Friday, June 30, 2017

'Amateur Hour' - How They Messed EVERYTHING Up!

New Jersey State Senator Joe Pennacchio (R-26) said that a budget impasse that may result in a State shutdown at midnight tonight is the result of severe dysfunction by the majority Democrats who control both houses of the New Jersey Legislature:

Sen. Joe Pennacchio said that the budget impasse is a result of severe dysfunction by the majority Democrats. (
“Democrats have controlled the New Jersey Legislature for the past 15 years, and this budget stalemate merely continues a long trend of fiscal mismanagement while they have been in control.

“Just like the last time a disagreement among Democrats resulted in a government shutdown, the current threat of a shutdown is driven by the majority party’s inability to effectively work together to govern.

“And let’s not forget what they are fighting over, perpetuating a failed school funding formula and more than $300 million in pork barrel spending, including such gems as $85,000 for a ‘Garden to Nurture Human Understanding’ program in Teaneck.

“It’s amateur hour in the Democrats’ caucus rooms, and it’s sad that may result in state workers not getting paid and families not being able to visit shuttered state parks and beaches this holiday weekend.”

How To Know What You're Talking About, 101

To the critics of our First Lady (many of whom are uninformed and capricious). Here are a few things you ought to know:
She's the first foreign-born First Lady since John Quincy Adams's wife, Louisa Adams; the only First Lady to be born and raised in a communist country. Most likely, as the Washington Post put it, the most "linguistically gifted" first lady (she is fluent in four languages).
Focused and hard-working from the start, she became a successful model at age five and did her first commercial at 16. She has co-hosted The View with Barbara Walters and is also active in philanthropy and has been a Goodwill Ambassador for the American Red Cross and an active member of the Police Athletic League (PAL).
She's been featured in the pages of Allure, Self, Vanity Fair, ELLE, and more. 
Do you know what it takes to be successful in such endeavors? It's grueling work. Very few make it to the top. VERY few.
"She's not gossipy at all, not bitchy and just really nice, though I know that's not exciting to hear," said Robert Janjigian, fashion editor for The Palm Beach Daily News. And the famous photographer Harry Benson says of Melania: "She is a very quiet and nice person"
"She's a really nice person and a fabulous mother," said Terry Allen Kramer, the Palm Beach socialite and veteran Broadway producer, echoing a point reiterated by many who know Melania.
She's known to have her own mind about things and doesn't hesitate to correct the President or steer him in the right direction. Longtime Trump associate Roger Stone said, “She’s very private and she’s very smart. Anyone who thinks she’s a mannequin doesn’t get it. She has excellent instincts into who is trying to exploit their influence with [the President]."
Kind. Focused. Self-assured. Hard-working. Gracious. Beautiful. Worldly. Smart.
A successful professional and savvy, well-informed person in her own right. A fine wife and exceptionally devoted mother.
I think she's a WONDERFUL First Lady. 

Yeah, You Wanna Tell Us About It? -- Never Mind!

Oh, Now They're REALLY Starting To Lose It!

Let's see if we can catalogue all the horrendous invectives Mika throws at the President of the United States: mentally ill, in a way; narcissist; not well; ignorant; does not believe the rules apply to him. Then she suggests that he's guilty of "obstruction of justice" or "abuse of power."
Why? Because he responded in kind to her and her beau? Is that why? Is it all because someone dared to answer the day-after-day lies and vitriol they have thrown his way? Huh?
Mr, President, you've definitely touched a nerve! Good for you!

Hooray For The Red, White And Blue: WOW!

As the Fourth approaches, we could all use some red, white and blue, right?

Threatening Death To GOP Lawmakers? SHOCKER!

A man who says he became fed up with the Republican Party has allegedly threatened to kill one Florida lawmaker and has named other who he may have targeted.

Discover An Inspiring Summer Treasure Trove!

