Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Hey, Do You Remember THIS Guy? Do You?

Well, So Far It Seems To Be Working . . .

A Whole New Team Ready To Go, Go, GO!

President-elect Donald J. Trump today announced his intent to nominate Steven Mnuchin as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Treasury, Wilbur Ross as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce and Todd Ricketts as Deputy Secretary of Commerce. This team will be instrumental in implementing the President-elect’s America First economic plan that will create more than 25 million jobs over the next decade.

Mr. Mnuchin has decades of financial management experience including serving as Chief Information Officer at Goldman Sachs as well as finance director for President-elect Trump’s presidential campaign.

“Steve Mnuchin is a world-class financier, banker and businessman, and has played a key role in developing our plan to build a dynamic, booming economy that will create millions of jobs,” said President-elect Trump. “His expertise and pro-growth ideas make him the ideal candidate to serve as Secretary of the Treasury. He purchased IndyMac Bank for $1.6 billion and ran it very professionally, selling it for $3.4 billion plus a return of capital. That’s the kind of people I want in my administration representing our country."

“I am honored to have the opportunity to serve our great country in this important role. I understand what needs to be done to fix the economy. I look forward to helping President-elect Trump implement a bold economic agenda that creates good-paying jobs and defends the American worker,” said Mr. Mnuchin.

Since 2004, Mr. Mnuchin has been the Founder, Co-Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Dune Capital Management, one of the country’s premier investment firms, specializing in public equity markets, real estate and the entertainment industry. He also founded OneWest Bank Group LLC in 2009 and served as its Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

Prior to that, Mr. Mnuchin worked for 17 years at Goldman Sachs, where he oversaw trading in government securities, mortgages, money markets, and municipal bonds and rose to become the company’s Chief Information Officer.

Mr. Mnuchin has extensive experience in investing and financing the entertainment business. He founded RatPac-Dune Entertainment, which has produced wildly successful films, including Avatar, the highest grossing film in history ($2.8B worldwide), American Sniper, the X-Men series and many more.

He is a Member of the Board of The Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles (MOCA), UCLA Health System Board, New York Presbyterian Hospital, the Los Angeles Police Foundation, and Life Trustee of New York Presbyterian Hospital. Mr. Mnuchin has a bachelor's degree from Yale University.

In addition, President-elect Trump announced his intent to nominate Wilbur Ross as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Commerce, a man renowned for his extraordinary business career and economic expertise.

“Wilbur Ross is a champion of American manufacturing and knows how to help companies succeed. Most importantly, he is one of the greatest negotiators I have ever met, and that comes from me, the author of The Art of the Deal. Together, we will take on the special interests and stand up for American jobs,” said President-elect Trump. “Wilbur knows that cutting taxes for working families, reducing burdensome government regulations and unleashing America's energy resources will strengthen our economy at a time when our country needs to see significant growth. I am proud to nominate him as Secretary of Commerce.”

“I am delighted to have been selected to join President-elect Trump's Cabinet and look forward to working especially closely with Steve Mnuchin to implement the economic programs which we have developed jointly to implement the President-elect's strategy for accelerating our economic growth,” said Mr. Ross.

For 25 years Mr. Ross headed Rothschild Inc. where he built a legacy of saving jobs and restructuring failing companies back to profitability. He has successfully grown businesses in the telecommunications, textiles, steel, and coal industries. In 2000, Mr. Ross started the investment firm WL Ross & Co.

Mr. Ross served as the President-elect’s top economic advisor on trade policy. He agrees with President-elect Trump’s plan to bring back jobs, eliminate the trade deficit and make good deals for America’s workers. He is a world-class negotiator and can be counted on to be a forceful advocate for America's interests in the global economy. He received a bachelor’s degree from Yale University and his MBA from Harvard University.

In addition to Mr. Ross’ nomination, President-elect Trump announced his choice of Todd Ricketts, co-owner of the Chicago Cubs, to serve as Deputy Commerce Secretary.

“Todd Ricketts is an immensely successful businessman with unparalleled knowledge of the finance industry,” said President-elect Trump. “As Deputy Commerce Secretary he will help us cut waste and streamline government so that it works for the people of America. The incredible job he and the Ricketts family did in the purchase and turnaround of the Chicago Cubs – one perfect step after another, leading to the World Championship, is what I want representing our people. I am very proud to have him on our team.”

