Sunday, December 31, 2017

Our Fondest Wishes To Everyone, Everywhere!

Happy New Year!

Looking Back On It, One Word: WOW!

You Won't Believe What They Do Tonight!

Here they are -- the top 25 strangest New Year's customs from around the world.

Ten Big Reasons Why It's Totally Innocuous!

I've always pretty much hated New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. But for a long time I couldn't figure out why.
Now, I finally get it: They're downright innocuous.
Here then, in no particular order are the Ten Big Reason why the New Year's "holiday" is dumb, dumb, dumb:

1) There is absolutely no significant historical or religious meaning to the day.

2) How many bowl games can you watch, anyway?

3) The day celebrates not the beginning of anything but rather the end -- the end of the joyous holiday season.

4) The Tournament of Roses Parade, the Mummers Parade and other New Year's spectacles are all pretty much the same year-after-year.

5) You know it's true: Nobody keeps New Year's resolutions.

6) Celebrating the passing of time is like celebrating the inexorable march to your own death.

7) After Christmas, no other holiday on the immediate horizon can compete.

8) By January 1 you're completely stuffed and don't even wanna look at food. You're facing the grueling regimen of a diet.

9) All you have to look forward to are the two bleakest months of the year: January and February (and March ain't much better).

10) It'll take you weeks to get used to writing 2018 and you may still be thinking 2017 even in April.

The bottom line: New Year's Day is just another day on the calendar.

Well, This Is One Way Of Looking At It, Right?

Some Of The Strangest NYE Customers EVER!

The Times Square Ball Drop is a New Year's Eve tradition -- a dumb tradition, but still a tradition.
But did you know that many other cities have their own midnight "drops" on New Year's Eve?

No joke. Here is a list of some of the other drops:
Kennett Square, PA - Mushroom drop (in America's mushroom capital) See video above.
Raleigh, N. C. - Acorn drop
Carlisle, PA.. - Car
Miami - Orange
Atlanta - Peach
Bethlehem PA. - Peeps (yes, those funny marshmallow chicks) See video below.
Marion, Ohio - Popcorn
Harrisburg, PA.. - Strawberry
And my two personal favorites:
Mechanicsburg, PA.. - Wrench (Whoa - Watch out when that wrench drops!)
Dillsburg, PA.. - Pickle (Beats me why anyone would celebrate a "pickle drop" -- or droop.)

Groundhog Day. And strawberry, car, wrench, mushroom and pickle drops. The Mummers. Something about Pennsylvania seems to attract lots of silly faux-folk customs.

It's Time To Give Him the Credit He Deserves!

You can mock his brash demeanor.
You can dismiss his relentless irreverence
You can even smirk at his ample girth or take pleasure in his presumed downfall.
But one thing you cannot do is deny Chris Christie's many accomplishments.
When Chris Christie proclaimed on election night 2009 that he would "turn Trenton upside down," he wasn't joking.
Because this quintessential Jersey Guy did what others only talked about doing. He actually stemmed the rising tide of the state's runaway property taxes. Christie succeeded in getting a state-imposed cap of property tax hikes that dramatically cut the rate of annual tax hikes from seven percent before he took office to an average of 2.3 percent during his tenure. And Christie also capped arbitration awards for police and fire salaries, saving homeowners $2.9 billion in property taxes over seven years. On top of all that, he even managed to slash the state government payroll and cut the state sales tax.
And at the same time, Christie brokered an unprecedented deal with Democrats enacting a wide-ranging pension and benefits reform package that eliminated cost-of-living adjustments, delivered a projected savings to state and local governments of $120 billion over 30 years. At the same time, Christie's administration poured $8.8 billion into the pension system over eight years—more than double the amount contributed by the last five governors combined. 
Christie also took on the powerful NJEA teachers' union, doubled the number of charter-school enrollments and enacted tenure reforms allowing principals to fire ineffective teachers. Along the way, the governor became a passionate champion of school choice and common-sense education reform.
When Christie first proposed the reorganization of Rutgers and Rowan universities and a closer cooperation between the two, academic elites scoffed at his ideas. But the new combo has proven to be a success, giving South Jersey a world-class research university and a brand new Rowan Medical School while helping to increase grants and spike academic ratings for Rutgers.
When Chris Christie took office New Jersey was in the economic doldrums. Unemployment was hovering near double digits and growth was sluggish. Under Governor Christie, more than 300,000 new jobs have been created and the unemployment rate has been cut by more than half. And nowhere is business development and job growth more evident than in Camden where, for the first time, major companies such as Subaru, Holtec International and American Water are bringing private sector jobs back to the city. In fact, it's safe to say that no governor in recent history has been more involved with Camden, spent more time in Camden or done more for the city than Governor Christie. 
As significant as all these accomplishments are, many people believe that Christie's historic overhaul of the bail system along with drug violation and drug treatment reforms will be cited as among his most historic achievements. The governor put together a deal with the legislature that basically eliminated bail for all except those charged with violent crimes. Governor Christie also expanded "drug courts,'' which allow non-violent drug offenders to be moved to treatment programs instead of prison. And he reached out to those addicted to drugs with tough love and understanding by widening the use of Narcan to save lives, cracking down on runaway opioid prescriptions, supporting drug treatment programs and expanding treatment centers throughout the state. Here, the governor's program became a national model and won him a coveted spot at the helm of President Trump's commission on the opioid crisis.
At almost every turn, Chris Christie was an audacious visionary who always opted to do what he called "the big things". His move to raise the Bayonne Bridge allowing supertankers to pass under the structure and now dock in Port Newark is a perfect example of that. And recently, in an historic joint effort, Christie and Governor Andrew Cuomo put the finishing touches on the massive $12.7 billion Gateway Tunnel project linking New York and New Jersey.
Yes, Chris Christie can be surprisingly abrupt and startlingly dismissive at times. And here and there he may have allowed bald ambition to impede progress. 
But even now, no one can doubt his love for his home state and his visceral connection to its citizens, even those who may have soured on him. And no one can erase his impressive list of achievements.