The Delaware Art Museum is a member of the Brandywine Museums & Gardens Alliance (BMGA). Colloquially referred to as the "Brandywine 10," this group consists of marketing and public relations professionals from ten cultural institutions in northern Delaware and southeastern Pennsylvania. This group meets regularly in an effort to promote the Brandywine Valley's rich culture, history, and art to an audience both local and national. Learn more at

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Well, Well, Well - Look Who It Is NOW!

Yes, he IS reportedly being investigated for fraud!

Yeah, They Think It's On Its Way -- And Soon!

Most voters continue to think President Donald Trump and Congressional Republicans will make significant changes to Obamacare in the near future, but most also worry those changes will go too far.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 62% of Likely U.S. Voters think it’s at least Somewhat Likely that President Trump and Republicans in Congress will make significant changes in Obamacare in the next six months. Thirty-one percent (31%) believe changes in President Barack Obama’s health care plan are unlikely. These figures include 35% who say it’s Very Likely changes are coming and 11% who feel they are Not at all Likely.

The survey of 1,000 Likely U.S. Voters was conducted on June 26-27, 2017 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC.

Pennies From Heaven? How About Nearly $320,000!

Earlier today, Sister Maureen Lawrence McDermott, I.H.M., Ph.D., Superintendent of Secondary Schools for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, revealed the aggregate scholarship value earned by the class of 2017 on social media.
Graduating seniors from the 17 Archdiocesan high schools in the five-county region comprising the Archdiocese earned $319,673,928 in scholarships.
Sister Maureen’s Boomerang video announcement was posted to various Archdiocesan social media channels including Facebook @ArchPhilaSchools; Twitter @ArchPhilly; and Instagram @Archphilly.
A link to the video on the Archdiocesan Schools Facebook page is provided below.

Notes: For information about Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, please visit
For information about Faith in the Future Foundation, please visit

The Way It Is Now: The Rules Really HAVE Changed!

Here we go again.
We're facing yet another uproar about presidential tweets.
Yes, the tweets are unprecedented.
Yes, they can be very hard-hitting.
Yes, they can and do take on a personal tone at times.
But, no -- they aren't particularly surprising and it's long since past time when people (and that includes the liberal mainstream media) should have stopped squawking and crying about them.

President Donald J. Trump is who he is.
People were drawn to him precisely because of what they perceived him to be the real deal -- an authentic person who is exactly who and what he appears to be. If you cut him, he bleeds. If you bash him needlessly, deliberately, relentlessly, he'll bash back.
This is clear now. And for many, it's just fine.
You see, people were tried of plastic, blow-dried candidates and leaders. They were also tired of the chicanery and outright lies that went along with traditional, synthetic politicians. They had enough phoniness from people who pretended to be nice but were often nothing more then back-stabbers.
People wanted a strong, bold change. They wanted someone who was in no way tied to the old power-structure or the old way of doing things. They specifically sought out a direct, real-life, vivid personality in their new leader.

And, get this: Since this is what people sought -- especially the people who are Trump's core constituency -- they don't want him to change. Do you understand this? Do you get it?
They don't want him to change because if he changes, that will signal to them that he's giving in to the entrenched establishment. And they don't want this to happen because the minute he does that they fear he will begin to lose and the establishment will begin to win. You can't show weakness; you can't let them see you sweat.
So, yes -- they want President Trump to continue to be a fighter; they want him to answer his critics promptly and in kind; they want him to punch back; they want him to be unpredictable so that it will keep his opponents off guard. And, they don't mind if he appears to be obnoxious now and then. They're mostly okay with that.

So, this is a new kind of presidency with a different kind of constituency -- a group of loyalists who are drawn as much to Trump's sometimes raw personality as they are to his brash, populist agenda. It's a largely visceral movement for a loud, raucous, in-your-face age. And in many ways, the man and the moment have met.

