Monday, February 28, 2022

Biden Blames YOU: You're Unable To 'Feel Happy'

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15 seconds

Not That We Would Actually Doubt It . . .


On Eve Of SOTU: Biden's Numbers Hit 'Rock Bottom'

On the eve on Biden's State of the Union address the poll numbers are out and they're very, very bad for Joe Biden.

Here's a rundown:

  • Among likely votes, Rasmussen shows Biden with a dismal 40% approval rating and a whopping 59% disapproval. It also shows that fewer than a third of voters think he's leading us in the right direction. 
  • As bad as Rasmussen is, the ABC/Washington Post poll is even worse for Biden, showing him at an embarrassing 37% approval rating with disapproval at 55%. And voters are sour on the Democrat House in this poll too with 50% favoring a Republican House going forward and only 40% willing to continue the present Democrat majority.
  • We al know that NPR leans decidedly left so, get this: now, even the NPR/PBS/Marist poll shows Biden in the tank with only 39% of respondents saying his first year in office was a success and a clear majority (56%) calling it an outright failure. What's more, 54% said he's not fulfilling his campaign promises, and 52% said he has done more to divide the country than unite it. All are the worst marks of his presidency in this survey.
  • And, all of the surveys show Biden getting massive negative marks from a key group -- independent voters. For example, in the NPR poll his approval rating among independents has dropped to 29%.
  • Here's another key indicator: Biden doesn't even reach 80% support among Democrats with most Democrats now saying they don't run him to run for a second term.
  • On top of it all, Biden doesn't inspire intensity among the dwindling number who still say they support him.  Among that group, just 14% strongly approve of the job Biden is doing. No wonder the director of the NPR poll termed Biden's performance "rock botton".
Finally, remember: most polls undercount Republicans. So these figures could actually be much, much worse!

A Man Alone, Disconnected And Largely Clueless!

Saturday, February 26, 2022

These Poll Figures Tell A Clear, Vivid Story!

Harvard-Harris poll: 

  • 62% of Americans don’t believe Putin would have invaded Ukraine if Trump was still president.
  • 59% of Americans believe Putin invaded Ukraine because he believed Joe Biden was weak.

Here's How You Can Help Ukraine RIGHT NOW!

How can you help Ukraine now???

Donate to charity organizations that directly help Ukraine and Ukrainians 💛💙
All the listed charities are registered in the USA and are 501(c)(3) Not-for-Profit organizations. Donations and gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS regulations.
Всі благодійні організації подані нижче зареєстровані в США.
Внески та пожертви згідно з параграфом 501 (c) (3) звільнені від оподаткування.
Donate to the Life-saving medical supplies to Ukraine's front lines
Donate to Treatment of the wounded and the provision of hospitals
Donate to Tactical medical training and emergency response in Ukraine

Hope It NEVER Happens Here, But . . . . .


The Way The Left Views The World . . .


A Facebook Friend's Urgent Request . . .

A Few Things To Remember Right Now!


VIDEO: A Ukrainian Mom's Poignant Plea!

Because An Aggressor Nation Can Smell Weakness


2024? Trump Holds Clear Lead Among Republicans

Nearly half of Republican voters pick former President Donald Trump as the candidate they want for 2024, with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as the only strong alternative.

A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports finds that 47% of likely Republicans voters choose Trump as the candidate they would be most likely to support to be the Republican presidential nominee in 2024. DeSantis was second with 20%, followed by Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney (7%), Texas Sen. Ted Cruz (6%) and former Vice President Mike Pence (5%). Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo each got three percent (3%), the same as the number of GOP voters saying they’d support “some other candidate” in 2024. Only one percent (1%) of Republican voters support Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul as the 2024 nominee. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it’s in the news, it’s in Rasmussen polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

They're Putting Other Nations To Shame!


Friday, February 25, 2022

Side By Side, This REALLY Says It All!

