Monday, December 31, 2018

Dan Cirucci Blog: Top Ten Posts Of All Time!

Please note: Some posts may be incomplete or photos not available due to removals by Blogger and Google.
Entry and date
Sep 6, 2010, 1 comment

Nov 19, 2011, 5 comments

This Must Never, EVER Be Forgotten . . . . .

What It's Like Right There On The Ground . . .

The Absolute Folly Of New Year's Eve, Day

I've always pretty much hated New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. But for a long time I couldn't figure out why. 
Now, I finally get it: They're downright innocuous.  
Here then, in no particular order are the Ten Big Reason why the New Year's "holiday" is dumb, dumb, dumb:

1) There is absolutely no significant historical or religious meaning to the day.

2) How many bowl games can you watch, anyway?

3) The day celebrates not the beginning of anything but rather the end -- the end of the joyous holiday season. 

4) The Tournament of Roses Parade, the Mummers Parade and other New Year's spectacles are all pretty much the same year-after-year.

5) You know it's true: Nobody keeps New Year's resolutions.

6) Celebrating the passing of time is like celebrating the inexorable march to your own death.

7) After Christmas, no other holiday on the immediate horizon can compete.

8) By January 1 you're completely stuffed and don't even wanna look at food. You're facing the grueling regimen of a diet.

9) All you have to look forward to are the two bleakest months of the year: January and February; and March ain't much better.

10) It'll take you weeks to get used to writing 2019 and you may still be thinking 2018 even in April.

The bottom line: New Year's Day is just another day on the calendar.

The Secret Behind Our New Year's Resolutions . . .

No, you won't guess them because we don't have any. None!
We've never made New Year's resolutions.
And we won't be making one this year either.
Because they're stupid.
Think about it: A resolution (promise) is a Big Deal. And when you make it with the entire year ahead of you, well -- that's a long haul.
Plus, January and February are just dreadful months and an awful time to have to keep your resolution.
For example, suppose you resolved to watch your diet. What the hell is there to do during the dreary months of January and February except eat? And now you've gone and prevented yourself from eating. How are you gonna enjoy those Super Bowl parties or that Valentine's dinner with your sweetheart? And what about those l-o-n-g winter days when you want a cheesesteak or a pizza? Don't tell me you're gonna deprive yourself.
Suppose you resolve to work out more and get more exercise.
You'll have to run on a treadmill or somesuch. What's more stupid than that? You're indoors, you're runnin, you're sweatin and you ain't goin nowhere. Then you're all perspired and running toward your car in the frigid weather. That's a quick way to get pneumonia. Why would you want to do that?
But people go ahead and make these dumb resolutions anyway.
And 99% of the time these resolutions are not kept.
Remember this: When you make a promise, that promise is gonna weigh on you. It's only gonna make you do the opposite because you're gonna be thinkin about the promise all the time.
"Don't eat."
Whoa -- Did someone say "Eat?" Eat. Eat. Eat. Eat!
Ya see what I mean?
When you make a resolution, you're your own worst enemy. You're fighting yourself.
Here's the one way to approach this year and every year: Don't get too carried away on any front. Try to live fully but moderately. Avoid excess whenever you can.
Yeah, you can go overboard once in awhile but don't make it a habit, OK?
Be sensible. Use your noggin.
Then, you won't have to worry and you won't have to make resolutions.
You'll be fine.
Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

When You Think About It -- It's Dumbfounding!

The Freakout To End All Freakouts . . . .

Vape shop clerk in Atlanta has epic meltdown and assaults based Chad Trump supporter who trolls him mercilessly - calls him the "N word" in front of a Black American.

All About REAGAN, The Movie - In Production Soon!

One of our very favorite actors, Dennis Qauid, has been tapped to play Ronald Reagan in the widely anticipated biopic Reagan. Quaid is absolutely perfect for the role and we can't wait to see this movie which is expected to begin production soon.
Above, Megyn Kelly joins Dennis Quaid at the former home of Ronald Reagan, known as The Reagan Ranch, in California. Quaid tells Kelly why Raegan was his favorite president, and about the research he’ll be conducting in order to bring the role to life.

Below, some of our photos from when we visited the Reagan Ranch -- one of our favoritejourneys of all time!

