Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Pray Tell, What IS Obama Responsible For? Huh?

Some of our liberal Democrat friends are whining again.
They're complaining that we blame Obama too much.
They ask: "Why should he be blamed for rising gas prices?" Yeah, sure.
After all, he's only the President of the United States.
It makes you begin to wonder whether or not he had anything to do with the following: Record poverty, 47 million on Food Stamps (the combined population of 25 states), record high foods and grocery prices, an 8.2% drop in household income since he took office, a jobless record that STILL hovers around 8%, a $700 tax increase for the average worker, record jobless rates for young workers and minority workers, skyrocketing medical costs and medical insurance levies despite (or maybe because of) Obamacare and a failed educational system that means that US students ranked fourteenth in reading, twenty-fifth in math, and seventeenth in science compared to students in other developed countries with more than a quarter of all US students dropping out before completing high school. Surely he and his policies had NOTHING to do with any of this. Nah!
Here's the bottom line, folks: Notwithstanding the outcome of the 2012 election, Obama and his policies have failed. And whatever he and his allies may think, no one gave him a mandate to move full speed ahead, intensifying and accelerating the same failed policies.
No matter how you calculate it or how many ways you try to spin it, a 51% vote margin is NOT a mandate!

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