Voters Rate Biden 'POOR' On Ukraine Response

As Ukraine seeks to repel a Russian invasion, fewer than a third of voters have a favorable view of President Joe Biden’s handling of the situation.

A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports finds that just 31% of likely U.S voters give Biden an excellent or good rating for the way he has handled the Russian aggression toward Ukraine. Forty-nine percent (49%) give him a poor rating for his handling of the Russia-Ukraine situation. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it’s in the news, it’s in Rasmussen polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

Philly Archbishop To Offer Mass For Ukraine

Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, Archbishop of Philadelphia, will celebrate Mass for the intention of peace in the Ukraine, the Ukrainian People, and the Ukrainian community in Philadelphia this Sunday at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. All people of good will are invited to participate in person or via live streaming video in prayerful solidarity with the Ukrainian community, and, in a special way, Ukrainian Catholics throughout the region.

Sunday, February 27, 2022
11:00 a.m.
Cathedral Basilica of Saint Peter and Paul
18th Street and Benjamin Franklin Parkway

Philadelphia, PA 19103

The Mass will be streamed live on the Archdiocesan Vimeo website, as well as on the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and Archbishop Pérez’s Facebook pages at and

In a statement issued on Thursday, February 24, 2022, Archbishop Pérez wrote, “At this grave moment in history, I urge all people of goodwill to answer the call of Pope Francis to pray fervently for the people of Ukraine and for an end to this military conflict now.”

To read the full statement in English, please click here. To read the full in Spanish, please click here.
Note: The 11:00 a.m. Mass in the Cathedral Basilica will be streamed live on Sunday, February 25, 2022.

NJ Trucker Convoy Details, Take Note!


One Of The Most Consequential Artists EVER!

Saying What Needs To Be Said Right Now . . .

From an outstanding editorial in today's Wall Street Journal

President Biden has promised the toughest sanctions ever, and they had better be. Not targeting Russia’s access to the Swift financial clearing system is a blunder, but Russian banks and companies should find it impossible to do business in financial markets. Export controls, particularly of high-tech components, are necessary. Nord Stream 2 should be killed with no chance of revival.

The new sanctions should also target Mr. Putin and his Kremlin mafia personally. This means finally disclosing to the world—and to the Russian people—the wealth of Kremlin officials and oligarchs. The U.K. has a special obligation here given Russian assets in London. These assets can be showcased and seized.

And Now, Let's Turn Back The Clock . . .


Thursday, February 24, 2022

GRAPHIC Video: Russia Invades Ukraine!

Warning: this video is tough to take!

Once Again, The Story Is In The Numbers!


Watch As Ukrainians Seek Shelter In Subway

Once Upon A Time, It Was No Daydream!

 President George H. W. Bush, President Reagan and Russian Premier Gorbachev in New York.

Yes, But Get ANGRY, Too -- And Wake Up, America!


Religious Leader Sees 'Grave Moment In History'

           OF UKRAINE                
“Like so many of you, my heart aches with deep sorrow. The recent invasion of Ukraine is something we had hoped and prayed would be avoided. Peace has been shattered. Anguish, pain, and suffering have been unleashed. Events have now been put in motion that will lead to the senseless loss of countless lives, destruction of property, and a humanitarian crisis the likes of which has not been seen in several decades.

At this grave moment in history, I urge all people of goodwill to answer the call of Pope Francis to pray fervently for the people of Ukraine and for an end to this military conflict now.

On behalf of the bishops, priests, deacons, consecrated religious, and lay faithful of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, I express our firm solidarity with Ukrainian Catholics and Ukrainians here in the Philadelphia region and in Ukraine itself.

Today, I spoke with Archbishop Borys Gudziak of the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia to convey those sentiments. Philadelphia is home to many ethnic Ukrainians. Their families and friends are suffering the catastrophe of war first hand. At this time of uncertainty in Eastern Europe and here at home, may God pour His mercy on all those who are suffering and may Our Blessed Mother, the Queen of Peace, wrap them in her comforting mantle.”

Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, D.D.
Archbishop of Philadelphia

Note: The prayer below has special ties to Ukraine and her people. It is suggested that this oration be offered on their behalf. 

We fly to Your patronage, O Virgin Mother of God.
Despise not our prayers in our needs,
but deliver us from all dangers, since you alone are pure and blessed.
O most glorious ever-Virgin Mary,
the Mother of Christ our God, accept our prayers
and present them to Your Son and our God,

that for the sake of you, He enlighten and save our souls. 

Sometimes A Single Photo Speaks Volumes!


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Right About Now, These Numbers Speak Volumes!

'Anti-Sanctuary' Legislation Re-Introduced In NJ

New Jersey State Senator Christopher Connors, Assemblyman Brian Rumpf and Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove have re-introduced legislation to deter illegal aliens from seeking employment and benefits in New Jersey.

Senator Christopher Connors, Assemblyman Brian Rumpf and Assemblywoman DiAnne Gove have re-introduced legislation to deter illegal aliens from seeking employment and benefits in New Jersey. (Pixabay)

The first legislative initiative re-introduced by the 9th District Legislative Delegation is S-157 and A-700 which would bar companies which knowingly hire illegal aliens from receiving public contracts, grants, loans, or tax incentives for a period of seven years.

The second initiative is S-156 and A-693 which would exclude illegal aliens from workers’ compensation and temporary disability benefits.

Connors, Rumpf and Gove explained their motivation to undertake this legislative effort to curtail illegal immigration to New Jersey:

“How is it that legal citizens can be prosecuted for breaking the law when, at the same time, illegal aliens are both rewarded and protected by Trenton when they are in our country illegally?  There is no grey area in the law. You are either in the country legally or not.

“For the overwhelming majority of our constituents, the rule of law has no exceptions, even when politics are at play.  The Murphy Administration and its allies in the State Legislature have sold out legal, taxpaying citizens to showcase New Jersey as a sanctuary state.  Law enforcement is told to look the other way at illegal immigration while law-abiding citizens are required to comply with ceaseless executive orders and mandates imposed by Trenton.

“Only businesses that do not hire illegal aliens should receive public contracts and tax incentives.  You would assume that a state with such a strong union presence would want to ensure additional protections for workers who are legal citizens.  Our legislation would establish a deterrent against illegal employment which drives down wages.

“Prior to the state of emergency, our Delegation had introduced legislation to prohibit illegal aliens from receiving workers’ compensation and temporary disability benefits.  This legislation takes on greater meaning to us as, over the past nearly two years, our office is contacted by constituents who are waiting on these benefits to be processed by an overwhelmed state Department of Labor.  We received similar complaints from constituents encountering problems with the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission which now must give illegal aliens driver’s licenses as a result of one of the worst state laws enacted in recent memory.

“With the cost of living only increasing, the average taxpayer cannot afford, nor should be expected to, pay the full costs of funding programs and social services that persons in the country illegally should not be entitled to.”

Turning Back The Clock To An Age Of Heroes . . .


They Will 'Sleep Out' To Help Homeless Youth

New Jersey State Senator Jean Stanfield, Assemblyman Michael Torrissi and Assemblyman Brandon Umba will be spending a night in their office parking lot along Route 541 in Lumberton to raise money and awareness for homeless youth.

Senator Jean Stanfield, Assemblyman Michael Torrissi and Assemblyman Brandon Umba will be spending a night in their office parking lot along Route 541 in Lumberton to raise money and awareness for homeless youth. (Covenant House NJ)

The legislators and their district office team accepted the Covenant House challenge to spend a night sleeping outside as an act of solidarity with the 4.2 million homeless youth in America. The sleep out will be held on Thursday, March 24.