Our day at the Reagan Ranch was something we will never forget.
And we'll always remember as well the good friends we made on this trip - those who came up to the ranch with us along a 40-minute, crisscrossing journey from Santa Barbara to the top of the San Ynez Mountains.
If you cringe at the thought of narrow winding roads with little margin for error or you dread heights, this is not the trip for you. But if neither of those factors are a problem, the payoff is beyond belief.
Rancho del Cielo, or "Sky's Ranch" or "Heaven's Ranch," is a 688-acre (1.075 sq mi) ranch located atop the mountain range just northwest of Santa Barbara. It served as a retreat and Western White House for President Ronald Reagan and beloved First Lady Nancy Reagan.
The ranch was originally named Rancho de los Picos after José Jesús Pico—a descendant of Santiago de la Cruz Pico who arrived with the Anza expedition in 1776—who homesteaded it and built the original adobe house in 1871. The Pico family owned the ranch until 1941, when Joe, one of Jose Pico's sons, sold it to Frank Flournoy, a Santa Barbara County surveyor, for $6,000 (equal to $96,204 today). In turn, he sold the ranch to Roy and Rosalie Cornelius, who then purchased additional land for the property which came to be known as the Tip Top Ranch.
The Reagans bought the ranch from the Corneliuses for about $527,000 in 1974 (equal to approximately $2,520,000 today) when his second term as Governor of California was nearing an end. The ranch contains a pond called Lake Lucky, stables, a barn for horses, and a 1,500 ft² (139 m²) house decorated with 1970s-style western and Spanish influenced furnishings. The ranch is located on the crest of the Santa Ynez Mountains adjacent to Refugio Pass. It can be reached from the ocean side of the mountains by the one-lane, paved Refugio Road from U.S. Route 101, and from the other side of the mountains by an unpaved, one-lane road from Solvang, California. At times, the dirt road is not passable during the rainy season.
Reagan spent breaks from his presidency at the ranch, which became known as the Western White House. He signed the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 at the ranch and at various times hosted British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Queen Elizabeth II, and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. After leaving the presidency in 1989, the Reagans moved to a home in Bel-Air, California but kept the ranch as a getaway.
Mrs. Reagan's personal touches can be found throughout the ranch and the small ranch house that the Reagan's called home. Though she could have never been characterized as a "ranch gal," Nancy Reagan recognized the importance of this celestial retreat to Ronnie and she made it comfortable in the rugged, natural style that he preferred. Over the year she came to love the ranch as a place of solitude and tranquility.
Because of his Alzheimer's disease, Reagan last visited the ranch in 1995. Mrs. Reagan last visited in 1998, before selling the property to the Young America's Foundation, a conservative group which preserves it today as a living monument to Reagan's ideas, values, and lasting accomplishments. Although the ranch is officially closed to the public, Young America's Foundation offers students and supporters the opportunity to visit the property Reagan called "heaven."
All photos copyright 2016, 2018 by Dan Cirucci.

Saturday, December 29, 2018

So Sad - Another Victim Of The 'Sanctuary' Mentality!

It's Shocking -- But It's Mostly True!

The Terror Behind The 'Sanctuary' Mentality . . .

Let the Numbers Sink In, Then Demand Answers!

EVERY Decent American Should Be OUTRAGED!

Here They Are: The 18 Biggest Scoundrels Of 2018

Sadly, 2018 was a big year for snakiness, vulgarity, vituperation and outright hate.
And most of the ugly bile came from liberals -- loud, relentless, angry lefties inside the beltway, in Washington, on Broadway, in Hollywood, in academia and, of course, in the media.
You would think these modern-day scoundrels would realize just how foolish they look and sound. But it never seems to work out that way. And this was a banner year for these despicable ones.
So, here in no particular order, are the top 18 scoundrels of 2018 -- all contemptible:

1) Marc Lamont Hill
The Temple University "professor" who called for a free Palestine “from the river to the sea,” a phrase used in extremist, anti-Israel screeds. He pretty much refused to completely apologize for his anti-Israel rant and the university did almost nothing to stop him as school trustees mostly ducked the issue. Shameful! 

2) Joy Behar
Day after day this loudmouth launched hateful comments at just about every member of the Trump family and anyone even remotely connected to them. All along, the truth never mattered to her -- and still doesn't! Phony foghorn!

