Saturday, September 30, 2023

Tomorrow's NJ Gas Tax Hike: Here's Who To Blame!


Are you ready, New Jersey?
Are you REALLY ready for this? We warned you about it in 2016. We asked you to mobilize. We begged you to protest.
Because that's when your state legislators in Trenton voted to hike your gas tax by an astronomical 23 cents per gallon. 
But that wasn't the end of it. No, not by a long shot.
Because the swindlers in Trenton had more up their sleeves via a sneaky little provision in the bill.
So now, Governor Murphy & Co. have announced that New Jersey's gas will rise another on cents per gallon tomorrow, Oct. 1.
How can THAT happen?
Well, Pilacious Phil's administration is authorized to make the hike because the law now stipulates that if the original gas tax brings in less than expected, the state can raise the rate to keep it on target.
The state says that this year motorists bought less gasoline in New Jersey (what a shocker!) and revenues are lagging. So, they'll raise the gas tax just like that -- with a snap of the gas pump. Do you see how this works? The prices go up, you buy less. Because you buy less, the prices keep going up at an accelerated rate. It's a vicious, destructive cycle. This is bad legislation that should and MUST be repealed.
We warned you, New Jersey!
This is just another boondoggle brought to you by the professional politicians in the Joizee Swamp otherwise known as Trenton -- as in You Make, Trenton Takes!
And below, highlighted in yellow, you'll find the names of the members of the state senate and state assembly who voted for this outrage. Blame them! And if any of them are still in office, throw them out via your mail in ballot right now or on November 7.

State Assembly:

Andrzejczak, Bob - No    Auth, Robert - No    Barclay, Arthur - Yes

Benson, Daniel R. - Yes    Bramnick, Jon M. - Yes    Brown, Chris A. - No

Bucco, Anthony M. - No    Burzichelli, John J. - Yes    Caputo, Ralph R. - Yes

Caride, Marlene - Yes    Carroll, Michael Patrick - No    Chaparro, Annette - Yes

Chiaravalloti, Nicholas - Yes    Ciattarelli, Jack M. - No    Clifton, Robert D. - No

Conaway, Herb, Jr. - Yes    Coughlin, Craig J. - Yes    Dancer, Ronald S. - No

Danielsen, Joe - Yes    DeAngelo, Wayne P. - Yes    DeCroce, BettyLou - Yes

DiMaio, John - No    Downey, Joann - No    Egan, Joseph V. - Yes

Eustace, Tim - Yes    Giblin, Thomas P. - Yes    Gove, DiAnne C. - No

Green, Jerry - No    Greenwald, Louis D. - Yes    Gusciora, Reed - Yes

Handlin, Amy H. - No    Holley, Jamel C. - Not Voting    Houghtaling, Eric - No

Howarth, Joe - Yes    Jasey, Mila M. - Yes Jimenez, Angelica M. - Yes

Johnson, Gordon M. - Yes    Jones, Patricia Egan - Yes    Karabinchak, Robert J. - Yes

Kean, Sean T. - Yes    Kennedy, James J. - Yes    Lagana, Joseph A. - Yes

Lampitt, Pamela R. - Not Voting    Land, R. Bruce - No    Mazzeo, Vincent - No

McGuckin, Gregory P. - No    McKeon, John F. - Yes    McKnight, Angela V. - Yes

Moriarty, Paul D. - Yes    Mosquera, Gabriela M. - Yes    Mukherji, Raj - Yes

Munoz, Nancy F. - Not Voting    Muoio, Elizabeth Maher - Yes    O'Scanlon, Declan J., Jr. - Yes

Oliver, Sheila Y. - No    Peterson, Erik - No    Phoebus, Gail - No

Pinkin, Nancy J. - Yes    Pintor Marin, Eliana - Yes    Prieto, Vincent - Yes

Quijano, Annette - Not Voting    Rible, David P. - Yes    Rodriguez-Gregg, Maria - Yes

Rumana, Scott T. - Not Voting    Rumpf, Brian E. - No    Russo, David C. - Not Voting

Schaer, Gary S. - Yes    Schepisi, Holly - No    Singleton, Troy - Yes

Space, Parker - No    Sumter, Shavonda E. - Yes    Taliaferro, Adam J. - Not Voting

