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Monday, November 30, 2020
Just A Bit Of Testimony; Quite Compelling!
Witness at #ArizonaHearing says the signature on ballots "didn’t even resemble, in any way" what they were matching it to, says they were "completely illegible" and was told not to worry about it.
-- Tommy Robinson TommyRobinson Monday, November 30, 2020
Biden's Appointments: Bad News For Israel!
Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and Chair Mark Levenson, Esq. released the following statement:
Sunday, November 29, 2020
Revealed: The Magical Colors Of Christmas!
What ARE You Doing With That Mask?
A friend owns a restaurant. He is going broke. He had seating outside, but winter approaches and heaters are back-ordered until next spring. He is holding on. One is “permitted” to sit at his tables and eat without a mask. Indeed, how would one eat while wearing one? Does the virus know that one is sitting down?
He greeted two regular customers the other night, and sat at their table to chat. He took off his mask. The customer informed him that the regulations stated that employees of a restaurant are required by law to wear masks at all times. The owner put his mask on and rose. But does the virus know he is an employee of the restaurant? With whom would he argue, being an employee and a proprietor? With the virus?
The virus here is government—or at least the incompetents who advise our rulers and cannot admit the legitimacy of dissension. Absent intervention, this virus may eventually kill the host organism.
Mamet also points out that The New England Journal of Medicine "recently reported that masks are useless outside health-care facilities, that there is little possibility of catching the virus from a 'passing interaction in a public place.' " But one week later they had to issue "a squishy semiretraction," saying, in effect that “it couldn’t hurt" to wear a mask.
Saturday, November 28, 2020
Why We're So Much BETTER, Not Bitter!
Though Some May Call Us “Bitter” . . .
Some say that we’ve turned bitter
But that’s demonstrably untrue
In fact we’re actually better
For each day that we start anew.
We’ve fought the fight worth fighting
With passion and resolve
We’ve nothing to be ashamed of
And no reason to dissolve.
Instead we must press onward
And continue to grow our cause
Let us welcome legions more
And do so without pause.
We’ve encountered a bump in the road
So what? We’ve gained a whole lot more
We’re strengthened by our adversity
And have only begun to soar.
Lies, cheating and chicanery
Will hardly dissuade us now
Nor will intimidation
Or your disfavor, or petulant scowl.
No, we will not retreat to a quiet corner
And we feel no compulsion to obey
We created and defined this movement
And will continue to show the way.
You won’t tear America from us
Your insults we’ll not abide
We love our country too much
To let this vision slide.
So, go ahead, call us bitter
If that makes you feel first-rate
You’ll only fool yourself
And be burdened by that weight.
OMG! Did NBC Actually Get This One Right?
More than 8 months into the pandemic, the very isolation meant to protect nursing home residents is also contributing to their deaths.
— NBC News (@NBCNews) November 28, 2020
Confined to their rooms and largely cut off from visitors, many residents are experiencing mental and physical decline. https://t.co/Z0Eh7MKQUH
Friday, November 27, 2020
Another Typical Phony Liberal Caught In The Act!
Recent Top Stories At The Dan Cirucci Blog