3) Mayor Jim Kenney
Philly's mayor actually did a silly little video jig when misguided judges appeared to protect the town's sanctuary city status. Kenney laughed and celebrated as innocent American citizens continued to become victims at the hands of illegal aliens. And he couldn't even bring himself to issue an appropriate remembrance when President George H. W. Bush passed away. Cheap and tawdry!

4) Robert De Niro
An Oscar-winning actor who turned out to be nothing more than a foul-mouthed thug. Not only is he way too old to be acting this way but he's also suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) on steroids. Lascivious loser!

5. Nancy Pelosi
OK, so the Reconstructed One lives to fight again. But this is such a treacherous high-wire act that she can't even face a government shutdown without running off to Hawaii and hiding at some posh resort. And she still can't put a decent sentence together. Limousine liberal!

6. Colin Kaepernick and Nike. 
It's hard to say who was worse here -- the campaign's face/spokesperson or the company that launched the campaign. Equally despicable: those who continued to buy Nike products. Fool's follies!

7. Don Lemon
The CNN host who said "the biggest terror threat in this country is white men" and then refused to back away from this statement and several other incendiary comments. Of course, the aptly-named [sour] Lemon enjoys his status as a member of two protected classes -- gay and black. Peevish!

8. Dianne Feinstein
This woman unleashed Christine Blasey Ford on the public and almost single-handily destroyed the life and reputation of a good and decent public servant and his family. And then she played dumb! Reprehensible!

9. Phil Murphy
In his first scandal-ridden year, the new Governor of New Jersey blew what should have been a simple snow-removal operation, alienated both Senate and Assembly leaders from his own party, raised fees and taxes yet again in one of the nation's highest-taxed states, turned out to be tone deaf when #metoo allegations cropped up in his own administration and then rushed off to an African safari. Amateur hour!

10. Kamala Harris
Harris raised questions regarding the suitability of a nominee to be seated as a federal district judge because he belongs to the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal organization that has been around since 1882 and raised more than $185 million in charitable donations in 2017. Harris ought to be ashamed of herself. Diabolical!

11. Jim Carrey
This overrated "actor" (who hasn't made a successful movie in forever) has been hounding  President Trump and his followers endlessly. His latest? Well, he's deemed Trumpsters "loyal zombies" and has labeled Homeland Security Secretary Nielsen a "kidnapper." But what would Carrey know? He's Canadian! 

12. Cory Booker
The Senator as Drama Queen is a master of histrionics. When he's not deeming himself "Spartacus" he's  bringing himself to the verge of tears over any one of a number of imagined injustices. Beware: this guy's a fabulist with very grandiose plans. Disconnected!

13. Bette Midler
We'll admit it. We loved her in Hello Dolly! But she's far from lovable when she's out of character. Then, she's downright bloodthirsty. In fact, she says she's fantasized about President Trump and his family being hanged "good and high" and added that "no one will be able to eulogize" Trump when the time comes. Shut up and sing!

14. Jim Acosta
Abilio James Acosta (that's his full name) is the media's biggest showboater and champion bawler. When he ran into some trouble with the White House (after repeatedly harassing press secretary Sarah Sanders, needlessly challenging the president and allegedly pushing or shoving a White House intern) Acosta said he felt like he wasn't even living in America anymore. Care to try living in your father's native Cuba, Jim? Be our guest!

15. Lebron James
Playing the race card, James compared the NFL to a plantation and said: "In the NFL they got a bunch of old white men owning teams, and they got that slave mentality." Of course, slaves weren't paid tens of millions of dollars and treated like royalty.  Then James went ahead and tweeted  these lyrics from a rap song: "We been getting that Jewish money. Everything is Kosher." Neither the NFL nor the NBA took any action against James. Cowards!

16. Elizabeth Warren
Her release of her DNA test showing her to be anywhere from 1/64th to something like 1/1000th Native American was a complete fiasco and more evidence that identity politics is utter rubbish. But then Warren's attempt to stand by her claims of Native American heritage even drew hostile reactions from prominent tribal leaders, and the lingering cloud over her likely presidential campaign only darkened. Such fiendish folly. Pocahontas! 

17. Alec Baldwin
Most liberals are angry pretty much all the time. As such, they're not the most pleasant people to be around. But this guy is in such serious need of anger management that he's a threat to ordinary, everyday citizens. He's recently been arrested and is facing charges for allegedly punching a man over a parking space in Manhattan. And this is just one of a long string of incidents. He starts a fight then hides behind his high-paid lawyer. Pusillanimous punk!

