Sunday, June 30, 2019

Who Put Kids In Cages? It May Surprise You!

Yes, it was Obama's administration that set up the caged detention centers for "undocumented" kids!

Even MORE Important Than North Korean Visit . . .

So-Called 'Respected' Journalists Defended Them!

So, This Is How The Left Treats Conservatives!

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Does It Get Any Phonier Than This? Well, Just Wait!

The wannabe Spartacus, the phony Native American and the pretend Mexican do their thing at the Hypocrite Festival known as the Democrat presidential campaign.
And this is only the beginning. It's bound to get even worse!

Don't Miss These Up-To-The-Minute Stories!

In Victory for Trump, U.S. House Democrats Back Down on Border Aid Bill Demands
“Democratic leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives backed down to President Donald Trump and passed a $4.6 billion aid package to address a migrant surge at the U.S.-Mexico border,” Susan Cornwell reports. “Trump, the Republican-controlled Senate and moderate Democrats insisted on finishing the emergency aid bill as soon as possible, without further haggling.”

President Trump welcomed the bill’s passage on Twitter. “Bipartisan Humanitarian Aid Bill for the Southern Border just passed. A great job done by all!” 
President Trump's Middle East Plan is a Refreshing Change
“The Trump administration is no less committed to peace than its predecessors. The key difference is that Trump does not feel tied down by the unsuccessful formulas of the past, and he and his team are willing to openly challenge that conventional thinking,” Jon Lerner writes. “The goal of the Trump plan is to end this decades-long conflict and create conditions for a better life for Palestinians and Israelis.”

🎬 Jared Kushner: “This is a very executable plan.”
President Trump Fighting to Fix a Broken Trade System at the G-20
-The Hill
Globalists in Washington and abroad attack President Trump’s trade agenda while ignoring this key fact, Corey Lewandowski writes: “We have a system dominated by nations which engage in all kinds of ways to cheat international trade laws for their own benefit . . . China stands at the forefront of this misbehavior.” 
Trump Administration’s Industry-Recognized Apprenticeships Will Keep America Working
-Miami Herald
“Through the White House’s Pledge to America’s Workers, job creators around the nation have committed to nearly 10 million training, upskilling or reskilling opportunities for American students and workers,” Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump and Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta write. “That is why the Trump administration is proposing a second apprenticeship model: the Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship.”

Watch: A message from Ivanka Trump at the G20 Summit
USMCA Will Unleash American Innovation: Dems Must Not Stand in the Way
-Fox Business
“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters this week that the pending U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) would need to be reopened and tweaked before the House will vote on it. This is bad news for America,” Rep. Ron Estes (R-KS) writes. “Mexico earlier this month made a monumental step forward in becoming the first country to ratify the deal. With Canada not far behind, it is past time for Pelosi to allow the USMCA to move forward in Congress.” 
I am a Former Prisoner. Here's Why Second Chance Hiring is So Important.
-Fox News
“This month, the Trump administration served as a catalyst for perhaps the largest criminal justice public-private-partnership ever assembled, jobs for formerly incarcerated people as they reenter society,” John Koufos writes. “As a former prisoner myself, this initiative is personal to me . . . [President Trump] understands this challenge.”

Really? And At A CATHOLIC Church? Hmmm . . .

It might seem quite incredible to some but a Catholic parish in the Archdiocese of Newark is hosting its second annual Mass associated with gay pride events this Sunday.
Our Lady of Grace in Hoboken, New Jersey, along with its merged parish St. Joseph, is advertising its “2nd Annual Pride Mass in Support of Our LGBTQ Brothers and Sisters.”
Advertisements on the Out in New Jersey website and on indicate that the parish is encouraging participants in the Mass to then attend the gay pride march in New York City later that day.
The Catholic Church holds that while same-sex attraction is not a sin, homosexual acts are sinful. Church teaching further states that “homosexual persons are called to chastity” (CCC 2359), which is also what its teaching says about all people, since sexual relations are reserved for marriage, which is between a man and woman (CCC 2360).
H/T LifeSite

Friday, June 28, 2019

In Desperate Need Of New Leadership!

Isn't This A Wish We Can All Share?