This was a consequential administration and Chris Christie remains a transformational governor.

Editor's note: This op-ed also appears in today's Courier Post newspaper. 

Saturday, December 30, 2017

The Complete And Utter Absurdity Of It All

We love Sebastian Maniscalco.
We think he's one of the funniest people on earth.
And this is just one of the reasons why.

If You Have THIS Problem, We Have The Solution . .

Image result for dry skin
We're having absolutely FRIGID weather along the mid and upper east coast right now. The temperatures have been hovering in the single digits for days and the wind chills have dipped to zero or below.

The winter weather can wreck havoc on your skin, especially as you get older.

As the temperatures drop and you spend more time indoors in a dry, heated environment dry skin can worsen and itchy, flaky dryness can become the norm.

But there are things you can do to combat dry skin every day. Here are some tips and some products you may want to try using to combat this pesky seasonal problem. Please note that no one has paid us or provided anything gratis to mention the products we're recommending:

1) Oatmeal soap. An oatmeal soap is a great starting point. Try Yardley's Oatmeal and Almond Soap. It's mild and inexpensive -- and, it gets the job done.

2) Exfoliating gloves. You can buy these at any drugstore and they're a great way to scrub away dead skin and eliminate many of the problems that accompany dry skin.

3) Avon's Skin So Soft. Soak in it. It not only does wonders for your skin but it's the kind of pampering everyone could use once in awhile.

4) Kiehl's Creme de Corps. All of Kiehl's products are remarkable but this rich lotion is uniquely effective against dry skin all over your body. Available at Kiehl's and fine department and speciality stores.

5) A humidifier. A whole house humidifier is best but, absent that get a good room humidifier and use it -- particularly at night.

6) Lac Hydrin. This alpha-hyrdoxy acid lotion is now available without a prescription. Great for the most stubborn patches of dry skin -- even on your face.

7) Kiehl's moisturizing face cream. Use it at night before you go to bed. It's like a thirst-quencher for your face.

8) Crabtree & Evelyn Gardner's Therapy hand cream. The best product of its type. Leaves your hands soft and nourished.

9) A quick, tepid shower only. Hot water only makes dry skin worse. And, repeated showers invite more dry skin.

10) After a shower, be sure to thoroughly dry your skin vigorously with a fresh towel. After a moisturizing bath, pat dry. Then, apply lotions.

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Courageously Speaking Out For Rights And Freedom!

Yes, The Whole World Really IS Watching!

Watch as Iranian protesters, courageously demonstrating against an oppressive regime, protect each other from impending police assaults. 