“The pandemic has provided consistent challenges to our most vulnerable populations, but we’re lucky to have a nonprofit like Covenant House that faces those challenges head on,” Umba said. “I’m honored to partner with them for our District Day of Service, next month, so we can raise much needed funds for our homeless youth.”

“Last year, we were able to raise more than $10,000 during the Covenant House sleep out challenge. Every little bit counts when it comes to keeping a roof over families’ heads and protecting kids from a dangerous situation,” Stanfield said.

CLICK HERE to view the fundraising page launched by the District 8 Team. Funds will go directly to Covenant House and its mission to help youth who have suffered from abuse, neglect, abandonment, homelessness and human trafficking.

“Thank you to Covenant House for the invaluable work you do to keep our homeless youth safe. It’s an honor to be in a position to give back to such a great cause,” Torrissi said.

The Sleep Out fulfills Stanfield, Torrissi and Umba’s pledge to do a day of service every month. The District 8 team and their staff have painted and stocked a domestic violence safe house, provided more than 1,000 free meals for seniors in need, gleaned hundreds of pounds of produce from farms for food pantries, collected diapers for women and infants in need and much more.

To help support them on their Sleep Out, CLICK HERE to visit their team.

No Doubt You've Taken Thi$$$ Trip . . .


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Political Warfare In The Trenches, New Jersey Style

As the midterm election approaches, Dan Cirucci chats across generations, live with Republican activists J. D. Bryden and Patrick Cassio, both of Union County, NJ. 
We talk about the key congressional race in New Jersey's newly-configured 7th congressional district where Republican challenger Tom Kean, Jr. seems to be well positioned to defeat an incumbent Democrat congressman. This would be a major pickup for the GOP as part of what some see as a Republican resurgence in New Jersey. 
Both Pat and JD are very active in Union county politics at the grassroots level where these kinds of campaigns are won or lost. They know the ins and outs of local politics and the nature of New Jersey's unique political culture which is characterized by hard fought, even brutal, battles. 
Get a close look at two of the really well-intentioned people in the trenches who care passionately about their neighbors, their hometowns, their county and their state and find out why Ronald Reagan called people like this America's "everyday heroes".

Trump: Sanctions 'Insignificant'; Won't Stop Putin

- February 22, 2022 - 

Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President 

of the United States of America

If properly handled, there was absolutely no reason that the situation currently happening in Ukraine should have happened at all. I know Vladimir Putin very well, and he would have never done during the Trump Administration what he is doing now, no way! Russia has become very very rich during the Biden Administration, with oil prices doubling and soon to be tripling and quadrupling. The weak sanctions are insignificant relative to taking over a country and a massive piece of strategically located land. Now it has begun, oil prices are going higher and higher, and Putin is not only getting what he always wanted, but getting, because of the oil and gas surge, richer and richer. The U.S. was energy independent under the Trump Administration, an independence that we had never obtained before, and oil prices would have remained low. Now, what a mess our Country is in!

And Now, Let's Turn Back The Clock . . .


Saint Katherine Drexel To Be Remembered, March 3rd

Faithful throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia are invited to celebrate the feast day of Saint Katharine Drexel with a Sung Mass at the Shrine within the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul.

Thursday, March 3, 2022
12:05 p.m.
Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
18th Street and Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA 19103

The Sung Mass will be live-streamed through the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Facebook page and website.

All are encouraged to join in praying the Solemn Novena to Saint Katharine Drexel, which will begin on Tuesday, February 22. Please follow the link below to access the Novena: . The Solemn Novena will be prayed at every Mass during this timeframe.

Prayer intentions can also be submitted and will be especially remembered every Thursday in the perpetual Novena to Saint Katharine Drexel following the 7:15 a.m. and the 12:05 p.m. Masses in the Cathedral Chapel. Please use this link to submit a prayer intention or offering:

Background Regarding Saint Katharine Drexel
Saint Katharine Drexel was canonized on October 1, 2000. She is the second American-born person ever to be canonized. Born into tremendous wealth as part of the Drexel family, she gave up her life of privilege to found the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament in 1891. She dedicated her life to serve the needs of African Americans and Native Americans, and inspired so many women, who joined the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, to follow her example.

