Tuesday, February 3, 2015

FLASH! After 55 Years Harper Lee Writes Sequel

Harper Lee, the author of the classic To Kill a Mockingbird will publish a new novel this summer.
It's her first novel since Mockingbird in 1960.
And, get this: It was actually written before Mockingbird.
The book will tell the story of Mockingbird's Scout Finch after she grew up and includes her childhood flashbacks, which in part became the basis for Mockingbord.
The book, to be published in July is titled Go Set a Watchman.
The 304-page novel is set in the same fictional town, Maycomb, Ala., and unfolds as Scout returns to visit her father, Atticus. So, while it was written first, it's actually a sequel of sorts.
The reclusive Lee lives in Monroeville, Ala. She's now 88.
To Kill a Mockingbird continues to sell more than one million copies a year, and has been translated into more than 40 languages.

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