THE LIST: Eighteen People To Watch in 2018

There are lots of people that bear watching in the new year.
And there are some people you might want to watch barely and others you might be longing to watch bare.
But we'll forgo all of that for a moment and talk about 18 people to keep your eye on in 2018 -- some for all the right reasons and some because you should be very, very wary of them.

In alphabetical order, here they are:

Lauren Ambrose
Never heard of her? You will. When Lincoln Center brings My Fair Lady back to Broadway this spring (for the first time in 25 years) she'll be the new Eliza Doolittle. She's got some Very Big Shoes to fill and we're wishing her the best.

Roseanne Barr and John Goodman
It's been 20 years since the original, iconic Roseanne sitcom but the whole family (see photo, above) will return to ABC in March for a new Roseanne series. Nine episodes just wrapped for this widely-anticipated show and it's rumored Roseanne will skew populist/right with a Trumpian hue. Stay tuned!

Cory Booker
The senator as poseur is twitterized, facebooked and instagrammed to the nines. But don't look for much beyond that from one of the slipperiest characters in Newark, Washington or endless points beyond. Pay attention, lest he socialize you into a dumbfounded stupor.

Tom Cotton
This bright, articulate, reliably conservative senator from Arkansas is really making his mark both inside and outside the beltway. The youngest member of the U. S. Senate he's a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School and a Marine Corps veteran who served in Iraq. He's the Real Deal!

Ansel Elgort
One of the most talented newcomers on the horizon today. He's an actor, singer, DJ and model who recently won plaudits for his role in the action thriller Baby Driver. He's already been nominated for a Golden Globe best actor award and we're looking for lots more from him in the year ahead.

Nick Foles
When the understudy goes on for the star, anything can happen. In the biggest hard luck town in sports, Eagles quarterback Nick Foles faces the challenge of his life. Can he bring the birds to the Super Bowl and make them soar? The clock is ticking . . . .

Trey Gowdy
Is there ever a reason not to watch this smart, super savvy Congressman from South Carolina? A tough former prosecutor and fearless inquisitor, Gowdy comes across as that scrappy, pugnacious kid who who was always one step ahead of you in grammar school.

Nkki Haley
What a year our redoubtable UN Ambassador has had! Haley has proven herself to be a rapid fire learner and a formidable presence on the world stage. And she manages to do it all while being a genuine patriot. What's next, Secretary of State? POTUS, someday? The sky's the limit!

Kamala Harris
The senator from California is building support for a 2020 presidential run. Hey, we all know the Dems aren't gonna run a white male for the Top Spot anytime soon, right? And Harris has been called the "female Barack Obama". Remember, that's supposed to be a compliment. So, expect to see and hear a lot from her in the coming year.

Tom MacArthur
A bright, shining GOP star, this courageous congressman is carving out a significant place for himself nationally. At home, he stands alone in speaking the truth about health care, taxes, jobs, the role of our military, the economy and other important issues. He faces a tough re-election battle next year but we're betting on a big, media-defying WIN!

Do we even have to say his first name? Do we? This self-righteous lawman sees himself as a champion of justice and an indefatigable righter of wrongs. But he comes pot-marked with erroneous zones and a sloppy trail left by cohorts who can't seem to shoot straight. Which is to say he's not as young, as sharp or as fair as he was once thought to be.

Phil Murphy
Watch him -- but watch your wallet, too. In fact, keep one eye on him and one eye on your pocketbook. He's got big plans for your money and hardly any of it actually inures to your benefit. And, by the time you notice that your pockets are empty, he plans to be out the back door and onto the national stage. Beware!

Benj Pasek and Justin Paul
So, here's the guy with the hopelessly abbreviated first name and his friend with the first name as last name. Yes, Pasek and Paul are the most talented songwriters on the planet right now. They've already done the music for Dear Evan Hansen, La La Land and A Christmas Story. In a wink, they've scooped up a Tony an Oscar and a Golden Globe and now they're out with The Greatest Showman. Whew!

Bernadette Peters
Born Bernadette Lazzara, she's a certifiable, multi-megawatt Broadway diva who can play any role, sing like an angel and dazzle you with her irrepressible charm and swoon-worthy figure. Now, she steps into the title role of Hello, Dolly! Can she match Bette Midler who played the same role to capacity houses every night for a year? We're about to find out.