"I am honored that President-elect Donald J. Trump has asked me to serve our country at this critical juncture in our history. Advancing practical policies that promote economic opportunity is critical to making America great again. I'm eager to begin this important work and serving with Wilbur Ross to implement President-elect Trump's economic agenda, which will improve the lives of all Americans," said Mr. Ricketts.

Mr. Ricketts is committed to promoting the values of fiscal responsibility and educating taxpayers on wasteful and excessive government spending. He is the son of Ameritrade founder Joe Ricketts and has years of hands-on experience in the finance industry. Like President-elect Trump, Mr. Ricketts will use this knowledge to fix the broken Washington D.C. system, keep jobs in the United States and spur job growth.

Mr. Ricketts has consistently spearheaded efforts to defend the taxpayers' money. Ricketts is a graduate of Loyola University Chicago. In 2016, Mr. Ricketts helped deliver a World Series Championship to the people of Chicago as a key member of the Cubs ownership group.

Back For Yet Another Stint . . . OK?

President-elect Donald J. Trump today announced his intent to nominate Elaine Chao to serve as Secretary of the United States Department of Transportation. Having served as Deputy Secretary at the U.S. Department of Transportation and Secretary of the Department of Labor, Chao brings unparalleled experience and insight to the role.

“Secretary Chao’s extensive record of strong leadership and her expertise are invaluable assets in our mission to rebuild our infrastructure in a fiscally responsible manner,” said President-elect Trump. “She has an amazing life story and has helped countless Americans in her public service career. I am pleased to nominate Elaine as Secretary of the Department of Transportation.”

"The President-elect has outlined a clear vision to transform our country's infrastructure, accelerate economic growth and productivity, and create good paying jobs across the country,” said Ms. Chao. “I am honored to be nominated by the President-elect to serve my beloved country as Transportation Secretary.”

Elaine L. Chao is a Distinguished Fellow at Hudson Institute. She is the 24th U.S. Secretary of Labor who served from 2001-2009. She is the first American woman of Asian descent to be appointed to a President’s Cabinet in our nation’s history.

An immigrant who arrived in America at the age of eight speaking not a word of English, Chao received her U.S. Citizenship when she was 19 years old. Secretary Chao’s experience transitioning to a new country has motivated her to devote most of her professional life to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to build better lives.

Secretary Chao has a distinguished career in the public, private and nonprofit sectors. As the first Secretary of Labor in the 21st Century, she focused on increasing the competitiveness of America’s workforce in a global economy and achieved record results in workplace safety and health.

Prior to the Department of Labor, Secretary Chao was President and Chief Executive Officer of United Way of America where she restored public trust and confidence in one of our nation's premier institutions of private charitable giving after it had been tarnished by financial mismanagement and abuse. As director of the Peace Corps, she established the first programs in the Baltic nations and the newly independent states of the former Soviet Union. Her government service also includes serving as Chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission. She has also worked in the private sector as Vice President of Syndications at Bank of America Capital Markets Group and Citicorp.

Secretary Chao earned her MBA from the Harvard Business School and an economics degree from Mount Holyoke College. Recognized for her extensive record of accomplishments and public service, she is the recipient of 35 honorary doctorate degrees.

Michael Sacco, president of the Seafarers International Union, said, “There is nobody better qualified to be Secretary of Transportation than Elaine Chao. Throughout her time in government, Elaine Chao has long been a steadfast friend to the SIU and to maritime labor. The industry has no better supporter than Elaine Chao, and she has stood up to defend the Jones Act, the Maritime Security Program, cargo preference and the other key programs that keep our industry alive. She understands the importance of providing jobs to America’s working families, and she has seen firsthand the value of the United States Merchant Marine to our nation’s defense and prosperity. We look forward to working with her again.”

“Elaine Chao is an outstanding choice as Secretary of Transportation. She has been an effective leader in government, the private sector, and in the non-profit sector. I believe she will be able to pull these different stakeholders together for the good of the country,” said Brian Gallagher, president and CEO of United Way Worldwide.