The consequences of all this are nothing short of revolutionary in that the usual rules (the rules that made the powerful feel so secure and so comfortable) just don't apply anymore. For example, the rule used to be: Don't take on the mass media because you simply can't win in a battle with people who buy ink by the barrel. The rule used to apply because those people always got the last word and, while they would pretend to be fair and objective, they'd eventually cut your throat. But, nobody's buying the "fair and objective" nonsense anymore (partly because Trump blew the media's cover) and the media don't get the last word anymore because there's always more for their detractors to say on social media. Yes, the power has shifted. The Internet is a gargantuan, fully-mobilized equalizer and nobody has mastered its use like President Trump.

So it's time for the Big Babies in the media to stop crying, grow up and face the new realities.
The game is no longer necessarily rigged in their favor because the cards can't be marked, covered or even counted anymore.
If there are any smart, savvy, responsible people left in Big Media, they'd do what the most durable, successful corporations do when faced with such significant shifts -- they'd hone in, buckle up, peel off all extraneous (and destructive) trappings and get back to their core business. That would be a good step in the right direction!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

As July 4th Approaches, Just Remember THIS . . .

You'l Have To Wait For Christmas To Open THIS!

Inspired by the imagination of P.T. Barnum, The Greatest Showman is an original musical that celebrates the birth of show business and tells of a visionary who rose from nothing to create a spectacle that became a worldwide sensation.

And THIS Could Be Just The Tip Of The Iceberg!

Did They Deliberately Target Her? You Decide!

Sarah Palin, the former governor of Alaska and 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, sued The New York Times on Tuesday. She alleged that the newspaper defamed her in an editorial, that appeared to link her to political violence after the shooting of House Republican Whip Steve Scalise earlier in June.
The Times said it would "vigorously" fight the action. Scalise and three other people were wounded on June 14th by a gunman who fired shots at Republican lawmakers practicing in Alexandria, Virginia, before the annual congressional baseball game.

This video was produced by YT Wochit Vote It using

Getting Down To Business? We Certainly Hope So!

The President calls all of the Republican senator together to focus on health care legislation.

Yeah, There's More - You Need To See This!

Project Veritas’ American Pravda: CNN continues today with a video of left-leaning political commentator Van Jones caught on camera plainly stating that “the Russia thing is just a big nothing burger.”


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

OMG! Guess Who's Riding The Subway -- Unbelievable!


Time To Get Down To Work And 'Git It Done!'

Hurry, Don't Miss This Great Lunch Deal!

Hold On, Could Be A Rocky Road Ahead!

Yeah, They'll Help You With Your Problems, FREE!

The Philadelphia Bar Association will offer free legal advice to residents of Philadelphia and the surrounding counties on Wednesday, July 19, between 5-8 p.m. Members of the public can access the service by calling the Association’s LegalLine P.M. hotline at (215) 238-6333.

Area residents seeking confidential legal advice will be able to speak for free with a volunteer attorney from the Philadelphia Bar Association. Attorneys are available to offer information about any aspect of the law including family law, landlord-tenant, workers’ compensation and employment law, among other topics.

LegalLine P.M. is a public service sponsored by the Young Lawyers Division of the Philadelphia Bar Association, providing residents with free, quick and accurate legal advice during convenient evening hours. LegalLine P.M. is offered on the third Wednesday of every month from 5-8 p.m. The program has existed for nearly 20 years, allowing volunteer attorneys to help thousands of callers through direct service or by referring them to an appropriate source.

In addition, during regular work hours, the Philadelphia Bar Association offers another program -- the Lawyer Referral and Information Service (LRIS) -- which provides lawyer referrals to area residents. Staff attorneys take calls from the general public and refer callers to attorneys in private practice for a 30-minute consultation, for which the attorney agrees to charge a drastically reduced fee of $35.

If callers do not need an attorney or cannot afford one, they will be directed to a legal service organization, agency or other resource for assistance. LRIS is available Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., by calling (215) 238-6333.

Founded in 1802, the 13,000-member Philadelphia Bar Association is the oldest association of lawyers in the United States.

Let's Stop Playing Games And Practice Fairness!

New Jersey State Senator Jennifer Beck (R-Monmouth) expressed concern that legislation (A-4453) transferring military-connected children living on Naval Weapons Station Earle from one school district to another fails to address the underlying problem of how to fairly fund the education of children living on military bases across New Jersey.