Note: For more information on the Shrine of Saint Katharine Drexel at the Cathedral Basilica, please see the website,

Posted By A Friend On Social Media . . .


Open NJ UE Offices For In-Person Appts. NOW!

In an effort to put teeth into the repeated calls from thousands of New Jersey’s unemployed workers, the three members from the First Legislative District announced their legislation to require the reopening of Department of Labor and Workforce Development (NJDOL) state unemployment offices as soon as March 1, 2022, for in-person appointments or the personal pay of the department’s top leadership will be cut and used for a new fund for unemployed workers.

Sen. Michael Testa and Assemblymen Antwan McClellan and Erik Simonsen will introduce legislation that would direct labor commissioner Robert Asaro-Angelo to reopen unemployment facilities for in-person appointments. (

The legislation, sponsored by Sen. Michael Testa (R-1) and Assemblymen Antwan McClellan and Erik Simonsen (R-1), directs the Commissioner of Labor Robert Asaro-Angelo to reopen the facilities for in-person appointments.

If the state unemployment offices are not reopened by that date, under the bill, the total compensation of the commissioner, deputy commissioner, assistant commissioners, and the department’s chief of staff are to be reduced by 5 percent every two weeks, for the first month, and thereafter until all closed state unemployment offices are reopened. The funds collected from the pay reductions would be placed in a special fund in the Department of the Treasury to be known as the “Unemployed Workers Compensation Fund” to repay the filers who were harmed by the Department’s inaction.

“Teachers are back in classrooms, first responders are patrolling our streets, and medical professionals are in facilities caring for our most vulnerable. If they can serve out in the community, then so can Department of Labor employees,” said Sen. Testa (R-Vineland). “This failed system where Department employees work from their couch and get paid every two weeks is not working for all New Jerseyans. Commissioner Asaro-Angelo needs to do his job and order his employees back to work and this bill will incentivize him and his staff to do just that.”

“Our office has dealt with a countless number of people all dealing with the same issue, the failures of the NJDOL, and it is time to do something about it,” said Simonsen (R-Cape May). “We will continue to help our constituents because we will not leave them in their time of need, but at the same time, we need to get to the root of the issue, which is the NJDOL not being accountable for their constant self-created failures: Failures that only hurt already struggling New Jerseyans. We will make sure the NJDOL is accountable for those failures. We cannot let government agencies believe they are above being accountable for their actions. New Jerseyans deserve accountability from government agencies and their elected officials.”

The trio of lawmakers sent a letter in January asking when in-person appointments could be restarted and noted that the First District office staff and legislative offices across New Jersey have been working tirelessly to help increasingly desperate constituents who cannot access their unemployment benefits via the NJDOL’s failing system.

“Many issues that are taking anywhere from six to eight weeks to process could be resolved in six to eight minutes with the restoration of in-person services,” the legislators wrote in the letter.

These offices and One-Stop Centers were closed on March 18, 2020, more than 700 days ago, by order of Commissioner Asaro-Angelo. At that time, the release said that “operations are expected to reopen on March 30, 2020.” According to a recent news article, the Commissioner has said that “One-Stop Career Centers continue to function, but they are only open for in-person visits by appointment and most cases don’t need these centers to get answers to unemployment questions.”

The legislators believe that if the One-Stops are open for in-person appointments, the state unemployment offices should follow suit and reopen as well.