“The first Asian Pacific American woman to be appointed to the President's Cabinet, Secretary Chao was also a great Deputy Secretary of Transportation and has extensive experience in transportation. She will help improve our country's infrastructure and create more jobs. This is wonderful news for the Asian Pacific American community,” said Chiling Tong, CEO of the International Leadership Foundation.

Ed Mullins, president of the Sergeants Benevolent Association of the New York City Police Department (SBA), a labor union representing more than 13,000 active and retired police sergeants, praised President-elect Trump’s selection of Elaine Chao.

“The men and women I represent will always be grateful for the skill and tenacity Elaine Chao displayed in pushing through expanded overtime protections for millions of Americans—including police officers—and defending them from employers, like the City of New York, that tried to take them away from working men and women,” said Mullins. “The American people can rest assured that as Secretary of Transportation she will demonstrate the same skill, energy, and commitment to the concerns of ordinary Americans that were the hallmarks of her tenure at the Labor Department. The SBA calls on Congress to quickly confirm Elaine L. Chao as Secretary of Transportation.”

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

She Had NO Idea What She Was Talking About!

Watch this now and realize just how absolutely stupid and clueless Rachel Maddow, NBC and their friends in the mainstream media were and are.
Or were they simply out to totally mislead everyone?
But she seems so positively sure of herself -- and really gleeful about it, too. She's so high on the idea of the obvious result that she sees ahead. She literally can't contain herself.
It now makes you want to ask: Why is anyone still watching these people? Why?

Eating Crow? You Can Decide For Yourself . . .

VIDEO - Mitt Romney Speaks to Press After Big Meeting with Donald Trump President Elect - 11/29/16
The two dined in Manhattan at Jean-Georges restaurant in the Trump International Hotel at Columbus Circle.

Two More Big Choices As Things Move Forward!

President-elect Donald J. Trump today announced his intent to nominate Chairman of the House Budget Committee Congressman Tom Price, M.D. (GA-06) as Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services and Seema Verma as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

“Chairman Price, a renowned physician, has earned a reputation for being a tireless problem solver and the go-to expert on healthcare policy, making him the ideal choice to serve in this capacity,” said President-elect Trump. “He is exceptionally qualified to shepherd our commitment to repeal and replace Obamacare and bring affordable and accessible healthcare to every American. I am proud to nominate him as Secretary of Health and Human Services.”

"It is an honor to be nominated to serve our nation as Secretary of Health and Human Services. Thanks to President-elect Trump and Vice President-elect Pence for their confidence," said Rep. Price. "I am humbled by the incredible challenges that lay ahead and enthusiastic for the opportunity to be a part of solving them on behalf of the American people. There is much work to be done to ensure we have a healthcare system that works for patients, families, and doctors; that leads the world in the cure and prevention of illness; and that is based on sensible rules to protect the well-being of the country while embracing its innovative spirit."

Rep. Price was first elected to represent Georgia’s 6th district in November 2004. Prior to going to Washington, Price served four terms in the Georgia State Senate – two as Minority Whip. In 2002, he was a leader in the Republican renaissance in Georgia as the party took control of the State Senate, with Price rising to become the first Republican Senate Majority Leader in the history of Georgia.

In Congress, Rep. Price is a proven leader, tireless problem solver and go-to Republican on quality healthcare policy. He serves on the House Committee on Ways and Means. In the 114th Congress, Rep. Price was named Chair of the House Committee on the Budget. In previous Congresses, he has served as Chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee and Chairman of the Republican Study Committee. Committed to advancing positive solutions under principled leadership, Rep. Price has been a fierce opponent of government waste and devoted to limited government and lower spending.

For nearly 20 years, Rep. Price worked in private practice as an orthopedic surgeon. Before coming to Washington he returned to Emory University School of Medicine as an Assistant Professor and Medical Director of the Orthopedic Clinic at Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, teaching resident doctors in training. He received his Bachelor and Doctor of Medicine degrees from the University of Michigan and completed his Orthopedic Surgery residency at Emory University.

In addition to Chairman Price’s nomination, President-elect Trump announced his choice of Seema Verma, one of the leading experts in the country on Medicare and Medicaid, to serve as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

“I am pleased to nominate Seema Verma to serve as Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services,” said President-elect Trump. “She has decades of experience advising on Medicare and Medicaid policy and helping states navigate our complicated systems. Together, Chairman Price and Seema Verma are the dream team that will transform our healthcare system for the benefit of all Americans.”