Why Do 'Conservative' Justices Stray? WHY??

Most of the justices on the United States Supreme Court have been Republican appointees -- elevated to the Court by GOP Presidents Reagan, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush and Donald Trump.
These include the recently deceased Justice Scalia as well as Justices, Kennedy, Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, Gorsuch and Chief Justice Roberts. In fact most of the justices appointed over the last several decades have been Republican appointees. So, we can add the late Chief Justice Rehnquist, Justice O'Connor and Justice Souter to that last.
In fact, GOP-appointees still hold a 5-4 majority on the Court.
And yet, the Court remains unpredictable. And while we do see a stream of 5-4 decisions, incredibly  some really big recent ones are with a liberal majority. Imagine!
Why is this so?
It's because the Republican appointees to the Court don't always vote along conservative lines. They stray. 
Chief Justice Roberts is the biggest offender. He's strayed so much from originalist thinking that some have called him the Court's new swing vote -- a dubious distinction once held by Justice Kennedy. Roberts broke rank on the landmark Obamacare decision and just did it again with a logically fractured and protracted decision on the 2020 census case.
Meanwhile, the Democrat appointees to the Court almost always vote as a block. They vote the liberal line. They don't stray. Ginsburg, Kagan, Sotomayor and Stephen Breyer almost always vote in liberal lockstep.  
Though he might think otherwise, Chief Justice Roberts has not proven to be the leader and consensus-builder that many had hoped for. Roberts seems to be just another justice rather than the Chief Justice that America expected and the Court deserves. 
And he often chooses to decide cases on what appear to be narrow and/or technical grounds. That's the mark of a hair-splitter, not the mark of a leader.
But here's a bigger question: Why do so-called conservative appointees stray? 
The answer is simpler than it might seem. 
We attribute it to two factors -- lack of backbone and the pressure brought by elites in the Washington hothouse. Washington is a notorious breeding ground for liberal groupthink, especially at the very highest levels. 
When you reach the pinnacle of power, incredibly, the position you hold is often not enough. Unless you are very strong in your convictions, you begin to seek the approval, the affirmation, indeed the imprimatur of what is believed to be the intelligentsia -- the self-anointed best and brightest. 
No matter that you've climbed so high, it's very airy up there, very heady stuff. The more adulation you have, the more you crave. 
So, more and more you seek invitations to the right dinner parties, the sought-after events and conferences, the ever-so-exclusive lectureships and the coveted signal that you have really, really, really been accepted into the club.
This never mattered to someone like Justice Antonin Scalia or Justice Clarence Thomas. Scalia openly signaled his disdain for such considerations and Thomas continues to quietly chart a path deeply rooted in his hardscrabble upbringing and rock solid values. Justice Alito remains a mostly solid bet as well. But they are the exceptions to the rule.
The verdict is not really in yet on Justices Kavanugh and Gorsuch.  We'll have to see more  decisions from them.
As for Chief Justice Roberts, well -- he seems all-too-easily seduced.
If only conservatives would learn from liberals -- at least on matters such as this. 
If, if, if . .

Dramatic Design Exhibition Coming This Fall!

Designs for Different Futures

October 22, 2019–March 8, 2020

Designs for Different Futures brings together some 80 works that address the challenges and opportunities that humans may encounter in the years, decades, and centuries ahead. Organized by the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, and the Art Institute of Chicago, the exhibition will debut in Philadelphia this fall.

POWERFUL: Watch This Now, Share It With Others!

America: Don't Let Them Have Their Way!

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Courageous Testimony Demands To Be Viewed!

And Now, The Day's REALLY Important Question!

Important Travel, Important Week, Trump On The Go!

President Donald J. Trump left Washington yesterday for Osaka, Japan, the host city for this year’s G20 Summit. When world leaders sit down with President Trump over the next few days, they know they’re meeting with a negotiating partner who isn’t bluffing when he says he’ll take tough action to protect American workers.

Free, fair, and reciprocal trade deals are a key component of President Trump’s pro-jobs, pro-growth strategy. At the G20, U.S. officials will continue working with our allies to confront unfair trade practices that hollow out our working class—including intellectual property theft, unfair labor practices, and forced technology transfer abroad.