Tucker, Cleopatra G. - Not Voting    Vainieri Huttle, Valerie - Yes    Watson, Blonnie R. - Yes

Webber, Jay - No    Wimberly, Benjie E. - Yes    Wisniewski, John S. - No

Wolfe, David W. - No    Zwicker, Andrew - No
State Senate:

Addiego, Dawn Marie - Yes    Allen, Diane B. - No    Bateman, Christopher - No   

Beach, James - Yes    Beck, Jennifer - No    Bucco, Anthony R. - No   Cardinale, Gerald - No

Codey, Richard J. - Yes    Connors, Christopher J. - No   Cruz-Perez, Nilsa - Yes 

Cunningham, Sandra B. - Yes    Diegnan, Patrick J., Jr. - Yes   Doherty, Michael J. - No 

Gill, Nia H. - No    Gordon, Robert M. - Yes   Greenstein, Linda R. - Yes    

Holzapfel, James W. - No    Kean, Thomas H., Jr. - No   Kyrillos, Joseph M., Jr. - Yes 

Lesniak, Raymond J. - No    Madden, Fred H., Jr. - Yes   O'Toole, Kevin J. - Yes   

Oroho, Steven V. - Yes    Pennacchio, Joseph - No   Pou, Nellie - Yes    Rice, Ronald L. - Yes 

Ruiz, M. Teresa - Not Voting   Sacco, Nicholas J. - Yes    Sarlo, Paul A. - Yes    

Scutari, Nicholas P. - Yes   Singer, Robert W. - Yes    Smith, Bob - Yes    Stack, Brian P. - Yes

Sweeney, Stephen M. - Yes    Thompson, Samuel D. - Not Voting    Turner, Shirley K. - No

Van Drew, Jeff - No    Vitale, Joseph F. - Yes    Weinberg, Loretta - Not Voting  

Whelan, Jim - Yes

TOMORROW: The Launch Of A Very Big Month!

Tomorrow, right here, we will launch ITALIAN AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH.

Each and every day -- for 31 big days -- we will introduce you to another hugely accomplished Italian American. You'll meet scientists, writers, athletes, doctors, lawyers, entertainers, politicos, artists, entrepreneurs, journalists, CEOs, visionaries and people who you never knew were Italian American. 

Each day will bring us a new, and often unexpected, personality. And through these personal stories, you will discover the magical, inspiring journey of the Italians in America -- a journey of hardship, struggle, love, anguish, disappointment, rugged persistence and, ultimately, luminescent triumph. 

Join us ever single day over the next 31 days and share these stories with others. You'll be surprised at what you discover. And, we promise: you won't be disappointed!

BTW: We begin tomorrow with this guy.

Friday, September 29, 2023

NJ: Revoke Pensions For Convicted Public Officials!

New Jersey State Senator Declan O’Scanlon announced today that he is reintroducing legislation from 2008 that would revoke public pensions for government officials and employees who are convicted of any crime while in office. Senator Edward Durr (R-3) will sign on as a co-prime sponsor of the bill.

Sen. Declan O’Scanlon announced that he is reintroducing legislation from 2008 that would revoke public pensions for government officials and employees who are convicted of any crime while in office. Sen. Edward Durr will sign on as a co-prime sponsor of the bill. (

“Senator Menendez has a state pension based of off a $48,000 salary, and if convicted of selling his office for bars of gold, cash, and a Mercedes-Benz, he will collect more than $200,000 in public pension payments over the next 20 years. These payments are funded by taxpayers and rank-and-file public employees alike,” said O’Scanlon (R-13). “This is a slap in the face to taxpayers and this reform is long overdue.”

Current law allows public officials who are convicted of corruption to continue receiving public pensions. Former Assemblyman Cohen, who was embroiled in convictions related to child pornography in his district office, still collects a State funded pension for his time working for various local government employers. Outrage over this heinous crime served as the impetus for this bill to be first introduced back in 2008.

For years, S-1557 had bipartisan support but when all Republican legislators tried to advance the bill unanimously in 2017, Democrats voted to kill each effort on three separate occasions. In fact, some of the Democrats who voted against the bill were co-sponsors of the legislation.

“Our underfunded pension system cannot continue shelling out more cash to crooked politicians who are convicted of bribery and other egregious crimes,” Durr explained. “If the Democrat leaders refuse to pass this bill as soon as possible and Senator Menendez is later convicted of bribery, they may as well be held as accomplices to his alleged crimes.”

