Thursday, February 28, 2019

Inside The Swamp, Liars For Hire!

Well, He'll Always Fly High In These Parts - Always!

We don't usually do sports here, and we're not particularly keen on the NFL.
But sometimes, an exception is in order. This is one of those times.

Looking At It, All We Can Say Is 'God Help Us!'

And So The Season Of Redemption Begins . . .

Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. will be the main celebrant and homilist at the Ash Wednesday Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, Wednesday March 6, 2019.

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Season of Lent for Christians throughout the world. Lent is a 40-day penitential time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving from Ash Wednesday through Holy Thursday in preparation for the Easter celebration.  

Wednesday, March 6, 2019
12:05 p.m.
Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
18th Street and Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Catholics in 217 parishes across the five-county Archdiocese will attend Mass or a Liturgy of the Word and receive blessed ashes on their foreheads, marked in the sign of a cross, reminding them to repent and believe in the Gospel as the 2019 Lenten Season begins.

The Cathedral Parish offers the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation on weekdays beginning at 11:30 a.m. for the Lenten Season in addition to other scheduled times. Likewise, individual parishes throughout the Archdiocese may have alternative dates and times for this Sacrament in addition to already scheduled times.

The Bishops of the United States prescribe, as a minimal obligation, that all persons who are fourteen years of age and older are bound to abstain from eating meat on Ash Wednesday, all the Fridays of Lent and Good Friday. Further, all persons eighteen years of age and older, up to and including their fifty-ninth birthday, are bound to fast by limiting themselves to a single full meal on Ash Wednesday and on Good Friday, while the other two meals on those days are to be light.

The Most Fun You Can Have Indoors On A Weeknight

Every Wednesday night at the Philadelphia Museum of Art! 

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Something Truly Historic Is Happening Right Now!

Twelve hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time in Hanoi, Vietnam, President Donald J. Trump is preparing now for his second day of talks with Chairman Kim Jong Un. The President’s first full day in Hanoi included both a one-on-one conversation and dinner with the North Korean leader.

“I think that your country has tremendous economic potential,” President Trump told Chairman Kim. If North Korea continues to choose engagement with the United States and honors its commitments to denuclearize, the future for its people can be bright. “I look forward to watching it happen,” President Trump said. “And we will help it to happen.”  Earlier in the day, President Trump met with President Nguyen Phu Trong of Vietnam—and delivered on another crucial promise to American voters.

More than 83,000 American jobs will be supported by new commercial trade deals between Vietnamese airlines and American companies. President Trump, alongside President Trong, participated in the signing of a plan this morning that agrees to the purchase of new planes, engines, and services from U.S. manufacturers. The agreements are worth more than $21 billion in sum.

“We appreciate very much that you’re reducing the trade deficit with the United States, which was very substantial before I got here,” President Trump told Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc. “And now we’re bringing it down with great orders like the orders that you made today.” 

What Nicolas Maduro doesn’t want you to see

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, an American citizen, and five members of his team were detained and later released in Venezuela on Monday by Nicolas Maduro. The reason? Maduro “didn’t like the questions” he was being asked, Univision reports.

What didn't Maduro want the world to see when he detained these journalists and seized Ramos’ equipment? The answer is that while Venezuelans starve and are forced to scavenge in garbage trucks for food, Maduro's thugs are setting fire to aid supplies.

The walls are closing in on the dictatorship in Caracas.

Read the full story.

In photos: Vice President Mike Pence meets Venezuelans in Colombia on Monday.

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead 
President Donald J. Trump is greeted by Kim Jong Un, Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, for their second summit meeting | February 27, 2019

'Phony Phil' Rocked By Yet Another Scandal!

From our friends at Save Jersey (reprinted with permission);