“I am honored to be nominated by President-elect Trump today,” said Ms. Verma. “I look forward to helping him tackle our nation's daunting healthcare problems in a responsible and sustainable way."

Seema Verma is the President, CEO and founder of SVC, Inc., a national health policy consulting company. For more than 20 years, Ms. Verma has worked extensively on a variety of policy and strategic projects involving Medicaid, insurance, and public health, working with Governors' offices, State Medicaid agencies, State Health Departments, State Departments of Insurance, as well as the federal government, private companies and foundations.

Ms. Verma has extensive experience redesigning Medicaid programs in several states. Ms. Verma is the architect of the Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP), the nation's first consumer directed Medicaid program under Governor Mitch Daniels of Indiana and then-Governor Pence’s HIP 2.0 waiver proposal.

Ms. Verma served as the State of Indiana’s health reform lead following the passage of Obamacare in 2010.

Ms. Verma is a graduate of the Richard G. Lugar Excellence in Public Service Series, and in 2016, Vice President-elect Pence awarded Ms. Verma the Sagamore of the Wabash. Additionally, Ms. Verma was recently selected to participate in the American Enterprise Institute Leadership Network.

Prior to consulting, Ms. Verma served as Vice President of Planning for the Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County and as a Director with the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) in Washington D.C. Ms. Verma received her Master’s degree in Public Health, with a concentration in health policy and management from Johns Hopkins University, and her Bachelor’s degree in Life Sciences from the University of Maryland.

Governor Christie BIG Announcement Live, Here!

If It Looks Like A Duck And It Quacks Like . . .

Is THE MOMENT At Hand For Christie? Yes?

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has scheduled an announcement for 11:30 today (Tuesday) morning in the Statehouse rotunda in Trenton.

The event, originally scheduled as a press conference has been changed to an announcement with no availability for questions from the media.
Hmmm . . . 
We hear that the announcement will be significant and there is even some speculation that Christie will be leaving his post as Governor.
Some say Christie is not necessarily set for a major cabinet post in the Trump administration but he may be in line for some other type of assignment, perhaps at a lower level.
And/OR Christie could simply announce his resignation now with a further announcement later (possibly from Trump & Co.) about where he's going or what he'll be doing.
It's possible that may be what's happening.
That would allow Christie to get back in the news, appear to be in control of his own destiny, remove himself as a lightening rod in New Jersey and open the door for Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno to act freely and build her own persona and following as she prepares to run for Governor next year.
Could it be?
Or is it something else?
The Governor loves to surprise and he loves to seize the spotlight. He's also an incredible survivor who has a knack for bouncing back from adversity.
With Christie, anything can happen.
Stay tuned . . . . 

It Would Be Funny If It Wasn't So Sad . . .

Monday, November 28, 2016

So How Smart Were They, Really? Huh?

VERY IMPORTANT News From Christie Tomorrow?

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has scheduled an announcement for 11:30 tomorrow (Tuesday) morning in the Statehouse rotunda in Trenton.
The event, originally scheduled as a press conference has been changed to an announcement with no availability for questions from the media.
Hmmm . . . 
We hear that the announcement will be significant and there is even some speculation that Christie will be leaving his post as Governor.
Some say Christie is not necessarily set for a major cabinet post in the Trump administration but he may be in line for some other type of assignment, perhaps at a lower level.
It's possible that may be what's happening.
Could it be?
Or is it something else?
The Governor loves to surprise and he loves to seize the spotlight. He's also an incredible survivor who has a knack for bouncing back from adversity.
With Christie, anything can happen.
Stay tuned . . . . 

You'd Be Well-Advised To Remember This . . .

Once And For All, Tell Her To 'Get Lost!'

Let's Put This Brutal Cop Killer Behind Bars!

In response to Fidel Castro’s death, New Jersey State Senator Joe Pennacchio (R-Essex, Morris, Passaic) has renewed his call for Cuba to extradite convicted cop-killer Joanne Chesimard.

