Friday, November 24, 2017

BIG DAY As Your Kind Wishes Pour In . . .

Many of our blog followers are sending their good wishes and congratulations today as we celebrate our tenth anniversary.
We're delighted to share with you just a few of the sentiments that have poured in:

George Bruno: That's huge! Congrats on the persistence and relentless content. Well done!

Theodora Sue Peters: Congratulations on your 10 years Anniversary. I always anticipate reading your blogs and Facebook posts. Keep providing the information of conservatism.

Beth Leary Hegedus: Dan. Nobody does it better. Major congratulations to a dear friend.

Congratulations. You do a fantastic job. Keep on doing it. --Karen Connor

Nancy Capizzi Pierro: Wonderful!!

Pat Walker: Absolutely Good Wishes!!!

Ruth Allen: Great job Dan!

Bonnie Sashin Congratulations! Here’s to another 10!

Anne Sceia Klein: Woo hoo... wonderful news. Congratulations, Dan.

Marie Hess-Fera: Congratulations Dan! It’s a pleasure reading your blog every day!

Carol Hoinsky: Thanks Danny for your political savvy. You support my desire to gain political understanding in a time of consternation with fake news! Carol Hoinsky

Lisa Liccketto-Lombardo: Thanks for your great insight and perspective Dan. God bless!

Mr. Cirucci: You were the inspiration for me to start my blog. Ten years has been wonderful for me.
Michael Loehrer
Dublin, Ohio

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