Al Alvarez was only the tip of the corruption iceberg, Save Jerseyans.
On Monday, reported that the Schools Development Authority (SDA), where the man accused of raping Murphy campaign volunteer Katie Brennan was employed, recently fired 26 employees to make way for 38 new hires. Many of those new hires allegedly have personal relationships with senior Murphy Administration officials.
The “restructuring” also led to a major bump in Alvarez’s pay before, infamously, he resigned after the Wall Street Journal began probing Katie Brennan’s allegations.
Click here for the full story.
“This is another example of the Murphy administration’s nepotistic culture.  Time and again it becomes evident that personal relationships are more important than anything else,” said Jon Bramnick (R-21), the Assembly Republican minority leader, reacting to the latest scandal to rock the year-old Murphy Administration.
News of the nepotism scandal has also lead to fresh calls to expand existing inquires into the Murphy Administration’s myriad of questionable hiring practices.
“There is a disturbing pattern of questionable hires by the Murphy Administration that has never been investigated in full or reasonably explained,” said Steven Oroho (R-24), who sits on the select committee currently investigating the Murphy Administration’s hiring practices. “The tone at the top sets the standard for all administrations. So we need to understand how this administration seemed unable to uncover concerns that could have been found with simple Internet searches. And in some cases, it seems likely that the Governor was aware of concerns or employment prohibitions and yet they were still approved. To prevent a recurrence, the select committee must understand how our State’s employment processes failed or were bypassed in each of these instances. We can’t fulfill our mission if the committee’s work is cut short.”
Other Murphy hiring scandals include:

The Most Compelling Moment Of The Entire Hearing

Hey, It's Just Another Day In The Swamp, Folks!

H/T: Joel Pollak

Even CNN Admits He Lied Again TODAY!

Today, during the testimony, even CNN saw the obvious and got this one right.
But doesn't that just go to show 'ya how bad Cohen is if even CNN is calling him out?
Pathological liar!

And Now For A Bit Of Cold Weather Fun . . .

The 2019 Seaside Heights (NJ) Polar Bear Plunge was the biggest EVER, with Big Joe Henry at the helm once again. More than 7,400 people hit the waves, 50,000 spectators joined them on, and $2.3 million was raised for Special Olympics NJ

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Complete And Utter Folly Of It All!

Nothing Less Than Total Outrage Will Suffice!

A Milestone Journey And Historic Opportunity!

Air Force One touched down in Hanoi, Vietnam, at 8:54 a.m. ET this morning as President Donald J. Trump prepares for his second summit with Chairman Kim Jong Un of North Korea this week.

“As part of a bold new diplomacy, we continue our historic push for peace on the Korean Peninsula,” President Trump said in this month’s State of the Union address.

Last June’s meeting in Singapore marked the first time in history that an American president has met with the leader of North Korea. This week’s summit looks to build on the progress made that day, including transformed relations between the two countries and the complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula—a goal that seemed virtually unachievable for decades.

America’s negotiations with Chairman Kim are already producing results, both for our citizens and for our allies: 
  • North Korea has not conducted a nuclear weapons or missile test in more than 400 days.
  • The regime has committed to dismantling its plutonium and uranium enrichment facilities.
  • American citizens are no longer detained in North Korea.
  • North Korea has returned remains of Americans who died during the Korean War—and President Trump is working to return more.
President Trump’s strategy is working where past administrations have failed for one reason above all else: America wins when it negotiates from a position of strength. Upon taking office, President Trump mobilized a global coalition to enforce a maximum pressure campaign on the regime in Pyongyang. He made clear that the world would not accept a nuclear-armed North Korea—and that provocations would come with a cost.

Now, instead of hopelessness, there is opportunity. The President has made clear that should Chairman Kim follow through on his promise to denuclearize, the Trump Administration will work to ensure there are economic development options for North Korea. The United States and its partners are prepared to explore how to mobilize investment, improve infrastructure, enhance food security, and more.

“Our hostages have come home, nuclear testing has stopped, and there has not been a missile launch in more than 15 months,” President Trump told Congress three weeks ago. There is still work to be done, but the early returns are clear: A strong United States of America makes for a stronger, safer world.

Tod Lindberg: Why the Trump approach beats the Obama one

The facts: President Trump’s historic push for peace on the Korean Peninsula

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead
President Donald J. Trump arrives at Noi Bai International Airport in Hanoi, Vietnam. | February 26, 2019

Yes, They Have Championed INFANTICIDE!

Following s a very special message from

Let this sink in... 

Last night, Democrats filibustered a bill to stop infanticide. 


44 Democrats voted to filibuster a bill that would have protected a living, breathing child, outside of its mother’s womb -- innocent, defenseless children that survive the grisly tools of an abortionist. 

REMEMBER: It takes a supermajority (60 of 100 senators) to advance regular order legislation. That’s why even with a slim pro-life majority in the Senate, it remains difficult to pass these types of bills. The final vote tally last night was 53 votes FOR the bill (against infanticide) and 44 against the bill (for infanticide). 60 votes were needed. And so it failed (plane delays kept three Senate Republicans from voting). 