Pennachio (one of out state's finest public servants) has been valiant and tenacious in his efforts to bring this scoundrel to justice.
Joanne Chesimard is wanted for escaping from prison in Clinton, New Jersey, while serving a life sentence for murdering a New Jersey State Trooper. She relocated to Cuba in 1984, where she is thought to still be living. (FBI)
“Joanne Chesimard brutally murdered a New Jersey State Police Trooper and yet she has been allowed to live comfortably in Cuba for more than 30 years. Even in the wake of Castro’s death, there cannot be real peace between our two nations as long as Cuba remains a safe haven for a convicted cop-killer.”

“Cubans everywhere are celebrating the death of Fidel Castro, an oppressive dictator whose destructive regime tore entire nations apart. This is an opportunity for Cuban leaders to leave Castro’s violent legacy behind and usher in a new era of peace. They can start by returning Joanne Chesimard to US soil so she can finally pay the price for her deplorable crimes.”

Pennacchio is the sponsor of SR-11, a New Jersey Senate resolution urging Cuba to extradite Chesimard to the United States.

Get Ready America, Here He Comes . . .

Oh, What Today's Media Could Learn From Her!

Wow! Here's What You've Been Waiting For . . .

And so now we give you what you've long been waiting for.
This is what you've wanted.
It's what you've dreamed about.
And, finally -- it's here!
The one, the only, the still-evolving list of INs and OUTs in the Age of Trump. Enjoy!

Donald Trump
Barack Obama

The Trumps
The Clintons

Martha's Vineyard

Midtown Manhattan
Hyde Park, Chicago

Kellyanne Conway
Valerie Jarrett


Peter Thiel
Robby Mook

Barron Trump
Sasha and Malia

Red Rout
Blue Wall

Acting out
Holding it in

Pop divas

Nicknames like "Mad Dog"

Nicknames like "Robby"

The boondocks

Coal and shale
Windmills and solar panels

Reagan Democrats

American exceptionalism
American apologies

George P. Bush

Billy Bush and everyone else named Bush

Antonio Sabato, Jr.
Mark Ruffalo


Andrew Jackson
Alexander Hamilton




Electoral College

Nouveau riche
Noblesse oblige

Throwing the "ins" out
Keeping them in

Justice Thomas
Justice Ginsburg

Duck Dynasty

Tom Brady
Colin Kaepernick


Franklin Graham
Pope Francis

The environment


West Virginia
West Hollywood


The art of the deal

Political movements
Political parties


Someone like Antonin Scalia
Someone like Merrick Garland


Anthony Scaramucci
Warren Buffett

Labor unions

Steve Bannon
John Podesta

Made in America
Made in Mexico

Trump Tower

Willis [Sears] Tower

poles and fences
polls and prognosticators

Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Monica Crowley
Charles Krauthammer, Bill Kristol, Brett Stephens

Pat Caddell
Frank Lutz

Gateway Pundit, Breitbart
National Review, Weekly Standard

Diamond and Silk
Nate Silver

Jon Voight, Clint Eastwood

Ben Affleck, Matt Damon

Newt Gingrich
Karl Rove

Dennis Miller
Amy Schumer

Palm Beach

Everywhere else

Sunday, November 27, 2016

As Usual, The Rules Apply -- EXCEPT . . .

Senseless And Unnecessary? Sure Looks That Way!

An important statement from Pennsylvania GOP Chair Rob Gleason:

On November 8th, 2016, Donald Trump made history when he turned Pennsylvania red for the first time since 1988. In addition, Pennsylvania Republicans helped re-elect U.S. Senator Pat Toomey and 13 Congressmen as well as expand our majorities in the State Senate and State House.

In recent days, Green Party candidate Jill Stein has decided to launch baseless attacks against the integrity of Pennsylvania’s election system as well as the elections held in two other battleground states. Sadly, the legal counsel for the Clinton campaign signaled they would take part in any recount efforts initiated by Dr. Stein’s despite Secretary Clinton’s statement during the campaign.

Thus, as two failed campaigns continue to question the results of Pennsylvania’s historic election, the Republican Party of Pennsylvania would like to add a few critical points to the discussion.

The Results of the Presidential Election Did Not Trigger Pennsylvania’s Automatic Recount Statute Because The Margin Of Victory Was So High.
Per the provisions of the Pennsylvania Election Code at 25 P.S. 3154(g)(1), “The secretary shall order a recount and recanvass to all county boards if…a candidate for a public office which appears on the ballot in every election district in this Commonwealth was defeated by one-half of a percent or less of the votes cast for the office.”