18. John Kasich
This guy won exactly one primary (his home state of Ohio) in 2016 yet he acts like he's the heir apparent to . . . what, exactly? Maybe he can become president of the US Bellyachers Association. He's such an insufferable whiner! Now, he threatening to run as an independent in 2020. Run, John, run. See John run. See John run to the nearest exit.

Friday, December 28, 2018

This Remains Our Fondest Hope And Fervent Wish

We Lost Them All In 2018: Year's Notable Deaths

Robert Indiana, 89: Artist was best known for his 1960s series of LOVE sculptures, May 19

George H.W. Bush, 94; 41st president of the United States; Nov. 30

Mort Walker, 94; Cartoonist of “Beetle Bailey” comic strip and founder of the first museum devoted to the history of cartooning, Jan. 27

Audrey Geisel, 97: Widow of children’s author Dr. Seuss and longtime overseer of his literary estate, Dec. 19

Steven Bochco, 74: Writer and producer known for creating the groundbreaking police drama “Hill Street Blues,” April 1.

Willie McCovey, 80: The longtime San Francisco Giants first baseman was a Baseball Hall of Famer, Oct. 31

Hubert de Givenchy, 91; French designer’s fashions influenced haute couture in the 1950s and ’60s and transformed actress Audrey Hepburn into a style legend, March 10

Dennis Hof, 72: Owner of several legal Nevada brothels who won state legislative seat after his death, Oct. 16

Alan Longmuir, 70: Founding member of the Bay City Rollers, July 2

Douglas Rain, 90: Shakespearean actor from Canada who voiced HAL in “2001: A Space Odyssey,” Nov. 11

Ray Emery, 35: Retired NHL goaltender who played for the Anaheim Ducks, Ottawa Senators and Chicago Blackhawks, July 15

David Ogden Stiers, 75; Actor best known for playing a surgeon on the TV series “M*A*S*H,” March 3

Dan Gurney, 86: First race card driver with victories in each of the Formula One, IndyCar and NASCAR Cup series, Jan. 14

Tab Hunter, 86: Actor and singer who was a heartthrob for millions of teenagers in the 1950s and received new attention decades later when he revealed that he was gay, July 8

Colin Kroll, 34: Co-founder and chief executive officer of the HQ Trivia quiz app, Dec. 16

John McCain, 81: Navy war hero who went on to serve in the U.S. Senate for three decades and was the GOP presidential nominee in 2008, Aug. 25

Tran Dai Quang, 61: President of Vietnam was one of the three most powerful leaders in the country despite his largely ceremonial role, Sept. 21

Roger Bannister, 88; British runner became the first person to run a mile in less than 4 minutes, March 3

Nancy Sinatra Sr., 101: First of Frank Sinatra’s four wives and the mother of his three children, July 14

Dorothy Malone, 93: Oscar-winning actress for “Written on the Wind” was best known for role as long-suffering mother in the nighttime soap “Peyton Place,” Jan. 19

Lazy Lester, 85: Blues music great featured in Geico commecial, Aug. 22

Nikolai Volkoff, 70: Croatian-born professional wrestler, whose real name was Josip Hrvoje Peruzovic, played a villainous communist in matches against Hulk Hogan and other Cold War-era giants of World Wrestling Entertainment, July 29.

Charles Aznavour, 94: French singer and composer wrote or cowrote about 1,000 songs and sold more than 100 million albums, Oct. 1

Jan Maxwell, 61: Broadway star and five-time Tony Award nominee also had several TV roles, Feb. 11

Mark Salling, 35: Actor mostly known for playing Noah “Puck” Puckerman on “Glee,” Jan. 30

Whitey Bulger, 89: Notorious Boston gangster who spent 16 years as one of America’s most wanted men, Oct. 30

Louise Slaughter, 88: Congresswoman from New York championed women’s rights and and who became a top lieutenant for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, March 16

Anthony Bourdain, 61: Award-winning chef, author and host of “Parts Unknown,” June 8

Barbara Harris, 83: Tony Award-winning actress who also starred in the films “Nashville,” ”Freaky Friday” and “A Thousand Clowns,” Aug. 21

Nanette Fabray, 97: Actress, singer and dancer who became a star in Broadway musicals, on TV and in films, Feb. 22

