Tuesday, August 31, 2021

There's Just No Other Way To Depict It . . .


'An Ultimate Betrayal' Of Those Stranded


Just Think About This For Awhile . . .


So, The Taliban Are Our Friends, Or What?

Absolutely Reprehensible And Disgraceful!


Biden 'Approval' Number Hits Another Low!

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows that 44% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Fifty-four percent (54%) disapprove. Biden's numbers have been steadily decreasing since the Afghanistan fiasco.

The latest figures include 25% who strongly approve of the job Biden is doing and 45% who strongly disapprove. This gives him a presidential approval index rating of negative 20. Not good! BTW: The 44% approval figure is the lowest number of Biden's presidency so far. 

Monday, August 30, 2021

High Level Military Demand Resignations!


Bungling Biden Calls Black Advisor 'Boy'

What's Happening To The AMERICAN Dream?


Remembering These Brave Fallen Heroes!


Voters Turn Against Biden; Give Him 'Poor' Grade

Voters have turned sharply against President Joe Biden
on his handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal, and most believe that hundreds of Americans will be left behind after the August 31 deadline.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that only 32% of likely U.S. voters rate the Biden administration’s handling of the current situation in Afghanistan good or excellent, while 52% rate it poor. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Fifty percent (50%) of voters say Biden’s determination to withdraw all U.S. military forces from Afghanistan by Tuesday’s deadline is a bad decision, while just 34% think it’s a good decision and another 16% are not sure. This marks a drastic decline in support for Biden’s Afghanistan policy.

Pray For Their Families; Remember Them Always!


VIDEO: 2021 Philly Naked Bike Ride!

Come Sail with The Philly Captain as he watches and rides in the PHILADELPHIA NAKED BIKE RIDE. The Naked Bike ride is an annual event Thousands of bicyclists dared to be bare for the city’s annual nude ride promoting positive body image, cycling advocacy and fuel conservation. The annual ride featured people sporting underwear, body paint, glitter or nothing at all. Some riders concerned about being recognized by their parents or co-workers wore masks while others wore just their shoes……just a heads up lots of nudity in this video. #nakedbike #Philly #phillycaptain Here is the link to the patreon page...... https://www.patreon.com/Thephillycaptain Buy A Phily Captain T shirt here https://www.redbubble.com/shop/philly... The Philly Captain's mailing address is P.O. Box 5989 Phila PA 19137 Want to see The Captain go to a spot or an event hit him up on his Facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/phillycaptai... Follow The Captain on Instagram here https://www.instagram.com/thephillyca... This is The Captain'sTwitter Jawn @philly_captain

The Photo That EVERYONE'S Talking About

 President Trump (left) and Biden at events honoring fallen US military. We'll just leave this here.

NJ State Offices Need To Reopen NOW!

New Jersey state Senator Kristin Corrado called on Governor Phil Murphy to reopen State government offices, including unemployment walk-in centers, immediately.

Sen. Kristin Corrado called on Gov. Phil Murphy to reopen State government offices, including unemployment walk-in centers, immediately. (©iStock)

“We’ve heard too many excuses from Governor Murphy for his refusal to reopen walk-in unemployment centers. October 18 is a month and a half away—that’s not good enough,” said Corrado (R-40). “My office continues to hear from hundreds of unemployed workers who can’t resolve their claims online or over the phone to get the benefits they’re owed. It’s unbelievable they still can’t walk into an unemployment center to quickly resolve whatever issues they’re having in a face-to-face conversation. Governor Murphy needs to reopen these walk-in centers and other public-facing offices immediately.”

Corrado has been pressing the Murphy Administration to reopen State government offices for several months. On April 26, 2021, Sens. Corrado and Weinberg called on the Department of Labor and the Murphy Administration to open unemployment offices for in-person sessions so unemployed workers could have their claims settled, particularly claims that have been flagged as fraudulent.

“Unemployment fraud is a serious problem and submitting identifying documents via the online portal is also not as easy as it should be. Sometimes, documents get rejected and people are redirected to start the process all over again,” added Corrado. “This is yet another reason why in-person service needs to resume right now. Much like the Motor Vehicle Commission, New Jerseyans should be able to walk into an unemployment office and simply present the appropriate documentation to prove their identity.”

