudson County, where his endorsement can change the course of local elections.”
 The Wall Street Journal: “Christie Gathers Force Among New Jersey Democrats”(Heather Haddon, “Christie Gathers Force Among New Jersey Democrats,” The Wall Street Journal, 6/12/13)
  • “Mayors of cities and suburbs, black clergy and county leaders—nearly all Democrats—stood elbow-to-elbow at a boathouse here under a banner proclaiming "Chris Christie-Governor."
 The Philadelphia Inquirer: “Dems Falling Over Each Other To Back Christie” (Matt Katz, “Dems Falling Over Each Other To Back Christie,” The Philadelphia Inquirer – Christie Chronicles, 6/11/13)
  • “Also endorsing Christie today were the mayors of a litany of New Jersey towns. In all, 26 elected New Jersey Democrats have so far endorsed the Republican gov ...”
 Bloomberg: “Christie Endorsed by Powerful N.J. Democrat DiVincenzo” (Terrence Dopp, “Christie Endorsed by Powerful N.J. Democrat DiVincenzo,” Bloomberg, 6/12/13)
  • “Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie … won the support of Essex County Executive Joseph DiVincenzo, one of the state’s most influential Democratic leaders.”

  • “Christie has forged alliances with prominent Democrats, including DiVincenzo on his pension overhaul, Newark Mayor Cory Booker on public education changes and southern New Jersey party leader George Norcross on his plans to reshape the state university system.”
 The Record: “Stack asked constituents to put aside party politics during a campaign event in Union City as he announced that he and his two Democratic running mates will support Christie, a Republican, in his bid for reelection.” (Abbott Koloff and Melissa Hayes, “Democrat Stack Endorses Christie; Essex County Executive May Be Next,” The Record, 6/11/13)
  • “Stack, who also serves as Union City’s mayor, noted that it is particularly difficult to cross party lines in heavily Democratic Hudson County. … ‘It’s important to say the governor and myself see past party lines ...’”
 The Huffington Post: “New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) was endorsed Monday by one of the state's most powerful Democrats …Democratic state Sen. Brian Stack, who also serves as mayor of Union City, formally endorsed Christie, citing the governor's help in his area of Hudson County and what Stack said is a willingness to work with others.” (John Celock, “Chris Christie Endorsed By Brian Stack,” The Huffington Post, 6/11/13)

The Jersey Journal: “Union City Mayor Stack Crosses Party Lines To Endorse Christie” (Michaelangelo Conte, “Union City Mayor Stack Crosses Party Lines To Endorse Christie,” The Jersey Journal, 6/10/13)
  • “Mayor Brian Stack, a Democrat, endorsed Republican Governor Chris Christie … at a festive rally at which both men stressed their willingness to cross party lines.”

  • “While rain poured and Christie beamed, some 300 people waved Christie campaign signs and cheered beneath a tent that was erected at Palisade Avenue and Ninth Street. … The cheers grew even louder when Christie took to the podium at the cross-party love fe

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