Saorise Ronan
The first name is pronounced SUR-she and she's one of the hottest actresses on the silver screen right now. She garnered an Oscar nomination for playing a homesick Irish girl in 1950s New York in the drama Brooklyn and she's attracting plaudits and renewed Oscar buzz for her portrayal of a restless high school senior in the coming-of-age film Lady Bird. Forget Meryl Streep. Tomorrow is spelled S-a-o-r-i-s-e.

Steve Sweeney
This big, burly iron worker from SoutJoizee may be the state's last hope to stop the runaway tax 'n spend spree that Phil Murphy has in mind. Sweeney has already conquered the powerful state teachers' union and he's the closest thing the majority state Democrats have to a common-sense centrist. Will he step up or cop out?

And here's one more just for good measure: Tim Scott
What is it about South Carolina that produces so many great GOP leaders? Senator Tim Scott is right up there at the top of the heap and he won plaudits this year for his outstanding work on the Trump tax bill. Indeed, he was singled out by the president himself. Look for Scott to play an increasingly big role going forward.

And more to watch: Up 'n coming White House advisors Stephen Miller and Johnny DeStefano; New Jersey State Senator Joe Pennacchio (he may challenge US Sen. Bob Menendez); red hot journalist Ronan Farrow; movie actor Alden Ehrenreich; actress, playwright, screenwriter and director Greta Gerwig; NFL quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo; rising country singing sensation Scotty McCreery and Montgomery County (PA) conservative champ Joe Gale.

Happy New Year, everybody!

Friday, December 29, 2017

Now, Do You STILL Think He's Been Treated Fairly?

For their first 60 days (a period when the media traditionally go relatively easy on a new president) Clinton, Bush and Obama all received negative coverage in the 20 to 30 percent range -- relatively low.
For Trump during the same period the negative coverage soared to 62 percent -- and this during a time when the media didn't even know that much about Trump's plans and the administration was still taking shape. But the media had long since made up their minds.
So, let's face it -- the media were biased from the start. They didn't want Trump to win; they never got over his win; they were angry and they didn't want him to succeed. 
And sadly, for most of the media, that has not changed.

Hey, Have You Thought About THIS Option?

You Mess With Us At Your Own Peril . . .

Will YOU Be Staying Home That Night?

Americans will be welcoming the new year from the comfort of their own homes, though many will be sharing a kiss, too.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 66% of American Adults will be at home at midnight when the new year arrives. Fourteen percent (14%) will be at a friend’s house, while five percent (5%) will be at a restaurant or bar. Another 10% will be somewhere else. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There's Still Time! Save 60% on 13 months of Rasmussen Reader service – Just $24.95! Offer good thru December 31, 2017.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in Rasmussen polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 American Adults was conducted on December 26, 2017 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

Wrap Your Head Around This For A Moment . . .

A Facebook friend reminds us:
Sunday night will be the 3rd coldest New Year's Eve in Times Square history. Four of the 6 coldest NYE's have occurred in the last 25 years. So much for global warming.

You Deserve To Know The Truth About THIS!