On June 1, 2021, Corrado once again pressured the Murphy Administration by introducing legislation, S-3831, that required the State’s One-Stop Career Centers to reopen immediately and remain open to provide services to the public.

“These offices have an important role to play in supporting New Jersey’s economic recovery beyond helping resolve outstanding unemployment claims,” said Corrado. “We’ve heard repeatedly from employers that they’re having a hard time finding employees to fill all the jobs they’re creating as they attempt to reopen fully. Unfortunately, they’re getting no help from shuttered One-Stop Career Centers that should be open to help match job seekers with employment opportunities.”

“This far into the pandemic, hard-working New Jersey residents still cannot get their checks, cannot get answers, and cannot even speak in person with people who may be able to help,” added Corrado. “The Murphy Administration needs to reopen all State government offices now so that New Jerseyans can get the support they deserve.”

Why Nobody Misses The 70s . . . .


Sunday, August 29, 2021

It's Hard To Believe -- But Eminently True!


A facebook friend writes:

"In the first seven months of his Presidency, Obama gave 133 interviews, President Trump gave 55 and Joe has given nine. In at least the last two press conferences where he read every word, he admitted that he was 'instructed' on who to call on for questions.
Is this real? Is this actually happening? Are we actually witnessing this?"

Christie Nails It - AND Shows The Way Forward!

Sometimes we wonder what would have happened if Chris Christie had run for president in 2012 when so many people were calling for him to get into the race. It's all pure speculation now. But had Christie run and triumphed, things might be a lot different right now.
We think the world of Chris Christie. Always have. Probably always will. 
Time after time, he gets right to the point and provides a cogent, forthright assessment of things in an incisive manner that reaffirms our view of him as a exceptional leader.
Here's Christie's recent take on the Joe Biden Afghanistan debacle delivered on the Guy Benson radio show:
"This is an incompetent administration led by an incompetent president, supported by a marginalized and incompetent vice president and a staff that cares only about spreading liberalism throughout this country. And that’s it, Guy. There’s no other conclusion to come to. And really, in many respects, the country is going to turn out to have been fortunate that it’s been displayed this early in the Biden administration so we can begin to take much more aggressive steps against this administration with the midterms coming up in 2022.”

Oh, For A Moral Leader Like This Again!


Receiving Fallen Heroes, He CHECKS HIS WATCH!


Watch the clip. 
Indeed, he DOES check his watch. 
This man is so inappropriate -- such a demented old fool -- that it churns our stomach!

It's Worth Noting -- And Repeating!


Their Lives Had Only Just Begun . . .


Less Than Half View Fauci Favorably

Less than half of Americans now have a favorable opinion of Dr. Anthony Fauci, although most still want to follow the COVID-19 expert’s advice on dealing with the pandemic.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 44% of American adults have a favorable impression of Fauci, including 27% whose view of him is very favorable. Forty-two percent (42%) view Fauci unfavorably, including 29% whose opinion of him is very unfavorable. Fourteen percent (14%) are not sure. Note that more view Fauci as very unfavorable than those who view him as very favorable. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Names And Faces: Six More Who Perished

Friday, August 27, 2021

NJ Legislators Want Refugees Fully Vetted

Almost 10,000 Afghan refugees fleeing the turmoil in their homeland will be coming to New Jersey, and Senate Republicans are calling on New Jersey’s Department of Homeland Security and Preparedness to ensure they are thoroughly vetted.

In a letter to the director of New Jersey’s Homeland Security and Preparedness, Sens. Singer, Connors, Holzapfel, Thompson and O’Scanlon emphasized the need to vet and screen refugees coming to the state from Afghanistan. (Wikimedia Commons)

Senators Robert Singer, Chris Connors, Jim Holzapfel, Sam Thompson and Declan O’Scanlon today wrote to NJ Homeland Director Laurie R. Duran emphasizing the need to protect New Jersey residents from possible terrorists who may have circumvented checkpoints and federal screening on the ground in Kabul before boarding flights to Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst.