The bill was initially introduced as S-215 by former Senator Jennifer Beck and A-3432 by then-Assemblyman O’Scanlon.

“Democrats have provided nothing but lip service on reforms for the past fifteen years,” O’Scanlon concluded. “If this current indictment against the disgraced Senator doesn’t get them to finally act, they may as well just admit they support the financial interests of public officials that are convicted of child pornography and bribery over the taxpayers.”

PHOTOS: NYC Walloped by Huge Rain Storm

Photos by AP and Patch.

WOW Nearly Half Want AG IMPEACHED!

After Merrick Garland was grilled in a congressional hearing last week, nearly half of voters think the Attorney General should be impeached.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 48% of Likely U.S. voters believe Congress should launch an impeachment investigation of Garland. Thirty-five percent (35%) oppose impeaching the attorney general, and 18% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Please sign up for the Rasmussen Reports daily e-mail update (it’s free) or follow us on Facebook. Let Rasmussen keep you up to date with the latest public opinion news.

The survey of 1,035 U.S. Likely Voters was conducted on September 24-26, 2023 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research.

A Special Message From Senator Mike Testa!



Public officials are elected by their constituents to represent their best interests, not the other way around.

New Jersey is a notorious breeding ground for corruption. That's why I am stepping up and fighting back.

It isn’t just Senator Menendez who should be in the spotlight. Over the years, our state has been subject to bribes and shady development deals which have consistently flown under the radar during the Murphy Administration.

In the past, Governor Murphy and his administration have failed to take aggressive action to intervene where obvious corruption exists.

I recently introduced legislation to put a stop to the corruption culture that has plagued the Garden State for years. My bill, (S-4075), would give the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (EDA) oversight authority over local development offices, where corruption has been identified.

Additionally, the legislation would mandate the EDA to take control of an office, if three or more officials have been charged with corruption. The legislation would be applied retroactively to criminal convictions, indictments, and charges that occurred three years prior to enactment.

Read more about my legislation here.

If the Governor refuses to act, the legislature must instead. It’s high time to pass my legislation which will end the persistent culture of corruption that is ramped throughout the Garden State.

This isn't an episode of the Sopranos. This is real life. It's time we start acting like it and hold those who engage in such activities accountable.

Thank you for your continued support. I will never stop fighting for YOU!

— Senator Michael Testa, Jr.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

CRIME: Target Exiting Democrat Run Cities!

Yes, You Really CAN Save Money -- But . . .


Shameless, Indeed! They Have NO SHAME!

Really? Nobody Elected YOU, Tammy!


The BEST Advice We Could Give You Right Now!


Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Yet Another Disgraceful Moment For Philly!

After 51 Years, Can NJ GOP Turn Things Around?

Richard Nixon was President. The French Connection was the best picture of the year. Roberta Flack's The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face was the big song of the year and HBO launched the first television service directly transmitted to cableTV.

The year was 1972. And it was also the last time New Jersey elected a Republican (Clifford Case) to the US Senate. 

Incredibly, for more than half a century New Jersey Republicans have been unsuccessful in reclaiming Case's seat. And the list of GOP losers is a long and sorry one: Bob Hugin, Joe Kyrillos, Tom Kean, Jr., Bob Franks, Rik Mehta, Jeff Bell, Steve Lonegan, Dick Zimmer, Doug Forrester, Chuck Haytaian, Pete Dawkins and Millicent Fenwick.

But now a unique opportunity presents itself. Indicted incumbent Bob Menedez may be forced to resign or not seek re-election next year, putting his senate seat up for grabs. The Democrats don't appear to be worried. Menendez be damned; they regard this seat as their own personal domain. And who can blame them? They even own the Governor's office so, if "Gold Bar Bob" does resign, Phil Murphy can appoint another Democrat to replace him and give that appointee a leg up going into next year's election.

On the Republican side? Well, let's just say there's not a stampede for the senate nomination. Popular Democrat-turned-Republican Congressman Jeff VanDrew has said he's considering a bid and people have reportedly urged State Senator Mike Testa to run. Jack Ciattarelli (perhaps New Jersey's most popular Republican) seems laser focused on his 2025 gubernatorial bid. 