Not a single Republican voted NO on this bill. Even pro-abortion Republican Susan Collins voted Yes. Democrats Bob Casey (PA), Joe Manchin (WV), and Doug Jones (AL) all voted to protect these children. Click here to see how every Senator voted. 

KEY: Every Senate Democrat running for president voted against protecting fully born babies: Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Kirsten Gillibrand, Bernie Sanders, and Amy Klobuchar. 

How far outside the mainstream are these presidential candidates? 

Consider again that this legislation would not change a single thing about current abortion law. You could fully support abortion and still vote for this legislation. 

For decades, Democrats have hidden behind euphemisms to mask their strident support of abortion. First they were merely “personally opposed” and “didn’t want to impose their views” on the rest of America. Then they championed the idea of abortion being “safe, legal, and rare.” 

But they aren’t hiding anymore. 

The Democratic Party is now firmly in the grasp of the hard left-- the same people who promote “Shout my abortion!” all over social media. 

Which is why they support abortion in all 9 months, without hesitation. 

And now they won’t even offer medical care to newborn babies born alive. 

recent poll from the SBA List found that 77% of Americans support protecting babies who survive abortion. And yet, only 3 of the 47 Democrats in the Senate stood up to protect these babies. In fact, a recent Marist poll showed that the wave of abortion extremism is now turning off even Democrats! 

These politicians cannot hide! 

OUR JOB: Catholics must lead the charge to hold politicians that support infanticide accountable. No doubt they are hoping this issue will disappear. But we will not let them -- or the voters -- forget. 

Thanks to your continued support of CV, we have a wave of new ads that will begin running regularly in key states from now into next year -- and through November 2020. 

We won't let them forget this. 

Brian Birch, President,

P.S. Even the rules of war treat prisoners better than innocent vulnerable children in America. For example, Article II, Section 12 of the Geneva Convention requires that: 
“Members of the armed forces and other persons... who are wounded or sick, shall be respected and protected in all circumstances. They shall be treated humanely and cared for by the Party to the conflict in whose power they may be, without any adverse distinction founded on sex, race, nationality, religion, political opinions, or any other similar criteria. 

“Any attempts upon their lives, or violence to their persons, shall be strictly prohibited; in particular, they shall not be murdered or exterminated, subjected to torture or to biological experiments; they shall not willfully be left without medical assistance and care...”

Remember These Slimy Six: Shame On 'Em!

And Now He's Running Away From The Truth!

Monday, February 25, 2019

Remember These Names: The Disgrace Is Theirs!

 The Senate voted 53-44 against ending the filibuster and allowing a debate and vote on the bill itself. Every Republican present voted to end the filibuster, along with Democrats Joe Manchin, Bob Casey and Doug Jones, while all other Democrats voted agaisnt the bill.
Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, who supports abortion, did not vote — hurting the effort to collect the 60 votes necessary.
Pro-life Republican Senators Tim Scott and Kevin Cramer were unable to attend the vote due to flight delays but would have voted to support the bill.
Every Democrat senator running for president — Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Kirsten Gillibrand and Bernie Sanders — voted to block the anti-infanticide bill.”

Yes, A New Day Really IS On The Horizon!

A new day is coming for Venezuela 

Today, Vice President Mike Pence traveled to Bogota, Colombia, reaffirming President Donald J. Trump’s support for the people of Venezuela in their struggle for freedom against the socialist dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro.

Joined by interim President Juan Guaido, whom President Trump officially recognized as Venezuela’s head of state last month, the Vice President stood near other leaders from the region “at a momentous hour for the people of Venezuela and for the progress of freedom in this hemisphere.”

“Just days ago, as the world watched, the tyrant in Caracas danced as his henchmen burned truckloads of food and medicine, and murdered civilians,” Vice President Pence said. “Saturday was a tragic day for the families of those who lost their lives . . . It was also a tragic day for the suffering people of Venezuela.”

Quoting President Trump, he looked to the future: “A new day is coming in Latin America.”

The United States has imposed tough sanctions on Maduro and members of his previous regime, blocking assets in the U.S. owned or controlled by Venezuela’s state-owned oil company. These actions build on international efforts to disconnect Maduro and his cronies from revenue sources, while preserving critical assets for the future of Venezuela.