In the letter (click here for PDF), the Senators said: “Our nation made a commitment to our Afghan allies who supported U.S. troops while they were serving abroad, but we also have a commitment to maintaining the security of New Jerseyans here at home. You must fully vet all incoming refugees to ensure that potentially dangerous individuals didn’t try to take advantage of the chaos of President Biden’s evacuation from Afghanistan to infiltrate the United States.”

The full text of the letter is below:

Director Doran,

The first influx of an anticipated 10,000 Afghan refugees to New Jersey has already arrived, and soon these displaced individuals and families will be assimilating into our communities.

In light of the chaos surrounding the extraction of both American citizens and displaced Afghanis, and in your role as the Director of the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness, we are urging your office to mobilize immediately to conduct thorough security vetting of each and every refugee that cycles through the joint base and into New Jersey.

We have all viewed the disturbing scenes on the ground in Kabul. While federal officials are doing their best to screen refugees and conduct background checks, the process is fraught with complications due to the changing dynamics. Even under the best circumstances, no vetting system is flawless. Under the nightmarish conditions at the airport in Kabul, reliable vetting is almost impossible.

Our nation made a commitment to our Afghan allies who supported U.S. troops while they were serving abroad, but we also have a commitment to maintaining the security of New Jerseyans here at home. You must fully vet all incoming refugees to ensure that potentially dangerous individuals didn’t try to take advantage of the chaos of President Biden’s evacuation from Afghanistan to infiltrate the United States.

We are hopeful your office is prepared to complete the diligence required to safeguard our people, families and communities as we welcome new arrivals to our state.


Robert Singer
Senator, 30th District

Chris Connors
Senator, 9th District

James Holzapfel
Senator, 10th District

Sam Thompson
Senator, 12th District

Declan O’Scanlon
Senator, 13th District

Oh, Yeah - They're Speaking Out Loud 'N Clear!


Yet Another Hero Has Come To Be Known


Don't Ever, EVER Forget Them . . . .

A Total, Disastrous, Clueless Embarrassment!

How Biden abruptly ended his announcement yesterday that 13 of our military had been killed in Afghantistan on his watch:

“Listen, I gotta go. I seriously have a meeting I gotta get to"

The Facts Couldn't Be More Clear!


Anguish: They Were Real People With Real Lives!

President Trump Statement On Kabul Killings

Don't Miss Matt Rooney, Noon Today On 1210


Thursday, August 26, 2021

The Hours Is Late, America - VERY Late!


Sen. Blackburn: Biden, Others Need To Resign

Joe Must Go And We've Had Our Phil, Too!


A facebook friend writes: "The Executive Branch in DC is no different than the Executive Branch in NJ. Phil Murphy and Joe Biden share all of the same views and are equally unaccountable to the people they are supposed to serve."

Oh, To Turn The Clock Back To THIS!


Senator Hawley Calls On Biden To Resign

The Contrast Couldn't Be More Clear!


This Says Exactly What We're Thinking


Did YOU Vote For Him? It's On YOU Now!


Parnell: Biden Must Resign Or Be Removed!


Bartos: Biden Must Resign Or Be Removed

Pennsylvania Republican candidate for U.S. Senate Jeff Bartos issued a statement calling on Joe Biden to resign or be removed from office. Bartos' call comes in the wake of the death of at least 10 U.S. service members in what has become the deadliest day in Afghanistan for U.S. Troops since 2015. 

Bartos said: "How many more American lives will be lost before this President is held accountable?

Joe Biden has failed our troops. He has failed our country. Enough is enough. Joe Biden must resign or be removed from office." 

Reprehensible - Throw Them All Out NOW!


Biden Poll Numbers Hit New Low; Consumer Confidence Drops Again

The polls don't look good for Joe Biden and the numbers aren't improving. The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for today shows that just 44% of likely U.S. voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Fifty-five percent (55%) disapprove. That's a double-digit gap!

The latest figures include only 24% who strongly approve of the job Biden is doing and 45% who strongly disapprove. This gives him a dismal Presidential Approval Index rating of  negative 21. 

And there's more bad news for Biden & Co. Economic confidence fell again to 106.6 in this month’s Rasmussen Reports Economic Index, down more than two points from last month, the third consecutive monthly decline.

Enthusiasm about the economy surged under former President Trump, reaching as high as 147.8 in January 2020.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Murphy Blasted For Imperious Natural Gas Ban!