On the way to Japan: President Trump stops in Alaska to thank our troops

After touching down in Osaka, President Trump had dinner with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison. The two discussed several pressing, shared challenges, including North Korea and Iran. That meeting was the first of many for President Trump over the coming days, where trade and national security will be at the top of the agenda.

We are a country that's respected again,” President Trump said before taking off for Japan. “They didn't respect us 3, 4, 5 years ago. They respect us again.”

”Family photo”: President Trump and world leaders at last year’s G20

This week is also an important opportunity to tell the story of America’s economic revival under President Trump. Our citizens prosper when the world economy is growing, ensuring strong and stable markets for American goods and services. Pro-growth policies, such as tax reform, have added millions of new jobs, brought our manufacturing sector back to life, and restored confidence in the U.S. economy.

The world can follow America’s lead. Countries can unlock their full economic potential by investing in training to reskill workers for high-demand industries. They can also benefit by fully empowering women to participate in their economies and governments—an effort the Trump Administration is helping to lead through Ivanka Trump’s Women’s Global Development and Prosperity Initiative (W-GDP).

President Trump is standing up for fair, reciprocal trade at this week’s G20.

🎬 President Trump: “We’ve been very good to our allies.”

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead 
President Donald J. Trump greets military personnel during a refueling stop at Joint Base Elmendorf in Anchorage, Alaska, on his way to the G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan | June 26, 2019

ACYR Chair Blasts Van Drew On Election Security

Atlantic County Young Republicans Chairman Brian T. Fitzherbert released the following statement in response to Congressman Jeff Van Drew’s (D-NJ-02) push to increase election security in the United States:
Over the past weekend, Congressman Van Drew was quoted saying, “We need to do everything in our power to assure the American people that the election system is secured and that outside forces will not interfere.” 
“How ironic,” Fitzherbert said.
Fitzherbert continued, “It appears our Congressman just can’t help his own hypocrisy. He’s pushing to increase election security when he himself has used the Calloway brothers. Anyone paying attention to elections in Atlantic County doesn’t need any more information than that.”
The Calloway brothers have offered money to individuals to obtain and sign messenger ballots for voters they do not know as well as a questionable vote-by-mail operation that includes having ballots already filled out for voters.

“Congressman Van Drew welcomes support from the Calloway brothers, as he did in the 2018 election, but wants to push election security. How can his comments in Washington D.C. and actions at home in South Jersey be even remotely reconcilable? Ballot integrity and secure elections is of the utmost importance, but Congressman Van Drew’s involvement undermines the effort. South Jersey deserves better,” Fitzherbert said.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

A FAKE Crisis? NO Crisis? Oh, Now It IS A Crisis!

On February 15, President Donald J. Trump declared a national emergency to address the security and humanitarian crisis on our southern border. That month, more than 40,000 alien families arrived—an unprecedented surge that America’s outdated and overstretched immigration system is ill-equipped to handle.

Something to share: 26 times they called the border crisis fake news

Congressional Democrats were swift and nearly unanimous in their response, as Washington Examiner columnist Byron York detailed today: 
  • “A fake crisis at the border,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi proclaimed.
  • “A crisis that does not exist,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said.
  • “There is no crisis at the border,” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer declared.
The media was quick to endorse that narrative. Morning Joe deemed the emergency “an imaginary border crisis.” The Washington Post editorial board called it “make-believe.” The New York Times “fact-checked” the President’s claim of a border crisis and reported it false—before contradicting themselves two paragraphs later.

How times change. “This nation is facing a humanitarian crisis at the southern border,” House Democrats tweeted today. Don’t mistake that for an admission of fault. They make clear the problem isn’t Congress’ years of refusal to fix America’s broken immigration system. Their culprit is U.S. law enforcement, whose officers are guilty of running “concentration camps” for illegal immigrants, as one freshman Congresswoman put it.

President Trump has requested $4.5 billion in emergency aid—$3.3 billion of it marked for humanitarian assistance—to help law enforcement address the historic surge in large migrant groups arriving at our southern border. Congress has yet to pass it.