At the same time, America continues to provide humanitarian assistance to the Venezuelan people. Food and medicine remain exempt from our sanctions. More than 3 million people have fled Venezuela since 2015—and that number may swell to more than 5 million by the end of 2019, according to the United Nations.

The past few days of suffering has only steeled America’s resolve to support the people of Venezuela, Vice President Pence said. He called the struggle at hand one between dictatorship and democracy, oppression and freedom, and pain versus prosperity.

“To the good people of Venezuela: Seek your freedom,” the Vice President said. “We will go with you. You go with God. Vayan con Dios.”

Worth your time: Read Vice President Pence’s words to the people of Venezuela.

A powerful photo: Vice President Pence to Juan Guaido: “We are with you 100%.”

Our border crisis is real

Over the weekend, Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan and Marine Gen. Joe Dunford—chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff—visited Texas to get a firsthand look at the crisis on America’s southern border.

Unlike many in Washington, these two leaders wanted to join President Trump in hearing directly from the people most affected, including law enforcement officers who deal with the consequences each and every day. President Trump met with Border Patrol officials in McAllen, Texas, during a trip there last month.

“We have amazing people down there doing a very, very difficult job,” Acting Secretary Shanahan explained. U.S. officials on the border told him that barriers work and should be part of any real solution. “Any place where someone can cross the border and disappear within seconds or minutes, that's where you need barriers,” he said.

On February 15, President Trump declared a national emergency to address the security and humanitarian crisis at our border. Past presidents have regularly used these executive actions to confront ongoing problems: 10 such national emergencies were declared by President Obama, one of which dealt with the threat of criminal cartels—including cartels operating on our southern border.

States have used emergency declarations responding to crises at the border in the past, as well. In 2005, New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson (D) declared a state of emergency along the border, claiming the area had “been devastated by the ravages and terror” of human trafficking, drug smuggling, kidnapping, murder, and other crimes.

Now it is time for the Federal Government to step up and do its part.

There’s a crisis at our border—and President Trump is ensuring we end it.  

Watch: Texas sheriff explains how illegal immigration hurts his community.

Photo of the Day

Official White House Photo by D. Myles Cullen 
Vice President Mike Pence, President Juan Guaido of Venezuela, and President Iván Duque Márquez of Colombia | February 25, 2019

A Wonderful Concert At A Fantastic Price!

The Philadelphia Youth Orchestra’s Bravo Bass ensemble will perform a memorable performance titled “Brass by Popular Demand” on Saturday, March 2 at 7:30 p.m. at St. Mark’s Church in Center City Philadelphia. St. Mark’s is located at 1625 Locust St, Philadelphia, PA.

The ensemble will play an eclectic program curated with the assistance of the group’s concert-goers. The results of a December survey has led to a concert featuring the music of Aaron Copland, Antonin Dvorak, John Williams, Giovanni Gabrieli, Glenn Miller, and George Gershwin.

General admission tickets are $15. Students under 18 are free. For more information about Bravo Brass and the Philadelphia Youth Orchestra and tickets, please visit or call (215) 545-0502.

About Bravo Brass
Bravo Brass, founded in 1997, is the brass ensemble program of Philadelphia Youth Orchestra led by Director and Conductor Paul Bryan. The only year-round brass ensemble in the Philadelphia area and one of only three in the country, Bravo Brass offers the highest level of individual and ensemble training and performance opportunities for the most accomplished young brass musicians in the area.

About the Philadelphia Youth Orchestra:
The anchor group is the Philadelphia Youth Orchestra (PYO), conducted by President and Music Director Louis Scaglione, featuring 120 gifted instrumentalists who range in age from 14-21.

Young musicians 12-18 years old are featured in PYO’s companion ensemble, the Philadelphia Young Artists Orchestra, which is led by Director and Conductor Maestra Rosalind Erwin, who is Music Director and Conductor of Drexel University Orchestra.

Philadelphia Young Musicians Orchestra (PYMO), directed by Maestro Kenneth Bean, is a beginning to intermediate-level full symphonic orchestra that provides most students with their first introduction to large orchestral playing featuring students age 10-17 years old.

Bravo Brass, directed by Curtis Institute Dean of Faculty and Students, Paul Bryan, is an all brass ensemble for promising middle and high-school instrumentalists.