Of course, lightening could strike and the GOP could take over one or both houses of the state legislature this year and that would open the door for rising Republican statehouse pols to seriously eye Menendez's seat. And that may not be so far fetched when you consider that the Cook Political Report has just shifted its rating of New Jersey’s 2024 Senate race from Solid Democrat to Likely Democrat, Hey, any glimmer of hope, right?

Still, hope needs a plan -- and a candidate. Maybe the New Jersey GOP needs to think completely outside the box. Maybe we need to take a page from Ohio and elect someone like best selling author J. D. Vance to the US Senate. In a year when the red wave was barely a fading pink ripple, Vance scored an impressive victory in the Buckeye State. Anybody like that in Jersey? Well, we could turn to Harlan Coben. With over 80 million books in print worldwide, Livingston's own Harlan Coben is the number one New York Times author of thirty five novels. Now a Ridgewood resident, would Coben be interested in a senate bid? Well, he's proven his success as an author and he's doubtless got the bucks (and the choice connections) to make the race. Who knows?

Of course, the GOP could turn to a well known athlete. Former Eagles quarterback Ron Jaworski ("Jaws") is now a Medford resident and hugely successful businessman. Legendary New York Yankees pitcher and commentator Al Leiter is a New Jersey native and Summit resident. Plus, there's New  York Giants great Bart Oates who's now a successful New Jersey attorney residing in Harding Township. And what about US soccer star Carli Lloyd? Lloyd is a Delran native and a true American hero who reportedly still resides in New Jersey.

The point is that the New Jersey GOP has got to Think Big and learn to color outside the lines. Maybe Joe Piscopo could still be convinced to enter the political arena. Maybe Buddy Valastro will be willing to cook up a US Senate race. New Jersey is hardly short of world class talent. And who knows if anyone would run unless he or she has been asked.

Remember: nobody even thought of Ronald Reagan as Governor until a group of California businessmen approached him with the idea, and we all know where that led. And yes, we can add many others to this list including New Jersey's own Bill Bradley and former astronaut Mark Kelly who's now a US Senator from Arizona. By the way, remember former Eagles lineman John Runyan who defeated the incumbent to win a key House seat here in South Jersey? That was quite an upset! After a couple of terms, Runyan retired from politics but last we checked he still resides here in New Jersey. Who knows, maybe Big Jon Runyan would be willing to take one more turn as a giant killer.

Be audacious, New Jersey Republicans. Be daring! What the hell do you have to lose?

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Trump Gets It: The Scheme, The Fraud, The Danger!

Something REALLY BIG May Be Happening Now!


He Seems Intent On Making A Fool Of Himself!

Indicted NJ Democrat US Senator Bob Menendez stunned his girlfriend (now wife, and also indicted), Nadine Arslanian, with a romantic proposal in front of the Taj Mahal in India in 2019. It seems this happened while both were likely already under investigation for bribery and other crimes. According to the indictment Menendez and his wife accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars of bribes in exchange for using the senator's influence to protect and enrich the businessmen. Arslanian was born in Beirut, Lebanon, and both of her parents are Armenian.She reportedly is the president of Strategic International Business Consultants, a holding company that was incorporated in New Jersey in 2019.

Well, What's Fair Is Fair -- Right?


Monday, September 25, 2023

Completely NAKED Dating Show Gets US TV Debut!

Philly To Welcome New PR Hall Of Fame Member!


TESTA On Menendez Charges: Probe NJ AG's Office!

New Jersey State Senate Judiciary Committee member, Michael Testa, called on the Legislature to return to Trenton immediately to authorize subpoena power for the Senate Judiciary Committee and retain special counsel to facilitate a thorough investigation of the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office handling of a 2019 prosecution involving a businessman with ties to U.S. Senator Bob Menendez.

Sen. Michael Testa called on the Legislature to return to Trenton immediately to authorize subpoena power for the Senate Judiciary Committee and retain special counsel to facilitate a thorough investigation of the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office handling of a 2019 prosecution. (Pixabay)

“When you have allegations of elected officials pressuring our State attorney general’s office to influence the outcome of a prosecution, the State must demand answers. We cannot ignore the alleged corruption and influence peddling that occurred within our State offices,” said Testa (R-1). “The Legislature must return to Trenton immediately and give the Senate Judiciary Committee the power and resources to demand answers from the attorney general’s office regarding this serious and egregious matter.”