From our friends at the Save Jersey blog (reprinted with permission).
By Congressman Tom MacArthur
Did you know that a December 16thstudy by the liberal Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) concluded that, thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, New Jersey families and businesses would pay nearly $9 Billion less in federal taxes in 2019? Or that the same study tells us that approximately 81% of New Jerseyans would see a tax cut and 8% would see no change at all? Would you believe me if I told you that same study indicates that the overwhelming majority of taxpayers in every personal income bracket would see a tax cut? Would you believe that ITEP found that the average taxpayer in N.J. would see a tax cut of more than $2,000? You can type “ITEP December 16 study” into any search engine and find this information, but don’t look for it in any major news publication in New Jersey. You won’t find it.
Instead, you probably saw Governor-Elect Phil Murphy falsely claim on national television that tax reform legislation would increase taxes for millions of New Jerseyans. Maybe you read one of several “news” articles with inaccurate headlines like, “How much will N.J. federal taxes rise under Trump-backed bill? It’s a big number.” You might have seen countless reporters, politicians, and pundits post similarly ominous comments on social media.
Confused yet? I don’t blame you.
In what can only be described as terrible reporting or willfully spreading misinformation, Governor-elect Murphy and many of New Jersey’s media outlets are basing their comments and “reporting” on an ITEP study from early November. This study concluded that New Jersey taxpayers would see a net tax increase under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, based on the ever-changing House version of the bill. That study was inaccurate then and is obsolete now. Many of their conclusions were drawn because they incorrectly assume that Congress will allow these tax cuts to expire in a few years. Washington doesn’t agree on much these days, but politicians from President Donald Trump to Senator Bernie Sanders agree that these middle-class tax cuts must be, and will be, made permanent.
Despite these facts, many members of the media, special interest groups, and politicians from both political parties are clinging to this earlier report or cherry-picking data that backs up their dishonest narrative about tax reform.
I could go on, but you get the point. What is behind this dishonesty? I am guessing that it has to do more with their personal dislike of President Trump than it does with the actual policy itself.
Because the reality is that the vast majority of New Jersey taxpayers are going to see more money in their pockets thanks to tax reform. The doubling of the standard deduction and child tax credit will be a boon to middle-class families and single parents working hard to make ends meet. Small businesses will see the lowest tax rate since World War II, enabling them to invest in our communities. Large companies like Comcast, Wells Fargo, and Boeing have responded to tax reform by rewarding frontline employees. Some have given $1,000 bonuses while others have voluntarily increased their minimum wage to $15. Some have done both. Businesses will spend more on capital projects, which will create good-paying jobs for our highly skilled construction tradesmen and women across the state. Make no mistake, this bill will inject billions of dollars into New Jersey’s economy, helping it grow from the bottom up.
I would encourage you to go online and plug your own financial circumstances into one of the many reputable tax calculators like In spite of the misinformation you have seen for months, you will likely find that tax reform is going to mean hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in your pocket. You should begin to see some of this extra money in your paychecks in February of next year.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is a win for New Jersey and I am proud to have helped deliver meaningful tax relief to our residents. Maybe Trenton should try it sometime.

Yes, There's A Lie At The Center Of This Dazzler

From Peggy Noonan (in today's Wall Street Journal) a sort of mini-review (and revelation) about the new film, The Post:
What is bad is the lie at the movie’s heart. President Nixon is portrayed as the villain of the story. And that is the opposite of the truth.
Nixon did not start the Vietnam War, he ended it. His administration was not even mentioned in the Pentagon Papers, which were finished before he took office.
When that dark, sad man tried to halt publication of the document, he was protecting not his own reputation but in effect those of others. Those others were his political adversaries—Lyndon Johnson and Ben Bradlee’s friend JFK—who the papers revealed had misled the public. If Nixon had been merely self-interested, he would have faked umbrage and done nothing to stop their publication. Even cleverer, he could have decried the leaking of government secrets while declaring and bowing to the public’s right to know.
Instead, he did what he thought was the right thing—went to court to prevent the publication of secrets that might harm America’s diplomatic standing while it attempted to extricate itself from a war.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

A True And Lasting Legend Has Left Us!