Sen. Jennifer Beck urged her colleagues to consider legislation she sponsors that would provide additional State aid to all school districts for the military-connected students they serve. (Google Maps)
“I’ve opposed this legislation because it is too narrowly focused and doesn’t represent a real funding solution for all of the host communities across the state that bear the responsibility of educating the children living on New Jersey’s military bases,” said Beck. “The issue at Earle is part of a much broader property tax problem that impacts all of the communities surrounding the military installations across the state. All of those communities that provide services to support our military families deserve additional property tax relief.”

Beck voted ‘no’ on the legislation in the Senate Budget & Appropriations Committee on June 26th.

As an alternative, Beck urged her colleagues to consider legislation she sponsors, S-2903, that would provide additional State aid to all school districts for the military-connected students they serve.

Beck’s comprehensive legislation eliminates the local property tax burden associated with educating the students of families stationed at any of the military installations in New Jersey by covering a local district’s share of the expense.

“The children of parents who serve deserve our entire state’s support,” added Beck. “The cost of supporting their education shouldn’t fall on the property taxpayers of a few towns. Let’s work together to properly fund military students wherever they live.”

So, Who's REALLY At Risk Right NOW, Huh?

Confirmed: 'It's Mostly Bull - - - t Right Now'

In the recent video footage obtained by Project Veritas, John Bonifield a Sr. Producer at CNN, admits to several beliefs that are in direct conflict with the official CNN narrative that Trump has colluded with Russia, and that Russia has interfered with the 2016 election. Bonifield expresses clear doubts that there is a fire behind the Russia smoke, stating, “I haven’t seen any good enough evidence to show that the President committed a crime.” He also confirms suspicions that CNN staff is ideologically biased against Trump, stating, “I know a lot of people don’t like him and they’d like to see him get kicked out of office…”

Bonifield even further confirms CNN’s bias against the President, stating, “I think the President is probably right to say, like, look you are witch hunting have no real proof.”

Bonifield exposes that Russia has been great for CNN’s ratings, and that orders from CEO Jeff Zucker himself have directed CNN to pursue Russia leads at the expense of other stories. Bonifield states “And the CEO of CNN said in our internal meeting, he said ‘good job everybody covering the Climate Accords, but we’re done with it let’s get back to Russia.’”

He further comments on Russia, “it’s mostly bullshit right now. Like, we don’t have any giant proof...if it was something really good, it’d leak.”


Monday, June 26, 2017

You Won't Believe This Terrifying Plunge: VIDEO!

A girl fell off a ride at Six Flags in upstate New York on Saturday night, the park confirmed. The fall was approx. 25 feet and, miraculously, spectators caught her. Reportedly, she was not seriously injured.

Consider The Disaster; Consider The Consequences!

Right Time, Right Cause: A BIG Victory For Liberty!

Here is a very special message from

Today is a great day for religious liberty!

This morning the Supreme Court announced their 7-2 ruling in favor of a Missouri Christian school after the school was denied access to a state program for playground resurfacing funds -- because officials believed the grant would be an unconstitutional state endorsement of religion.

Why does this ruling matter?

Most court watchers expected the Court (with Gorsuch now on the bench) to side with the religious school on a narrow 5-4 ruling. But, the Supreme Court decided 7-2 in favor of Trinity Lutheran!

Experts agree the decision could pave the way for upholding the constitutionality of other state programs (like school vouchers) where religious groups provide a service for the public benefit.

Chief Justice John Roberts writing for the majority stated: “The exclusion of Trinity Lutheran from a public benefit for which it is otherwise qualified, solely because it is a church, is odious to our Constitution.”

NOTEWORTHY: Justice Neil Gorsuch actually wrote his own opinion in the case (joined by Justice Thomas). And the newest Justice noted that the First Amendment “guarantees the free exercise of religion, not just the right to inward belief (or status)” (emphasis his).