PRYSM (Philadelphia Region Youth String Music) and PRYSM Young Artists ensembles provide string large ensemble and sectional master class instruction for beginning and intermediate musicians ages 6-14. The director and conductor of PRYSM is Gloria DePasquale, cellist with The Philadelphia Orchestra, and conductor of PRYSM Young Artists is Andrea Weber.

Tune Up Philly (TUP) is PYO’s engagement program, directed by Paul Smith, that focuses on creating and inspiring true community by providing children in under-resourced communities with invaluable opportunities to learn and perform a differentiated orchestral music curriculum.

Some 2019 Oscar Images Will Linger . . .

 Like this one, for example.

His Life And Words Continue To Inspire Us!

Saint's New Tomb Will Become Official Shrine

Reverend G. Dennis Gill, Rector of the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, will announce that the newly constructed tomb of Saint Katharine Drexel, now located at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, will become an Archdiocesan shrine.  

In addition, he will announce the date of an upcoming new documentary on the life and work of Saint Katharine Drexel as well as details regarding the feast day Mass to be celebrated at the Cathedral on Sunday, March 3, 2019. 

A generous grant from the Connelly Foundation underwrote tomb construction as well as a new documentary, website, and education programs about Saint Katharine Drexel. 

Thursday, February 28, 2019
2:00 p.m.
Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul
18th Street and the Benjamin Franklin Parkway
Philadelphia, PA 19103

At that time, Father Gill will also provide details regarding the launch of a new website and an educational curriculum being implemented in Catholic schools and religious education programs.

Background on Saint Katharine Drexel

Saint Katharine Drexel was canonized on October 1, 2000. She is the second American-born person ever to be canonized.  Born into tremendous wealth as part of the Drexel family, she gave up her life of privilege to found the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament in 1891.   She dedicated her life to serve the needs of African Americans and Native Americans, and inspired so many women, who joined the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, to follow her example.

NJGOP Confab: Seven More Suggestions . . .

Our urgent manifesto for the New Jersey Republican Party attracted so much traffic here and generated so much positive feedback that we feel compelled to elaborate and expand on it.
So, in addition to the five big observations we'e already made, here are some more. And, since we're doing this as a runup to NJGOP Leadership Summit in Atlantic City this weekend, we've chosen the lucky number of seven this go-round:

1) Shock is currency.
If you think nothing is shocking anymore, you're wrong.  There's still such a thing as shock value. But since what's shocking now lasts but a nanosecond (before we're on to the next bit of outrageousness) it's best to use shock value mostly to gain the attention. And gaining voters' attention in the first place is something New Jersey Republicans haven't been very good at. After all, you can't be dull and shocking at the same time. But wouldn't it be refreshing if we interjected an unsettling jolt of shock and surprise into a campaign, if only to completely unhinge our opponents? It's worth a try!

2) TV doesn't matter.
It's the oldest rule in modern New Jersey politics: ya gotta buy tons of TV up and down the state to make any impact at all. And ya gotta spend plenty of money in expensive New York and Philly markets to do it, too. But conventional TV no longer has the impact it once had. And, when you buy it you're still getting thrown in with all those ads for a plethora of out of state candidates. So, it's time to chuck the old media buy plan and come up with a new formula -- one that recognizes the power of cyber reach. More and more, people don't watch what they watch and hear what they hear on the big, clunky TV screen. Instead, they're gathering it on demand on their own personal devices or in other ways. Deconstruct and reconstruct!

3) A plan is not a scam.
If national Republicans had presented an alternative plan that confronted Obamacare head-on, they might ave actually torpedoed Obamacare. But they never offered a clear, simple, cohesive plan of their own. You can't defeat something with nothing. When Christie Whitman sought the Governorship, she offered a clear, direct answer to New Jersey's tax and spend mania -- one that would reduce the state income tax. And, when elected, she carried out her plan. She dared to show her hand -- to give voters a roadmap that they could understand. Today, the New Jersey Republican Party must again offer the voters a clear, simple plan -- this time to reduce onerous property taxes and address the issue of affordability.

4) Slogans stick.
I know someone who came up with a simple, four-word slogan that captivated the nation. People mocked the slogan. They belittled it. And self-appointed sophisticates dismissed it out of hand. But the slogan worked. And, not only did it stick but it triggered the greatest political upset in a  generation. What's more, the slogan remains very effective. All of this also proves that you don't need high-priced consultants and Gucci-soled experts to create a winning campaign tagline. You just need a few clear, simple, powerful words that telegraph your goal -- words that make people want to join your team. Is this too much to ask of the Nw Jersey Republican Party? Is it?

