Sunday, June 3, 2018

Our Hardy Band Of Wanderers Conquers All!

We had a wonderful time on our recent Tauck tour through Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria and the Czech Republic.
Our entire group of 40 hardy (and hearty!) travelers meshed wonderfully and we had a great time together, along with our fine tour guide Stephen Fisher.
And we met so many new friends during this trip. While we can't acknowledge them all, we want to especially thank Marlene and Ken Rubin, Cheryl and Mike Arnold, Judy and Larry Cohen, Joyce and Stephen Levin, Stuart and Irene Siegel. Larry and Lois Movshin, Ted Hamueller, Carolyn Cash, Harriett Goodman, Sarah Goodman, John and Cheryl Utz, Jerry Snyder, Jack and Karen Steadman, John Mahoney, Jill Lapensohn, Nancy Abrams and Brandon Lepensohn.
The truth is that every single person on this trip was a delight and our tour director says we were the most punctual group he's ever encountered. We were a very resilient and attentive group of journeyers. And this was a real trek through five countries and six cities. But each and every one of us rose to the occasion and helped each other along the way as well.
And, get this: We had to go to eastern Europe to meet Marlene and Ken from Cherry Hill and Judy and Larry from nearby Monroe Township. Small world!
Below you'll find a couple of photos of the group along the way. Hugs and kisses to all!

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