We at CatholicVote have been making precisely this point for years. Religious exercise isn’t just about privately holding a religious belief or attending religious services. You may recall President Obama tried to quarantine our constitutional rights by defining this broad freedom as merely the “right to worship”.

But the First Amendment covers more than just belief. It also covers our right to live out these beliefs in public, as individuals, as business owners, as churches, schools, and more.

Sadly, Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg argued that Christian groups should be denied access to these programs -- unless and until -- they give up their religious identity. Both Sotomayor and Ginsburg represent a form of legal bigotry against Christians that must be opposed with fervor. To her credit, Obama appointee Elena Kagan joined the majority in favor of the Christian school.

IMPORTANT: The Supreme Court also announced today that it would hear another case on religious liberty when they reconvene in October.

That case?

Whether or not the government can force bakers to make cakes for same-sex weddings.

The fight for religious freedom presses on. We plan to file an amicus brief in this critical case on behalf our members.

You can count on CV to keep up the fight.
Brian Burch, President
Catholic Vote

Any Takers? We're Ready To Help You Along . . .

Welcome Back! You've Been Gone For Far Too Long

It might seem like culture shock to some but to those of us who actually remember big, brassy, boffo, bona fide Broadway musicals, the triumphant return of Hello, Dolly! has brought certain elements back to the musical stage -- elements that Broadway hasn't seen in quite awhile. Let's go over some of them:

1) The tableau.
When the curtain goes up on Dolly we are immediately struck by a huge, colorful, scenic, multi-character tableau.  Like a fixed image in grand opera or a freeze frame in a movie, the tableau does more than set the scene. It seals an image in our minds. And while Dolly's appeal is timeless, the tableau fixes the time and place for the audience. Most often used to open or close a scene or act, the tableau is a highly theatrical device that reminds us that we're watching a story come to life -- live, on stage. In Dolly, the tableaus are nothing less than thrilling.

2) Choral singing.
Once upon a time, every great musical had a significant cast of singers. Choral singing was important. Sometimes the group of singers helped to back up the lead actors and actresses. Sometimes they filled in portions of the song. And sometimes they simply sang together as a group. This was particularly important before shows were miked. Strong, robust, up-to-the-balcony group singing was a staple of all the great Rodgers & Hammerstein shows and now, with Dolly, it's back in a big way!

3) Curtain down numbers.
In the early days of musicals some numbers were typically played on the lip of the stage with the curtain down. Before mechanized (and later, computerized) scenery, this allowed for continuous entertainment and advancement of the story even while scenery was being changed. Though Dolly's scenery turns on a turntable and glides forward and backward effortlessly, a few numbers are played in front of the curtain. You've got to be really good to pull off a number like this, without a set. Fortunately, this isn't even a challenge for the great Bette Midler and the versatile David Hyde Pierce.

4) Actual choreography.
Where are today's Michael Bennetts or Tommy Tunes or Bob Fosses? Why and when did choreography seem to disappear from Broadway? Now, we seem to have "movement directors" or people who are responsible for shifting actors around like members of an athletic troupe. Dolly has vivid, joyous, heartfelt dancing -- real dancing, thanks to Gower Champion's splendid choreography and Warren Carlyle's reinterpretation of same. Not only is there a whole number called Dancing but Elegance and The Waiters' Gallop are nothing short of miraculous.

5) The overture and entr'acte.
When the 28-piece orchestra strikes up the first notes of Dolly's overture, the audience at Broadway's storied Shubert Theater literally roars its approval. And, with good reason. Not only does it showcase a classically great score but musical overtures have been missing for far too long. The audience is not only welcoming Dolly back, it's also heralding the return of the overture back to its right place at the top of the show. Again, at the beginning of Act Two, the audience greets the entr'acte with the same approval.

There are other elements of Dolly (a synopsis of scenes, parallel love stories, distinct comic bits, vivid secondary characters) that have been missing from modern musicals for far too long. Now, on Broadway, it's great to have them back where they belong. Bravo!

Oh, The Awful Assumptions They Make! . . . .