“People are fed up and need assistance, but the NJDOL continues to keep their doors closed,” stated McClellan (R-Ocean City). “The One-Stop centers are open, but New Jerseyans cannot access many of the needed NJDOL’s services at those locations. Schools, department stores, and other government offices are back open, yet the NJDOL has not budged, refusing to open its doors to the very people the department is supposed to help. The NJDOL’s unfair and unprofessional actions have hindered many New Jerseyans while creating a massive backlog of people waiting for services and benefits. They forget they are servants of the people, not the other way around. When a government agency performs in this matter, it is time for elected officials to stand up to lead the charge. I am incredibly proud that my fellow District One legislators are stepping up to do what needs to be done to hold the NJDOL accountable.”

The bill will be introduced early next week when the Legislature reconvenes.

Until All Of A Sudden It WASN'T OK . . .

VIDEO: The Latest On That US Truckers' Convoy!

Monday, February 21, 2022

The Brave New World Of Collectors' Items


The Utter Folly Of Presidents Day!

 Quick: Why is today a holiday?

What do we observe on this day?
Why is the holiday February 21st this year when it was some other date last year?
Something to do with George Washington, you say? Or Abraham Lincoln? Or is it Presidents Day?
Do you know the traditionally accepted date of Washington’s birth? And what really is the relationship, if any, between Washington’s birthday and the birthday of Abraham Lincoln? It all seems rather murky.
But a bit of investigation reveals an interesting tale.
According to calendars used since the mid 18th century, Washington was born on February 22, 1732. This date consequently became the generally accepted date for observances of Washington’s birth.
Public celebrations for George Washington's birthday actually predate his term as president, and were originally intended to honor his service in the War for Independence. By the early 19th century, Washington's Birthday had taken hold in the American experience as a full-fledged national holiday.
Its traditions included Birthnight Balls in various parts of the country, speeches and receptions and revelry in taverns throughout the land.
The story of Washington’s life was widely taught and legends about Washington began to grow.
Then, Abraham’s Lincoln’s birthday, February 12, emerged as an important national event.
The birthday of our 16th President was first observed in 1865, one year after his assassination. But Lincoln’s birthday was never officially declared a federal holiday as Washington’s was even though Lincoln’s birthday was an official holiday in several states.
For decades, February was a grand month for celebrating Washington and Lincoln, our two greatest Presidents. Schools, stores, banks, libraries and other public locations were festooned with portraits of Washington and Lincoln. The profiles of both men were instantly recognizable and stories of Washington and the cherry tree and Lincoln the railsplitter abounded.
Then, in 1968 Congress passed something called the Uniform Holidays Bill which made Washington’s Birthday a Monday holiday. Starting in 1971, the third Monday in February became Washington’s Birthday. It’s been that way for 39 years now.
But a funny thing happened along the way.
Washington’s Birthday somehow became Presidents Day. Nobody declared it. Nobody proclaimed it. It just happened. And that’s what the third Monday in February has been called even though the federal government still officially lists it as Washington’s Birthday.
The result is that we now have a day that stands for nothing.
Some people actually think Presidents Day honors the current president. Some people think it honors all the presidents. Some people think it honors their own favorite president or presidents. Some people think it’s just a shopping holiday. All those people are wrong, wrong, wrong!
And the sad part is that school children seem to be as confused as anyone else. If you ask a kid today about something as basic as Washington crossing the Delaware or the legend of the cherry tree he or she would probably respond with total bewilderment.
And nobody seems to even understand how we got to this point. There has even been an urban legend that in 1971 President Nixon officially designated February 22 as Presidents Day. But it never happened.
So, here’s my solution. Let’s start celebrating February 22 as Washington’s Birthday again and give the father of our country his due. This means no disrespect to Lincoln or any other president. It simply recognizes the greatness of Washington and his paramount role in our history.
At a dinner honoring the centennial of Washington’s birth in 1832 Daniel Webster said that Washington’s legacy was nothing less than “the edifice of constitutional American liberty.”
It’s time to resurrect that legacy, acknowledge that edifice and restore George Washington’s rightful place in our national life.

AnD Speaking Of Presidents . . .