Monday, February 9, 2015

Here's Why Obama Focused On The Crusades

So, what possessed Barack Obama to insult Christians at the National Prayer Breakfast?
Here are a few reasons:

1) Obama excels at setting up straw men. Obama's been on the ropes lately and he doesn't like feeling put upon. When that happens -- he needs a target, an enemy. After all, it's easier to lash out at an imaginary target than to take on the real critics who have just successfully defeated you. So, you aim at something that happened nearly a thousand years ago and something that most people really know very little about. This way, you can say pretty much whatever you want. You make up your own history and make that the enemy.

2) Obama needs and craves the attention -- daily, constantly, 24/7. It really gets to him when he's not in the center of the spotlight. Saying something provocative is a good, quick way to shake things up and regain the spotlight after you've been crushed by your foes -- especially if it's something that has nothing to do with anything right now.

3) Obama knows how to use a distraction. When all of your own failings are now on full public display (and people are feeling the effects of them daily) the only thing you can do is distract, distract, distract. So, with one swift kick Obama has changed the subject from the failure of his own "anti-terrorist" policy to what really happened in the Crusades or during the Inquisition. In the worst way possible, he's a master of the bully pulpit.

4) Obama can play professor. He loves to pontificate, to lecture, to profess his vast knowledge and infinite wisdom, usually in a condescending manner. This move gave Obama the chance to lecture, to preach and to once again wag his finger at us. The message: Listen to me -- or else! And there's an added bonus for Obama here: It helps to curtail his nagging insecurity/

5) Finally, remember this: Obama doesn't care about leading. He's a campaigner, a manipulator  and a showman. This put him back on center stage on his terms: The Big Kahuna once again capturing the imagination of all those (including much of the media) who were foolish enough to be baited by him. It's his latest magic trick. Next week, who knows what he'll pull outta his hat.

1 comment:

wendybar said...

You need to check the title!! It made me laugh a little, but you don't want that out there!! haha!!