Initial press reports indicate that former New Jersey Attorney General Gurbir Grewal was named in the indictment of U.S. Senator Bob Menendez today over an alleged attempt from the senator to influence a prosecution led by the State. The defendant in the case ultimately pled guilty to the State’s charges but did not serve jail time.

Senator Testa is calling on the Legislature to demand answers from the Attorney General’s Office regarding this 2019 prosecution.

Getting WORSE By The Day, By The Hour, By The Minute

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Now, THESE Are Really Frigtening Figures!

C'mon Out And See A Genuine Grassroots STAR!


The Dan Cirucci Blog Reaches 4.7 MILLION Pageviews!

Hey everybody! 
This is a great new milestone for us. Approaching 5 MILLION pageviews. 
Hooray and Thank you!

Tonight, We Wish Our Friends An Easy Fast


Saturday, September 23, 2023

Dems Not Waiting To Bash, Shove, Challenge . . .


Rooney Scores Excellent Analysis On National TV

Do You Know What An Oenophile Is?


Nearly All DemsEcho Call For Menendez Resignation

But, so far, Booker has been silent!

Friday, September 22, 2023

A Little Known, Rarely Seen Chapter In TV History

When We Foolishly Indulge Infantile Notions . . .


Pennsylvanians, You CAN Redeem Yourselves!

A Fitting Tribute To A Great Lady!


Right Now, Let That Summer Glow Linger!

 They say that summer's over;

Don't believe them, just remember,
Summer doesn't really end till the 23rd of September.
Summer's glow will linger with sea breezes and warm days;
As summer's spirit follows you in a million different ways.
Don't let them lull you into disbelief in nature's natural plan;
You've still got time to catch the sun and deepen that fine tan.
Labor Day is artificial but the calendar doesn't lie.
Fall may be upon us, but summer will not die!


Photos and original poem, Savor The Moments, copyright 2012, 2014 by Dan Cirucci

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Sadly, In Cities Everywhere, School Choice, Vouchers Are LONG OVERDUE!

From Fox 5 News, Baltimore: Last school year, Baltimore City Schools received $1.6 billion from taxpayers, the most ever. The district also received $799 million in Covid relief funding from the federal government. And still, not a single student tested at 13 City high schools scored proficient on the state math test.

THIS Country Music Act Is Tearin' Up The Charts!

Dan + Shay - Save Me The Trouble (Official Music Video)

I can tell by the way That you’re stirring your drink Oh we’re already playing with fire Said that you had to go Bout an hour ago Baby you’re such a beautiful liar Feels like a movie I’ve already seen So right now I’m begging you please Why don’t you save me the trouble Keep those pretty blue eyes to yourself Why don’t you save me the trouble Give that heartache to somebody else If you’re the kinda girl that’s only gonna wanna love and leave A guy like me Alone in this bar drinking double Why don’t you save me the trouble Save me the trouble baby Now the closer I get To the red on your lips I can feel myself falling all crazy Cuz just a little kiss and I could never get you out of my mind So before you go wreck my whole life I know you know that I ain’t strong enough To tell girls like you no, no it ain’t in my blood so just save me the trouble #DanAndShay #BiggerHouses #SaveMeTheTrouble

You Don't Wanna Mis This Event!


One Of The Most Dynamic Public Servants Anywhere!

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

STAND WITH ISRAEL In NYC Thursday Evening!


This Is Truly A National Disgrace!

A VERY Special Message: Antisemitism At UPenn

A Message from The Weitzman

Especially during these Days of Awe, when Jewish students should be able to celebrate in their Jewish heritage, we are deeply disturbed that the upcoming Palestine Writes Festival hosted by the University of Pennsylvania features a number of speakers with histories of virulently antisemitic speech. We share Penn Hillel's concern for its Jewish students on campus amidst the propagation of antisemitic rhetoric, as well as the concerns expressed by many of UPenn's supporters, alumni, and members of the greater community.

You can learn more about the actions currently being taken by Penn Hillel, including hosting a "Shabbat Together" event this Friday for students on campus, which will celebrate Jewish pride, unity, and togetherness. You can learn more about Penn Hillel’s response on their Instagram and Facebook channels.

We endorse Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia's statement on the matter, which you can read here.

We stand in solidarity with Penn's Jewish community.