Christopher Lawford, 63: Kennedy family member and recovery advocate also was an actor known for his role on “All My Children,” Sept. 4

Rusty Staub, 73; fan-favorite baseball star who played for the Montreal Expos, New York Mets, Detroit Tigers and Texas Rangers, March 29

Carl Kasell, 84: Longtime NPR personality was first a newsreader on “Morning Edition,” then later as the comic foil and scorekeeper on the silly news quiz show “Wait Wait … Don’t Tell Me!,” April 17

Nancy Wilson, 81: Award-winning singer who also had a prolific career as an actress, activist and commercial spokeswoman, Dec. 13

Bernardo Bertolucci, 77: Oscar-winning director who made “The Last Emperor” and “Last Tango in Paris,” Nov. 26

Audrey Wells, 58: Writer of the screenplay for “The Hate U Give” and director of “Under the Tuscan Sun,” Oct. 4

George Deukmejian, 88: Longtime California politician was an assemblyman, senator and state attorney general befor serving two terms as governor, May 8

Atal Bihari Vajpayee, 93: Former Indian prime minister helped make the country a nuclear power, Aug. 16

Kate Spade, 55: Fashion designer known for handbags and accessories, June 5 (pictured above)

Stephen Hawking, 76; British theoretical physicist and best-selling author who overcame a devastating neurological disease to probe the greatest mysteries of the cosmos, March 14

Donald Peterson, 84: Astronaut who served on the initial voyage of the space shuttle Challenger and performed a spacewalk to test the ability of repairing the vehicle while it orbited above the Earth, May 27

Tom Wolfe, 88: Wizard of “New Journalism” who chronicled American culture before writing such novels as “The Bonfire of the Vanities” and “A Man in Full,” May 14

Jackson Odell, 20: Actor known for his role on “The Goldbergs,” June 11

Chuck McCann, 83: Zany comic who hosted a children’s TV show in the 1960s before branching out as a character actor in films and TV, April 8

Marty Allen, 95: Comedian who was a staple of TV variety shows, game shows and talk shows for decades, Feb. 12

Robin Leach, 76: British-born TV personality best known for “Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous,” Aug. 23

Joe Jackson, 89: Patriarch of the musical Jackson family, June 27

Edwin Hawkins, 74: Grammy-winner gospel star best known for crossover hit “Oh Happy Day,” Jan. 15

Vic Damone, 89; Pop crooner who also starred in several musicals in the 1950s, Feb. 11

Penny Marshall, 75: Star of “Laverne and Shirley” and director of “Big” and “A League of Their Own,” Dec. 17

Keith Jackson, 89: Voice of college football for more than five decades, Jan. 12

Stan Lee, 95: Legendary comic book dynamo who created such memorable characters as Spider-Man, the Hulk and X-Men, Nov. 12

T. Berry Brazelton, 99: Pediatrician whose best-selling guides to child-rearing soothed generations of parents, March 13

Margot Kidder, 69: Actress was best known for a string of movies in the 1970s, including “Superman,” in which she played Lois Lane to Christopher Reeve’s superhero, May 12

H. Wayne Huizenga, 80; business behind three Fortune 500 companies – Waste Management, Blockbuster Entertainment and AutoNation – who also owned the Florida Marlins, Miami Dolphins and Florida Panthers, March 22

Ted Dabney, 81: Video game pioneer who who co-founded Atari and played a crucial role in creating Pong, May 26

Charles Lazarus, 94: Transformed his father’s bicycle business into Toys R Us, March 22

V.S. Naipaul, 85: Nobel laureate whose novels include “A Bend in the River” and “A House for Mr. Biswas,” Aug. 11

Milos Forman, 86: Oscar-winning director whose movies included “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” and “Amadeus,” April 14

Ed King, 68: Guitarist with Lynyrd Skynyrd, Aug. 22

Aretha Franklin, 76: Award-winning gospel, R&B, blues, pop and rock singer known as the “Queen of Soul,” Aug. 16

Juan Romero, 68: Hotel busboy who aided Robert Kennedy after he was shot, Oct. 1

William Coors, 102: Former chairman of Adolph Coors Co. and grandson of the brewing company’s founder, Oct. 13

Will Vinton, 70: Oscar-winning filmmaker who coined the term Claymation and created the raisins used in the popular California Raisins advertising campaign, Oct. 4