With 100% of the precincts reporting, Mr. Trump defeated Secretary Clinton by 1.17% (a margin of victory of 70,638 votes) - more than double the threshold for an automatic recount. Dr. Stein was defeated by 47.98 % by President-Elect Trump, and as such it is clear that she does not have a good faith basis to challenge the results She is clearly serving as a stalking horse for the Clinton campaign that once again will not take responsibility for its actions.

PA GOP Voter Registration Surged In 2016, With New Registrants And Party Switchers.
Pennsylvania Republicans realized a net gain of 318, 585 new registrations between since Election Day 2015.

Fueling our growing Party was a historic surge of Democrats who decided to switch their voter registrations to the PA GOP. In total, 110, 264 Democrats switched to the Republican Party since January 1st of this year, compared to less than 46,000 Republican-to-Democrat switchers. This phenomenon garnered national media attention throughout the year.

The four counties that voted for Obama in 2012 but switched and voted for Trump in 2016 followed the statewide pattern of voters moving to the Republican party and candidate this year. For example, the Luzerne County GOP gained more than eleven times as many new voter registrations as its Democrat counterpart from Election Day 2015 to Election Day 2016 (11,759 GOP registrations to 1,051 Democrat registrations).

The Pennsylvania Secretary of State Certified Publicly that the Commonwealth’s Voting Systems are Secure.
He also stated clearly that: “The Department of State and the counties take very seriously their responsibility to ensure fair, secure and smooth elections. We are confident the November election will meet those high standards; as it has been the case in years past.”

Ms. Clinton and Ms. Stein should heed the words of Secretary Cortes, who said: “To imply that fraud is rampant – at any level – from the precinct-level to an entire city or state – is without merit and lacks any credence or proof within the modern history of elections in this country or commonwealth.

Even The Obama Administration Knows Trump Won.
According to Politico, the White House issued a terse statement when asked about the Stein/Clinton recount efforts, stating, “We stand behind our election results, which accurately reflect the will of the American people.”

After mocking Republicans’ open and transparent push for election integrity, it’s sad to see a major candidate such as Hillary Clinton plunge our electoral system into an unnecessary controversy just because she didn’t win.

It is far past time for the Commonwealth and the nation to move past the Clinton era as we work together to Make America Great Again.

What's She Runnin -- A Rat Race To Nowhere?

Diamond and Silk don't take kindly to Jill Stein wanting a recount for states she clearly lost. Donald Trump won so get over it.

WOW! The World Has A New Champion!

A TriUMPh By Any Standard Of Mesurement

From President-elect Donald J. Trump:

"The people have spoken and the election is over, and as Hillary Clinton herself said on election night, in addition to her conceding by congratulating me, 'We must accept this result and then look to the future.'

"It is important to point out that with the help of millions of voters across the country, we won 306 electoral votes on Election Day - the most of any Republican since 1988 – and we carried nine of 13 battleground states, 30 of 50 states, and more than 2,600 counties nationwide - the most since President Ronald Reagan in 1984.

"This recount is just a way for Jill Stein, who received less than one percent of the vote overall and wasn’t even on the ballot in many states, to fill her coffers with money, most of which she will never even spend on this ridiculous recount. All three states were won by large numbers of voters, especially Pennsylvania, which was won by more than 70,000 votes.

"This is a scam by the Green Party for an election that has already been conceded, and the results of this election should be respected instead of being challenged and abused, which is exactly what Jill Stein is doing."

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Honest! It's Really Entirely Plausible. Really!

Now, THIS Is How A REAL Leader Reacts . . .

Take This Quick Quiz, Test Your Status!

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Oh My, Such Vividly Contrasting Views . . .

"Today, the world marks the passing of a brutal dictator who oppressed his own people for nearly six decades. Fidel Castro's legacy is one of firing squads, theft, unimaginable suffering, poverty and the denial of fundamental human rights." 
-- President-Elect Donald Trump

"History will record and judge the enormous impact of this singular figure on the people and world around him." -- Barack Obama

"Rosalynn and I share our sympathies with the Castro family and the Cuban people on the death of Fidel Castro. We remember fondly our visits with him in Cuba and his love of his country. We wish the Cuban citizens peace and prosperity in the years ahead." --Jimmy Carter

A Vicious, Deadly, Disgusting, Vile Tyrant . . .