Just as crucial, the only long-term solution to this humanitarian crisis is for Congress to close the catch-and-release loopholes that fuel child smuggling into the United States. As long as children can be used to evade our laws, they'll continue to be put in danger.

So far, Democrats have resisted every single effort to shut off the magnets for child smuggling. “Fixing the laws would solve everything,” President Trump said today. “And they could do it so quickly. It’s so simple,” he added.

“They know what to do. They just don’t want to do it.”

Watch: President Trump says “Democrats are solely responsible” for this crisis.

MoreTop 5 border falsehoods pushed by Congressional Democrats and the media

President Trump is on his way to Japan

President Trump took off this afternoon for his second visit to Japan in less than a month—this time to take part in the 2019 G20 Summit in Osaka.

The G20 is an opportunity for world leaders to discuss the biggest challenges facing our global economy. President Trump’s goal this week, as always, is to fight for the best deals and outcomes possible to lift up America’s workers.

🎬 Watch: President Trump is wheels up for Osaka, Japan

A truly level playing field means breaking down foreign barriers—both the tariff and non-tariff kind—that have stifled America’s economy and taken away too many jobs. Unlike his predecessors, President Trump is willing to use every tool at his disposal to bring these countries to the negotiating table and agree to better terms for our citizens.

“We are a country that's respected again,” the President said before boarding Marine One this afternoon. 

Jared Kushner on a pathway to peace in the Middle East

In Bahrain this week, senior Trump Administration officials took part in a two-day summit that unveiled a new economic roadmap for the Palestinian people.  

“The overall consensus is that [Peace to Prosperity] is a very executable plan,” Senior Advisor to the President Jared Kushner said of the response from representatives of more than 20 participating countries. “There is so much thirst and excitement about investing in the West Bank and Gaza.”  

See President Trump’s economic vision for the Palestinian people.

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian 
President Donald J. Trump talks to reporters on the South Lawn of the White House prior to boarding Marine One to begin his trip to Japan | June 26, 2019

These Stories Tell It Like it is!

“Democrats are finally acknowledging the border crisis they claimed didn’t exist, yet many still want to deny aid to suffering migrants. It’s beyond cruel,” the New York Posteditorial board writes.

“Humanitarian aid should be a top priority. If Dems truly care about the conditions of migrants packed in squalid facilities, they’ll back funding to address those conditions even if some of that money might go to enforcement.”

Click here to read more.

“Peace in the Middle East can only be achieved if it comes with a pathway for people to improve their lives, US President Donald Trump’s top adviser Jared Kushner said in Bahrain on Tuesday, in explaining why his team is rolling out the economic chapter of their Mideast peace vision before the political one,” Herb Keinon reports for The Jerusalem Post. “While politicians pay lip service, the world moves forward and the Palestinians continue to be left behind,” Kushner said.

“There is a crisis on the southern border of the United States. Customs and Border Patrol agents are being overwhelmed by a surge of families seeking asylum. Border facilities do not have the necessary resources to care for the immigrants in many cases and conditions are sub-standard,” the Boston Herald editorial board writes. Congressional Democrats complain—then stonewall the Administration’s push for humanitarian aid. “It is astounding that a political party so loudly aghast at US-run ‘concentration camps,’ does not feel strongly compelled to legislate them away.”

“Two US soldiers tasked with helping safeguard the US-Mexico border rescued a woman and . . . her child Thursday, saving the migrant family from drowning as they attempted to cross into the country,” Ryan Browne reports for CNN. One of those soldiers, Army Staff Sgt. Michael Mathews, “jumped into the water to rescue the woman and her child, while 1st Lt. Samuel Mueller used his shirt as a makeshift lifeline until [U.S. Customs and Border Protection] agents arrived and threw them a rescue line,” a statement from the U.S. Northern Command read.

Trump Or Obama? On Key Issues Voters Pick Trump!

Voters rank Donald Trump well ahead of Barack Obama in his handling of the economy at this point in their presidencies. Trump’s national security approval is at the high level his predecessor enjoyed just after the killing of 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters now think Trump is doing a good or excellent job handling economic issues. That’s up from 39% in mid-2017 shortly after Trump had taken office and just short of the high of 51% last October. Thirty-three percent (33%) rate his performance as poor. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Forty-seven percent (47%) give the president good or excellent marks for his handling of national security issues. That’s up from 41% in January 2018 and a high for Trump to date. Thirty-nine percent (39%) rate him poorly in this area.