New Jersey state Senator Anthony Bucco said Governor Phil Murphy should rethink his plan to prohibit newly constructed homes and businesses from having access to affordable and reliable natural gas.

Sen. Anthony Bucco said Gov. Phil Murphy should rethink his plan to prohibit newly constructed homes and businesses from having access to affordable and reliable natural gas. (Flickr)

“Governor Murphy’s new Energy Master Plan acknowledges that 75% of existing residences in the state are heated with natural gas,” said Bucco (R-25). “That so many New Jersey families currently depend on natural gas is not a coincidence. It’s affordable, reliable for heating and cooking, and dependable for emergency standby power generation when electric lines are knocked out during storms like Sandy.”

Bucco said maintaining natural gas systems provides a critical level of redundancy in emergency situations when electric-grid power is unavailable.

“People deserve to make choices about what level of risk they are willing to take with their own homes,” said Bucco. “While some people may place greater value on the environmental benefits of using fully electric appliances, others have legitimate concerns about losing the ability that is provided by natural gas to heat their homes, cook food, or run a standby generator to power a sump pump or refrigerator when the power goes out. A one-size-fits-all approach shouldn’t be forced on everyone.”

Bucco also noted that removing natural gas connections as an option for new construction could lead to dramatically higher energy prices for consumers.

“Some experts have said that the governor’s plan to force consumers to use electric appliances could double or triple their energy bills,” added Bucco. “When so many middle-class families and small businesses are already struggling to survive, Governor Murphy shouldn’t be working to drive their utility bills through the roof. It’s a hidden energy tax that New Jersey just can’t afford.”

An Incredible Moment In History!

H/T: Library of Congress

NJ Dems Pull Another Stunt; Block GOP Senator

New Jersey state Senate Republican Whip Joe Pennacchio released the following statement on the swearing-in Monday of Vincent Polistina, replacing former Senator Chris Brown who stepped down to accept a job in the Murphy Administration:

Senator Joe Pennacchio today called on Legislative leaders to recognized Vincent Polistina as the Senator of the 2nd Legislative District so he can work on behalf of his constituents. (SenateNJ.com)

“Senator Polistina should be rightfully recognized as the representative of the residents of the 2nd Legislative District. To the extent that some may have concerns regarding the legitimacy of the swearing in, it’s important to acknowledge there are remedies. We don’t have to bring everyone back to Trenton for a swearing in. The Senate can quorum remotely, and Polistina can take the oath anywhere, any time.

“There was a similar vacancy in the Assembly recently. A new Assemblywoman took the oath on a day without a quorum. It appears Democrat leadership understood the importance of maintaining the continuity of district offices and constituent services and administered the oath so she could get to work on behalf of the residents. When the Legislature reconvened in May, she was formally sworn in.

“The only reason to deny Polistina and the residents of the 2nd District the same opportunity may boil down to nothing more than partisan politics.

“The residents of the district deserve to have Senate representation, especially now during the health emergency declared by the Governor. People need someone fighting for them, to help take care of the mess the administration has caused with unemployment, motor vehicles, and the handling of the pandemic. They can’t afford to wait three long months for help.

“It is shameful that politics continues to rear its ugly head during this emergency. It’s time to put the petty, partisan politics aside and do what’s right for the residents of the 2nd District.” 

Just Another One Of Murphy's Shell Games


Now, Officially The SURRENDERER-In-Chief!


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

That One Time Obama Was Right . . .


Congressman: 'Blood' On Biden's Hands!


He Ought To Be Ashamed Of Himself . . .


. . . . But he has no shame!

Biden Poll Numbers Hit Lowest Level Yet!

President Biden's approval rating has dropped to 41 percent in light of the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan, a USA Today-Suffolk University poll found. 
According to the survey results, 55 percent of those surveyed disapproved of Biden's job in office. That's a net approval rating of -14.
A similar result is found in the usually reliable Rasmussen Poll out today. Rasmussen shows that 44% of likely U.S. voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Fifty-five percent (55%) disapprove.

The latest figures include 26% who strongly approve of the job Biden is doing and 47% who strongly disapprove. This gives him a net presidential approval index rating of -21.