From our dear friend Matt Rooney of the Save Jersey Blog:
Very cute NYT story this weekend on the "moderate" Guadagno campaign (the inference being that Republicans are ordinarily extremists).
Let's review: the modern Democrat Party still can't get over a months-old election and its members are parading around in the streets sporting vagina-themed apparel, celebrating assassination plays and memes, rocking "Hunt Republicans" hashtags, crushing on politicians like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren who'd make Karl Marx blush and JFK resemble Jesse Helms, and running states like Illinois into the ground, Venezuela-style.
Yet it's the Republicans who need to "moderate" this cycle?? Please!
Toilet paper has more credibility than the NYT these days and idiotic stories like this one are the reason why.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

'We Love It Here' And All Is Well . . .

President and Mrs. Trump talk about life in the White House, James Comey tapes, Nancy Pelosi, Robert Mueller, Healthcare reform and Democrat obstruction on Fox & Friends.

Is It True? Could It Be? What's Going On, Huh?

Bill O’Reilly’s job offer at One America News Network has been rescinded.
Click here to read more:

You Were Never, And Will Never Be, Lost . . .

The following comes from Roman Catholic Bishop David M. O'Connell, C. M., Bishop of the Diocese of Trenton, NJ:

There is a show on Broadway titled “Dear Evan Hansen.”
It tells the story of its title character as he struggles with the anxieties and confusion that sometimes accompany high school teenage years. Dip it in sympathetic sentimentality, and the end result is a musical that tugs at the heartstrings of most audiences. Isn’t that, after all, one of the things that draws us to the theatre in the first place? The music and its lyrics are catchy and clever. The characters are believably familiar – if you know the high school teenage scene at all – and the central figure is a lonely misfit desperately seeking to belong and be accepted by his peers – by the world, really.
The underlying moral theme is not so positive; Evan Hansen creates a deceptive imaginary relationship with a popular classmate who has died in order to draw attention to himself. “Does the end justify the means” taunts the mind, as the lie turns into something “tear-jerkingly” positive, and the music is hard to resist. For the rest, go see the show. It won the 2017 Tony Award for Best Musical along with several other Tonys.
As Bishop, I often worry about the future direction of the Church in our country at large and in our Diocese in particular. Where are the young people? Why do they seem disinterested, hard to engage? I don’t think it is the Lord Jesus or his Gospel. They never lose their appeal or relevance in any time or place. As is often the case in life, regardless of age, it’s not so much “what” we say in the Church but “how” and “why.” Ah, the perennial questions that maybe – just maybe – we don’t get right when it comes to translating Jesus, his message and mission, his Church into real life, especially for young, inquiring minds and longing hearts pulled in a million other directions.
When I was young, there wasn’t a whole lot of competition for my attention: no unrelenting schedules, no excessive demands or expectations, no technologies to replace imagination, no Snapchat or Instagram, no alternatives to just being a kid.
Times have certainly changed, and chances are pretty good that they won’t change back. So what do we do? Instead of wasting time and energy and emotion lamenting what isn’t anymore, perhaps we should devote our attention to what is and what needs to be “now” as the future unfolds in the present.
Yes, we still have to identify the “what” in life and in the Church, but, more than ever before, we have to get the “how” and “why” right. It begins in the family first and foremost. It travels next to school and neighborhood. It also has to consider and include Church and its community of faith, which reminds us that the whole thing has its source in God, who knew and named us before we were born, who created us in his image, who loves us as we are, who binds us together, who never leaves us alone – young or old – on the journey, who leads us to eternity.
The fact is that life today is not simple, is not gradual or slow, is not without distractions or demands. In the midst of it all, we can feel lost, unimportant, disconnected, alone, even invisible. I believe that can certainly happen ... without faith, without hope, without God.
Back to “Dear Evan Hansen.”
He sings a song that, when I heard it, struck a chord and offered a message for everyone, but especially for the young starting out in life (you can hear it on YouTube):
Have you ever felt like nobody was there 
Have you ever felt forgotten in the middle of nowhere 
Have you ever felt like you could disappear 
Like you could fall and no one would hear 
Well, let that lonely feeling wash away 
Maybe there’s a reason to believe you’ll be ok 
‘Cause when you don’t feel strong enough to stand 
You can reach, reach out your hand 
And, oh someone will come running 
And I know they’ll take you home 
Even when the dark comes crashing through 
When you need a friend to carry you 
And when you’re broken on the ground 
You will be found 
So let the sun come streaming in 
‘Cause you’ll reach up and you’ll rise again 
Lift your head and look around 
You will be found. 
(“You Will Be Found,” music by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, book by Steven Levensen, 2016)
In God you will be found.
In God you were never, will never be ... lost.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Well, We May As Well Enjoy It - Right?