She claimed to have the longest career in show business history.
And, truth to tell, her time in the business spanned nine decades.
You came to know her by that ever-present black bow in her hair.
As a child performer she had a successful singing career. But unlike many child performers, she survived early fame and just kept going and going and going -- long before the Energizer Bunny did the same.
A veteran of vaudeville and one of its last surviving stars, her career included film, radio, records, theater, night clubs and television. 
Her most famous role was television comedy writer Sally Rogers on the CBSsituation comedy The Dick Van Dyke Show. She later portrayed Myrna Gibbons on The Doris Day Show and was also a frequent panelist on the game show Hollywood Squares. 
She was the first major star to be known simply by her first names
Rose Marie (actually Rose Marie Mazetta) is dead at the age of 94.
She is the subject of a documentary film Wait for Your Laugh (2017) which features interviews from numerous co-stars, including Carl Reiner, Dick Van Dyke, Peter Marshall and Tim Conway.
Rose Marie Mazetta was born in New York City to Italian-American Frank Mazetta and Polish-American Stella Gluszcak. At the age of three, she started performing under the name "Baby Rose Marie." At five, she became a radio star on NBC and made a series of films. Rose Marie was a nightclub and lounge performer in her teenage years before becoming a radio comedian. She was billed then as "The Darling of the Airwaves". According to her autobiography, Hold the Roses, she was assisted in her career by many members of organized crime, including Al Capone and Bugsy Siegel.
She performed at the opening night of the Flamingo Hotel, which was built by Siegel. At her height of fame as a child singer, from late 1929 to 1934, she had her own radio show, made numerous records, and was featured in a number of Paramount films and shorts.[citation needed] She continued to appear in films through the mid-1930s, making shorts and one feature picture, International House (1933), with W.C. Fields for Paramount.
In the 1960–61 season, Rose Marie co-starred with Shirley Bonne, Elaine Stritch, Jack Weston, Raymond Bailey, and Stubby Kaye in the CBS sitcom My Sister Eileen. She played Bertha, a friend of the Sherwood sisters: Ruth, a magazine writer, played by Stritch, and Eileen, an aspiring actress, Bonne's role.
After five seasons (1961–1966) as Sally Rogers on The Dick Van Dyke Show, Rose Marie co-starred in two seasons (1969–1971) of CBS's The Doris Day Showas Doris Martin's friend and coworker, Myrna Gibbons. She also appeared in two episodes of the NBC series The Monkees in the mid-1960s. She later had a semi regular seat in the upper center square on the original version of Hollywood Squares, alongside her longtime friend and Dick Van Dyke co-star, Morey Amsterdam. She also appeared on both the 1986 and 1998 syndicated revivals.
Rose Marie performed on three 1966 and 1967 episodes of The Dean Martin Show variety series on NBC and also twice (1964 and 1968) on The Hollywood Palace on ABC.
In the mid-1970s, she portrayed, in recurring fashion, Hilda, who brought fresh doughnuts, made coffee for the team, and provided some comic relief on the police drama S.W.A.T..
In the early 1990s, she had a recurring role as Frank Fontana's mother on the CBS sitcom Murphy Brown. She appeared as Roy Biggins's domineering mother, Eleanor "Bluto" Biggins, in an episode of the television series Wings. Rose Marie and Morey Amsterdam appeared together in an October 1993 episode of Herman's Head and guest-starred in a February 1996 episode of the NBC sitcom Caroline in the City, shortly before Amsterdam's death in October of that same year.
She appeared with the surviving Dick Van Dyke Show cast members in a 2004 reunion special. Rose Marie was especially close to actor Richard Deacon from that show and offered him the suits left behind when her husband died in 1964, as the two men were of similar height and built.
Rose Marie appeared opposite Phil Silvers in the Broadway show Top Banana in 1951.
From 1977 to 1985, Rose Marie co-starred with Rosemary Clooney, Helen O'Connell, and Margaret Whiting in the musical revue 4 Girls 4, which toured the United States and appeared on television several times.
She was the celebrity guest host of a comedy play, Grandmas Rock!, written by Gordon Durich. It was originally broadcast on radio in 2010 on KVTA and KKZZ, and rebroadcast on KVTA and KKZZ again in September 2012 in honor of National Grandparents Day.
Rose Marie was married to trumpeter Bobby Guy from 1946 until his death in 1964. The couple had one daughter, Georgiana.
Rose Marie was an old-fashioned trouper -- a show biz professional who was born to be an entertainer. She was a total pro. She was real, natural, funny, immensely talented and always likable. She had her wits about her and often played the type of wise-cracking character who did not suffer fools gladly. She was the type of person who made you think the best about show business and show biz people. She made you feel at home. She was the quintessential ensemble player and she made you want to be part of whatever entertaining group she belonged to at any given time.
She will be missed!

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly: All Gone Now

But mostly they were good. And mostly, we remember them fondly.

Crisis Of Confidence? Then, Shut It Down NOW!

Imagine: More than half of those polled believe that Mueller and his office have an inherent conflict. More than half! This is a serious crisis of confidence.
Again, 54 percent say special counsel Robert Mueller has conflicts of interest that prevent him from doing an unbiased job. 
Sixty one percent say the funding of the controversial GPS Fusion document should be investigated. Fifty-eight percent say that if Hillary Clinton and the Democrats funded the work, it could not be credibly used by law enforcement. Even greater numbers — 65 percent — believe there needs to be an investigation of the Uranium One deal. Yes, that's the deal that brought Clinton Foundation $140 million in foreign-based contributions that went undisclosed.

It May Seem Startling But It's Absolutely TRUE!

These are the facts.
And this is the Big Story that the media simply will not report.
But keep these numbers in mind. Because President Trump is succeeding and he's on track to head for even bigger victories ahead. And remember: Polls have a history of grossly UNDERrepresenting President Trump's actual popularity and his real-life depth of support.