By comparison, in late June of his third year in office, Obama earned positive marks from just 34% when it came to his handling of economic issues. Forty-five percent (45%) rated his handling of national security as good or excellent at that time, down from a high of 52% earlier in the month, shortly after the death of bin Laden.
(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in Rasmussen polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on June 19-20, 2019 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC.

Voters still give Trump the edge in next year’s election, although they’re not convinced that he’s done enough yet to make American great again.

Men and those 40 and over give Trump higher marks for both the economy and national security than women and younger voters do.

While 79% of Republicans rate Trump’s economic policies as good or excellent, just 30% of Democrats and 42% of unaffiliated voters agree.

Similarly, 77% of GOP voters give the president positive marks for his handling of national security issues. Sixty percent (60%) of Democrats rate his performance in this area as poor. Unaffiliateds are much more closely divided.

Americans continue to express near-record confidence in the economy. Fifty-three percent (53%) rate their personal finances as good or excellent in the latest Rasmussen Reports Consumer Spending Update.

Voters are more confident these days in the global power of the U.S. president, but they say Trump pushes America’s interests more than they think is necessary.

Additional information from this survey and a full demographic breakdown are available to Platinum Members only.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

President Imposes Tough New Sanctions On Iran!

President Donald J. Trump signed an executive order this morning that imposes tough sanctions to deprive the Supreme Leader of Iran and some of his closest associates of key financial resources.
🎬 Watch: President Trump announces new sanctions on Iranian leaders 

“Today’s action follows a series of aggressive behaviors by the Iranian regime in recent weeks,” the President said from the Oval Office. “The Supreme Leader of Iran is [the] one who ultimately is responsible for the hostile conduct of the regime . . . His office oversees the regime’s most brutal instruments, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps.” 

The President’s actions are a strong yet proportionate response to Iran’s recent string of provocative behaviors. Last week, Iran shot down an American drone over international waters. Earliest this month, Iran attacked two commercial vessels and used proxy forces to attack civilian infrastructure in Saudi Arabia. 

Perhaps most alarming, the regime also recently announced that it will be increasing its stockpile of enriched uranium in the coming days. 

Today’s sanctions send a firm message to Tehran: They’re no longer dealing with an Administration naive or indifferent to their malign behavior. In Fox News, Middle East expert Tom Basile called former President Obama’s “sweetheart deal with Iran” his worst foreign policy blunder of all. 

“Obama wanted his Iran deal at all costs, and those costs were steep. It amounted to access to more than $100 billion, ending most sanctions, opening the country to foreign investment, among other benefits for the regime,” Basile writes. In other words, the Iran deal handed the world’s largest state sponsor of terror unprecedented financial capabilities. 

Those days are over. Last year, President Trump withdrew the United States from the deal and put the regime on notice—either change course or face crippling economic pressure. That choice became even clearer today when the President authorized putting sanctions on anyone who provides material support to the Supreme Leader’s Office. 

America is standing firm against the worst elements of the Iranian regime. 

Watch: Iran can never get a nuclear weapon, President Trump says 

What American patients have a right to know—before they go to the doctor

President Trump’s mission for healthcare can be summed up in just four words: put American patients first.

Today, he took another step toward that goal, signing an executive order that requires hospitals to publicly disclose what people actually pay for important medical services in an easy-to-read format.

For too long, powerful interests have blocked patients from knowing the true price and quality of their healthcare, preventing them from making informed choices. Lack of transparency contributes to soaring costs, suppressed competition, and lower quality of care. As a result, patients face wild variations in prices—often for the exact same services.

Publicizing the true prices of healthcare services will allow Americans to make choices that fit their personal healthcare needs and their financial situations. “We believe the American people have the right to know the price of services before they go to visit the doctor,” President Trump said today.

Watch President Trump unveil today's landmark healthcare action

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian 
President Donald J. Trump signs an Executive Order for Improving Price and Quality Transparency in American Healthcare to Put Patients First | June 24, 2019