US, France, Germany, S. Korea Top Blog Visits

Pageviews by Countries - Week of 7/14

Graph of most popular countries among blog viewers
United States
South Korea
United Kingdom
Hong Kong

Dan Cirucci Blog: Week's Top Five Stories . . .

Top Five Posts - Week of 6/17

Think About It: We Are SO Fortunate, Here's Why!

You'll Be Shocked At This Outrageous Behavior!

In a video shot by WWL-TV, liberal Democrats boo and heckle while refusing to participate in an opening prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance during a town hall conducted by U. S. Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana.

Friday, June 23, 2017

They'll Stop At Nothing, But They CAN Be Stopped!

CLICK HERE for more information!

Yes, We Can Begin To Clean Up This MESS!

Here is a very special message from

At long last, Senate Republicans have a health care bill.

It’s not the same bill that passed the House. They even gave it a new name: “The Better Care Reconciliation Act” or BCRA.

It’s not as good as the House bill, but I’ll admit this: It is far Better than Obamacare.

Here are some key provisions of the Senate bill:
  • Prohibits most taxpayer funding from going to abortion providerslike Planned Parenthood for one year, and redirect those funds to Federally Qualified Health Centers.

  • Transforms Obamacare subsidies into tax credits and prohibits these credits from purchasing insurance with coverage for elective abortions. (This will be the toughest provision to pass through the reconciliation process). Tax credits will be adjusted for income, age, and geography.

  • Guarantees that children with medically complex disabilities will continue to be covered.

  • Maintains access to care for Americans with pre-existing conditions and lets children up to age 26 stay on their parents’ insurance plan

  • Expands tax-free Health Savings Accounts to help Americans control out-of-pocket medical expenses on their own

  • Allows for waivers so states can establish rules for alternative insurance plans that will help drive down skyrocketing premiums

  • Repeals almost all Obamacare taxes.

  • Rolls back Obamacare’s reckless expansion of Medicaid so that the program can be stabilized and provide for the people it was created for.

It’s worth noting that this is the base bill. There will be hundreds of amendments offered to change the bill. Some amendments could definitely improve this bill. Others will try to weaken the bill, or make it unaffordable.

Our position on the current state of things:

While we still prefer a clean break from Obamacare, we recognize the prospects for such a solution are near zero. For now, we are forced to work on incremental reforms to unwind the mess posed by Obamacare in so many areas.

We MUST repeal as much of Obamacare’s burdensome taxes, regulations and financing for abortion as possible. This will help stabilize premiums, offer Americans real choices, and stop using taxpayer dollars to kill children. These changes can help set in motion much needed changes to make healthcare more ethical and affordable.

Unwinding it won’t be easy because real people are tangled up in Obamacare’s mess.

Furthermore, the limits of the legislative process required to pass the bill (reconciliation) do not allow every change needed at this time. The slim Republican majority in the Senate is also complicating the process. Already as many as 4 Republican Senators have expressed serious reservations over the bill. But even these four Senators have said "we are open to negotiation." So changes will be needed to win their support.

Meanwhile Democrats have vowed not to negotiate whatsoever, and to obstruct instead -- choosing to hold health care hostage for political gain. They care more about “preserving Obama’s legacy” than helping hard-working Americans.