And there's more bad news for Biden. A new Rasmussen national telephone and online survey finds that 59% of likely U.S. voters believe the Biden administration is not doing enough to evacuate Americans from Afghanistan. Twenty-eight percent (28%) say the Biden administration is doing enough to rescue Americans. Thirteen percent (13%) are not sure. That translates into a net approval rating of -31.

Monday, August 23, 2021

What The Hell Happened To Garden State Park?

This central plaza at Garden State Park, featuring park benches and a fountain, was a reasonably inviting area where shoppers and diners could relax and take a break from the hustle and bustle of the sprawling complex. It will soon be ripped up and become a two-way street leading to more apartments and a hotel.

When Garden State Park closed in 2001, Cherry Hill was given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
One of the most valuable pieces of property (perhaps the most valuable) in the entire region was up for grabs and open to development. Bounded by Route 70, Haddonfield Road and Chapel Avenue, it literally defined what came to be known as the Golden Triangle, the gateway area that spread its wings to include the Cherry Hill Mall and a myriad of shopping, dining, commercial and business destinations leading to Moorestown, Evesham, Mount Laurel and Voorhees. 
But forget about those other towns for a moment. 
Because the availability of this substantial piece of property gave Cherry Hill a chance to gain something that it never had and something that it longed for -- a downtown with a Main Street and livable surroundings incorporating a sensible balance of public and commercial space designed on a human scale that would perhaps even include recreational, cultural and artistic opportunities. And all this would be in one place on an exquisite piece of property close to everything. 
The possibilities were nothing short of breathtaking. Susan Bass Levin (who was then Mayor of Cherry Hill) shared this vision of a new Town Center but realized the dream would take many years to come to fruition. As it was, Levin (who had already served several terms as mayor) moved on to become New Jersey's Commissioner of Community Affairs.
Along the way, real estate interests, planners, developers and others moved in to demolish what was left of the old race track and redevelop this invaluable parcel. And, good intentions or not, the grand concept was, bit by bit and year by year chipped away by zoners, planners and seemingly benign public officials. Today, we're left with what it has become -- a bunch of big box stores, glorified strip malls, parking lots, uninspired apartment buildings, track townhouses and condos all pretty much abutting one another and thrown together without any pleasing, clearly discernible sense of space or scale.
Take a drive through the complex and you will see what we mean. Just as it seems you're entering a quiet residential area you'll be confronted with a humongous Costco or a Trader Joe's or a Home Goods. In fact, the Trader Joe's, Home Goods and TJ Maxx (along with a Shake Shack) were plopped down in an area that had originally been set aside for residential units. And many residents most impacted by the change were never individually notified about the plans. But it hasn't ended there. Now,  the only reasonably welcoming public plaza in the complex (along with park benches and a fountain) will be ripped up and become a through street leading to more apartments (alongside an Old Navy store) and a promised hotel with a rooftop bar. And this will send a big slash of traffic right through the center of everything.
And all this has been approved, over the years, by Cherry Hill Township's various zoning, planning and governing boards which are all under the control of one political party for the past 40 years. Furthermore, here's one of the saddest things: the property developers (Edgewood and JMP Holdings) are stealing stores from the nearby Cherry Hill Mall which has long been the jewel in Cherry Hill's crown. So, it's not even like they're bringing in that much that is new or innovative and they're leaving the mall to scamper for replacements at a time when shopping malls are struggling. 
There is no park within Garden State Park. There are no passive recreation areas. A promised trackless trolley never materialized. There's no connection to NJ Transit's nearby train station.  There are no cultural offerings -- no band shell or amphitheater. A planned police substation was scrapped. And it's not terribly pedestrian friendly. It's just mostly more stores, streets, traffic and multi-level housing.
Now, the Mayor and members of Township Council boast about all the new tax retables coming into the town and its impact on the town's coffers -- all this while surpluses keep climbing. But what good is it if dreary suburban sprawl continues to triumph even over the last best hope for some semblance of common sense?

The Rules Are For You - But NOT For Her!


New Jersey: Why Do You Keep Voting For THIS?


Yes, Some Of Us Remember - Fondly!


They're Popping Up All Over The Place