Friday, November 25, 2016

Face It, THIS Is The Way Things Will Be . . .

It's becoming increasingly clear now that our liberal friends are simply unwilling to accept the obvious reality that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States, effective 12 noon, January 20, 2017.

At that moment, on that date, what you see above will be the single most overwhelming Fact of Life in these United States.

Now, some of us clearly saw it coming -- even a full year ahead of time. In fact, we even saw the makeup of and the reasons for the mandate. So, yes -- we've got some bragging rights today.

And maybe that's why we can't understand why others are apparently so perplexed or so unwilling to accept the current state of affairs.

Look, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. Donald Trump won and he won quite handily according to the rules. Let's face it, both candidates knew the rules and they played according to the rules. It just so happens that one had the hunger, the desire, the strategy, the passion and in the end, the momentum to win.

This was a change election and change won.
And why some people are so shocked and surprised (not to mentioned downright devastated) is hard to understand. Because, consider the following:

1) In the modern era, it's almost impossible for one party to keep the presidency for three terms in a row. It's happened only once since FDR.

2) America is a democracy, not a monarchy. In recent times, the closest we've come to enshrining a dynasty has been Presidents Bush #41 and #43. The one failed in his first term and the second failed in his second term. Not a good record.

3) People already had Clinton fatigue way back in 2000. They were over the Clintons then. That's how W squeaked into office. There simply was no appetite this time around for bringing the Clintons back again.

Beyond all this, Hillary was simply a bad candidate. Her campaign was little more than a repeat of her failed 2008 campaign where she lost the nomination to Barack Obama because she refused to take risks. Once again, she insisted on playing it safe. She just doesn't know how to run an audacious campaign -- a campaign that takes chances and takes charge.

And there was one other thing -- something quite consequential. Donald Trump finally gave us a Republican candidate attuned to the popular culture and adept at using both it and social media to chart a relevant and dramatic path to victory. In effect, he rewrote the book on presidential campaigns. Chucking the traditional consultant class, ignoring entrenched pollsters and pundits, turning his back on old media strategies that relied on TV ads and the like, he not only appealed directly to his constituency but he grew the constituency by leaps and bounds and created a new American majority -- a majority rooted in the heartland and in both rural and aging bedrock industrial corridors. In the process, Trump awakened a sleeping giant by arousing people who never voted before including huge numbers of male and female high-school graduates. And he did all this while spending far less money than Clinton.

So, it turns out that Donald Trump wasn't joking when he talked about giving voice to the voiceless.  And he meant it when he said this was a movement, not just a campaign. Indeed, he spoke for tens of millions who felt they had no spokesperson, no role, no real stake in the vital interests of the nation. Trump found perhaps the largest and most significant marginalized class of all -- the sort of ordinary, hard-working, faceless Americans who barely get by but are nonetheless indispensable. Problem was, nobody had treated them as valuable or even bothered to recognize them until Trump came along.

Donald Trump ran a largely instinctive campaign. In so doing, he proved that instinct is, in many ways smarter and more effective than logic or careful planning or even discipline. In short, he broke all the rules. But, wasn't it obvious that someone would eventually come along who would dare to not only break the old rules but also write new ones -- someone who would sock it to the know-it-alls?

This is what makes all the anguish of the left so inexplicable. How is it that liberals couldn't figure this out? In Bernie Sanders, they themselves even had a potential nominee who was making this it all-too-obvious for them.

But they didn't want to know; they didn't want to listen; they didn't want to understand.

And they still don't want to know it or accept it. They'd rather live in their bubble.

Well, that won't work. And fighting it  the same old way won't work either. Obviously, liberals are gonna battle Donald Trump tooth and nail. No question about that. They've already begun.

But in Trump, they have a new kind of foe -- someone who will not simply roll over and let them have their way, or even half their way. President-elect Trump is a grappler. He's prepared to fight, and fight hard.

Which leads to only one final and all-pervasive question: Will the Republicans stand by him and fight equally as hard? Will they?

We're about to find out . . .