Joachim Ronneberg, 99: Norwegian resistance fighter in World War II landed a crippling blow against Nazi Germany’s atomic ambitions, Oct. 21

Roy Clark, 85: Country music legend who gained household fame as a co-host of “Hee Haw,” Nov. 15

Jonathan Gold, 57: Restaurant critic for the L.A. Times was the first restaurant critic to win the Pulitzer Prize for criticism, July 21

Doreen Tracey, 74: Former child star was one of the original Mouseketeers on “The Mickey Mouse Club” in the 1950s, Jan. 10

Sondra Locke, 74: Oscar-nominated actress for “The Heart is a Lonely Hunter” went on to co-star in six films with Clint Eastwood,  Nov. 3

Morgana King, 87: Jazz singer who was perhaps better known for portraying Marlon Brando’s wife in the first two “Godfather” movies, March 22

Burt Reynolds, 82: Actor and sex symbol famed for “Deliverance” and “Smokey and the Bandit,” Sept. 6

John Mahoney, 77; Actor best known for his role in the blue-collar dad on “Frasier” also was a Tony winner for “The House of Blue Leaves,” Feb. 4

Ntozake Shange, 70: Poet, author and playwright of the Tony Award-nominated play “For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide/When the Rainbow is Enuf,” Oct. 27

Kofi Annan, 80: Celebrated diplomat who became the first black African secretary-general of the United Nations, Aug. 18

Fidel Castro Diaz-Balart, 68; Eldest son of the late Cuban leader’s eldest son — a bookish, Russian-educated scientist — was once publicly fired by his father, Feb. 1

Alan Bean, 86: Apollo 12 astronaut who walked on the moon, May 26

John Tunney, 83: Former U.S. senator from California whose successful campaign for the senate reportedly became the basis for the 1972 Robert Redford film “The Candidate,” Jan. 12

Daniel Akaka, Longtime U.S. senator from Hawaii was the first Native Hawaiian elected to Congress; April 6

Harry Anderson, 65: Actor best known for playing a judge on “Night Court,” April 16

Verne Troyer, 49: Actor best known for his role as Mini Me in two of the “Austin Powers” films, April 21

Richard Benjamin Harrison, 77: “Pawn Stars” patriarch was known as “the Old Man,” June 25

Katherine MacGregor, 93: Actress best known for playing Mrs. Oleson on “The Little House on the Prairie,” Nov. 13

Barbara Bush, 92: Matriarch of political dynasty was wife to one president (George H.W. Bush) and mother to another president (George W. Bush), April 17

Hugh Masekela, 78: South African musician who mixed American jazz with African folk and a standard-bearer of his country’s anti-apartheid movement, Jan. 23

Charlotte Rae, 92: Stage and film actress best known for role as Mrs. Garrett on “The Facts of Life,” Aug. 5

Neil Simon, 91: Playwright whose laugh-filled hits such as “The Odd Couple,” ”Barefoot in the Park” and his “Brighton Beach” trilogy dominated Broadway for decades, Aug. 26

Philip Roth, 85: Prize-winning novelist known for “Portnoy’s Complaint” and “American Pastoral,” May 22

Paul Allen, 65: Co-founder of Microsoft who also owned the Portland Trail Blazers and Seattle Seahawks, Oct. 15

Bill Daily, 91: Actor best known as the comic sidekick to leading men on the sitcoms “I Dream of Jeannie” and “The Bob Newhart Show,” Sept. 8

Adrian Cronauer, 76: Former DJ who inspired Robin Williams’ performance in “Good Morning, Vietnam,” July 18

Charles Krauthammer, 68: Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for the Washington Post, June 21

Billy Graham, 99; Evangelist who attracted a worldwide following and was of the most influential and best-known religious figures of his time, Feb. 21.

Stephen Hillenburg, 57: Creator of “SpongeBob SquarePants,” Nov. 26.

H/T: Various news sources

Oh, The Strange, Strange World We Now Inhabit . . .

ABC will tell you how evil Donald Trump is, but apparently the network has abhsolutely no problem promoting children who seem to be exploited by their parents. Sad!

In Case You May Have Forgotten . . .

And THEY criticize the current First Lady? Shame on 'em!

Sometimes An Old-Fashioned Rant Hits The Spot!

