Thursday, August 6, 2015

Live Blogging GOP Debate - Part 2

At times Jebb looks like a deer in headlights. He looks quite a bit like his dad tonight, the George H. W. Bush of an earlier era. But he's giving a good answer now -- calling strongly for the elimination of sanctuary cities. Still, he goes overtime.

Trump: "If it weren't for me, you wouldn't even be talking about illegal immigration tonight." Then, he says of political reporters: "They're a dishonest lot."

Trump says people at the border tell him: "Our leaders are stupid. Our politicians are stupid. They're allowing Mexico to do this. The Mexican government is smarter."

So far no one (except for Paul at the very start) has really gone after Trump. And Trump continues to be quite bellicose.

The moderators seem to want to make Trump the issue. Now, Kasich admits: "Trump has hit a nerve in this country. And people who want to just tune him out are making a mistake."

Rubio: "The majority of people coming across the border are not coming from Mexico." Now, Rubio touches a nerve when he talks about people who are frustrated because they can't come here legally while others come illegally.

Scott Walker now describes how he changed his position on immigration -- and why he changed. This seems honest and straightforward, This is good.

There's still something awfully sharp about Ted Cruz. He sometimes seems just-this-side of abrasive.

Now to Christie again. Talking about terrorists and terrorism he says: "This is not theoretical to me." His answer is forceful. Now he goes back to defend his earlier attacks on Paul and goes toe-to-toe with Paul. And now, Christie steals the moment as he mixes it up with Paul. And it's a brawl, complete with finger-pointing and shouting. And then Paul brings up Christie's hug of Obama. Christie shoots back: "The hugs that I remember are the ones that I gave to the survivors of the victims of September 11. It's hard to say if either Christie or Paul gain anything from this. There's real vitriol here.

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