5) Be THE special interest.
Aren't you weary of all the special interests that lobby Trenton and effectively manipulate and ultimately control our state government? Hey, taxpayers are on to this. They know what's going on. They understand that while they're working long hours to try to afford to live in this most densely populated state, pressure groups with fancy names are eating their lunch in the state capital. It's time the left-out people (the forgotten people) became the special interest -- the only special interest. The New Jersey Republican Party must turn its back on the takers and champion the makers -- the ordinary, everyday, hard-working taxpayers of the state -- the ones who pay the bills. This must be the singular, relentless focus of the NJGOP.

6) Small is the new big.
In just a day or two after he announced his latest run for the presidency Bernie Sanders raised more than six million dollars in mostly small contributions that flooded in via the internet. Think about the power of this. Think about it! The NJGOP could do this if they're willing to make some of the changes we've recommended. This would not only be hugely participatory and dramatic but it would help to free the state GOP from the clutches of all those Fat Cats -- especially the ones who love to pay to play. Would the state Republican Party be willing to go this route? Would they take this chance? Would they really begin to eschew every suit with loot and the strings that are attached? Go on, ask them. Dare them!

7) Pop culture counts.
The Republican Party is unlikely to win the favor of the media or academia or those who control the popular culture. But that doesn't mean these critical sectors should be ignored. Particularly in the case of the popular culture, the GOP needs to not only pay attention to current personalities, tastes and trends but it needs to speak in the same language, steal some ideas and attract at least a few key pop culture figures to its side. Most of all, it needs to show that it understands the power of pop culture and is willing to use it to attract attention and motivate people to advance its cause.

One final thought: We make these recommendation for one reason and one reason only -- the hour is late and we want to save our state before we're forced to leave like so many others. Most of all, as practical, small-government, common sense, conservative Republicans, we want to win!

Video: Oscars Remembers Those Who Are Gone

Nicely done. But who's idea was it to snub Carol Channing?

Oscar Shocker! Here's The Complete List . . .

Everybody thought it would be ROMA. But they were wrong and the surprise winner last night was GREEN BOOK.
And another surprise: Glenn Close was once again denied the Best Actress award. That went to Olivia Colman for The Favourite.

Here is the full list of 2019’s Academy Award winners:

Documentary (Feature) — Jimmy Chin and Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, Free Solo

Actress in a Supporting Role — Regina King, If Beale Street Could Talk

Makeup and Hairstyling — Greg Cannom, Kate Biscoe, and Patricia Dehaney, Vice

Costume Design — Ruth E. Carter, Black Panther

Production Design — Hannah Beachler and Jay Hart, Black Panther

Cinematography — Alfonso Cuarón, Roma

Sound Editing — John Warhurst, Bohemian Rhapsody

Sound Mixing — Paul Massey, Tim Cavagin, and John Casali, Bohemian Rhapsody

Foreign Language Film — Alfonso Cuarón, Roma

Film Editing — John Ottman, Bohemian Rhapsody

Actor in a Supporting Role — Mahershala Ali, Green Book

Animated Feature Film — Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Bob Persichetti, Peter Ramsey, Rodney Rothman

Animated Short Film — Domee Shi, Bao

Documentary Short Subject — Rayka Zehtabchi and Melissa Berton, Period. End of Sentence.

Visual Effects — Paul Lambert, Ian Hunter, Tristan Myles and J.D. Schwalm, First Man

Live Action Short Film — Guy Nattiv and Jamie Ray Newman, Skin

Best Original Screenplay — Nick Vallelonga, Brian Currie, Peter Farrelly, Green Book

Best Adapted Screenplay — Spike Lee, Sean McKittrick, Jason Blum, Raymond Mansfield, Jordan Peele, BlacKkKlansman

Original Score — Ludwig Goransson, Black Panther

Original Song — Lady Gaga, Mark Ronson, Anthony Rossomando, and Andrew Wyatt, “Shallow,” A Star Is Born

Best Actor in a Leading Role — Rami Malek, Bohemian Rhapsody

Best Actress in a Leading Role — Olivia Colman, The Favourite

Best Director — Alfonso Cuarón, Roma

Best Picture — Green Book