Thursday, December 27, 2018

What Books Have YOU Read This Year?

I love to read. And I'm never without a book -- sometimes two or three.
I read both on screen books and actual old-fashioned books with real pages. And my interest roams through the popular culture, politics, history and current affairs.
I've always loved biographies and autobiographies and I've found real life stories to be far more interesting and enriching than fiction. Consequently, I almost never read novels.
Here are just a few of the books I've read this year:

Let Trump Be Trump
By David Bossiie and Corey Lewandowski, this book is a fascinating look inside the 2016 Trump campaign -- perhaps the most historic election campaign in recent history. It gives you a view of Donald trump that you simply will not find anywhere else.

My Girls
The inside story of Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds as told by Todd Fisher, Carrie's brother and Debbie's son. A glimpse into 1950s, 60s, 70s and 80s Hollywood with side trips to Vegas, New York, London, Paris and places you might not expect. The tortured, difficult world of the offspring and sibling of entertainment legends. Uproarious one minute and heart-breaking the next.

Lady In Red
An "Intimate portrait" of Nancy Reagan by her former press secretary Sheila Tate. This is the three-dimensional, very human Nancy Reagan revealed in stories and anecdotes -- a Nancy you might not have known till now. A must-read memoir!

On The Road And Off The Record With Leonard Bernstein
All the secrets -- all the passions, grudges, brilliance, pettiness, daring, and recklessness revealed by Bernstein's one time personal assistant Charlie Harmon. This is a really juicy read that examines the secret and not-so-secret world of the legendary maestro.

The Last of the Duchess
Caroline Blackwood's somewhat manipulative tale of the sad, desolate, lonely last years of the Duchess of Windsor -- the woman who shook the foundation of the monarchy and, arguably the British empire -- or what was left of it.

Wallis In Love
A companion to the above book (and this one probably should be read first) is Andrew Morton's tale of how Wallis Warfield Simpson, a twice-divorced spinster, schemed to win the heart of the future King of England but lost her bid to become Queen. This left the Duke and his conniving Duchess roaming the world looking for some semblance of relevance.

Atlas Of The 2016 Elections
The complete story of the election told in charts, tables, maps and graphs. More than you ever wanted to know about what really happened in 2016 and what it may foretell for the future. Absolutely enthralling.

In this tome, musical genius Andrew Lloyd Webber tell his life story -- but not the whole story. In what is probably just a first volume, this world-renowned composer takes us up to the opening of Phantom of the Opera. What an incredible ride it is!

Mother Angelica
Raymond Arroyo's definitive biography of the nun who who funded the most successful Catholic communication engine ever devised -- the EWTN TV network which now reaches millions of people all over the world. A thrilling and inspiring story about a member of the clergy whose insight, devotion, fervence and guidance are sorely missed.

Trump, The Blue Collar President
By Anthony Scaramucci,  this book turns out to be more about Scaramucci and his odyssey than it is about Trump. Still, it's a fun and entertaining read in which "the Mooch" attempts to explain his lightening quick rise and fall in the Land of Trump.

Reagan, An American Journey
Bob Spitz has given us the book we've all been waiting for. More than five years in the making, based on hundreds of interviews and access to previously unavailable documents, and infused with irresistible storytelling charm. Put this at the top of your list!

Something Wonderful
Todd Purdum examines Rodgers and Hammerstein's Broadway as no one else has. If you love the classic, golden age of Broadway musicals, this is the book for you. Purdum delves deep into the world of R & H and explains how they made those great shows and why they never really became close friends or confidants. Truly rich!

Growing Up At Grossinger's
Tania Grossinger's tale of life at the famed Catskill resort that came to define Jewish summers for both the strivers and the arrivers. Think Dirty Dancing meets Stand By Me. This is a coming of age story with an unusual setting and some really tasty tales.

Memories Are Made Of This
Deana Martin's memoir about her father, Dean with recollections of the complicated family life of the various children of an enigmatic and somewhat distant dad. Dean Martin was no saint but his loving daughter highlights the crooner's better qualities and tries her best to give us a view of a hard-working, caring pater familias.

My Autobiography
Charlie Chaplin's story of his own life. The hardship that this man suffered through his childhood and formative years (and even into early adulthood) will absolutely break your heart. But this is ultimately a story of triumph rooted in the unforgettable experiences of the Little Tramp himself. Spellbinding!