These Democrats deserve to pay a price for their stubborn refusal to reform a failing health care law. Which is exactly why we are laying the groundwork to defeat several of these Democratic Senators next year. If they refuse to do their job, they need to go.

We are working hard to represent you and the interests of Catholic voters in this fight.

Stay tuned.
Brian Birch
President, Catholic Vote

A Dramatic Breakthrough For NJ Health Care Ahead?

Legislation sponsored by Senator Diane Allen (R-Burlington) to legalize telemedicine in New Jersey has passed the State Senate.
Sen. Diane Allen’s bill would authorize healthcare providers who are licensed by the state to engage in telemedicine. New Jersey is one of the last states in the USA without regulations addressing telemedicine. (Flickr)
“Bringing telemedicine to New jersey will do a world of good for our residents, particularly for those who are homebound, or have a chronic condition that requires regular maintenance,” Senator Allen (R-Burlington) said. “We have not been immune to the nationwide doctor shortage. Expanding access to quality, affordable healthcare is the right thing to do, especially in these uncertain times. This bill could bring the cost down for millions of new patients.”

Senator Allen’s bill, S-291, would authorize healthcare providers who are licensed by the state to engage in telemedicine. Telemedicine is legal in 29 states and has been widely used nationwide for more than 40 years, but New Jersey is now one of the last states in the country without regulations addressing telemedicine.

Physicians use telemedicine to treat patients via video conferencing, transmission of images and medical records, call centers, patient portals, remote monitoring of vital signs, and mental health screenings.

Under the bill, telemedicine providers must meet with people electronically face to face or use “store and forward” technology to allow patients to electronically send images, diagnostics, data and medical records. A combination of audio, store forward and live, interactive video must be used unless, after a thorough review of patient records, the provider concludes that a patient’s needs can be met with audio and store- forward alone.

S-291 would require health insurance companies to provide coverage and payment for services provided through telemedicine at least at the same rate as services provided in-person. Providers would not be able to issue prescriptions for controlled dangerous substances until an in-person exam has been conducted. The State licensing board would be responsible for adopting rules and regulations for telemedicine. If signed into law, it would take effect immediately.

“Many families in New Jersey have to travel miles to see a doctor. Taking off work for one appointment can be devastating for people who are already struggling to get by,” Senator Allen said. “No one should have to choose between seeing a doctor and paying the bills. Offering telemedicine to our residents will make New Jersey a healthier, safer place to live.”

This Move Will STOP Them From Running!

The New Jersey Senate has passed legislation sponsored by Senator Anthony Bucco (R-Morris) to require school board candidates to swear that they have not been convicted of a crime that would disqualify them from office.
Sen. Anthony Bucco’s bill would prevent ex-cons from running for school board, by requiring candidates to swear that they haven’t been convicted of a crime that would disqualify them from serving. (©iStock)
“In the last five years, dozens of school board members have had to give up their seats because they committed a crime that disqualified them from serving. This is a colossal waste of taxpayer time and money,” Senator Bucco said. “All school board candidates should be required to go on the record about their criminal background as soon as they decide to run for office. I really don’t think that is too much to ask.”

Senator Bucco’s bill, S-2676, would require school board candidates to file with their nominating petitions specific affirmation that they have not been convicted of crimes that would disqualify them from office.

Under current law, a sitting school board member has to undergo a criminal background check no more than 30 days after they have been elected or appointed. The law also requires them to take an oath of office that includes an affirmation that they have not been convicted of a disqualifying crime. Failing to disclose a disqualifying conviction during the oath is a fourth-degree crime.

In 2012, the first year after that law took effect, 29 school board members were disqualified from serving, after the Department of Education performed more than 5,000 background checks.

“Why wait until after the election is over? My bill will put us ahead of the game by requiring school board candidates to swear that they haven’t been convicted of a disqualifying crime as soon as they file a petition to run,” Senator Bucco added. “This commonsense change will protect the integrity of our elections and of the people we entrust to best represent the needs of our children and our schools.”